Chapter 29: Payback Matches Being Made

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My promo last night was moved to tonight on Smackdown because of what happened with Paige, Dean, and I. The three of us have already talked to Stephanie and Hunter about the situation. It's not gonna become a storyline, thank goodness.

"Roman brought up about getting The Shield back together," Dean brings up while we sit on the couch watching Ghost Adventures on Netflix. Yes, I admit I have an obsession over Ghost Adventures so get over it!

"Seriously? Like you and Seth would ever work together again,"

"Not with Seth though," I look at him and raise an eyebrow in curiosity.

"What do you mean not with Seth? How else would you bring back The Shield?"

"With a certain diva instead of Seth," I jump up in excitement and Dean starts to laugh.

"Are you talking about...?"

"Yes, you," I jump up and cheer. "Don't get too excited. Roman and I agreed to wait till it's the right time,"

"I still get to become part of the new version of The Shield!" I squeal.

"That's if everything goes good,"

"I hope it does. Anyways, I need an idea for my promo with Paige tonight," I have been thinking all day but can't come up with one idea.

"Why don't you just ask her for a match at Payback?" Dean says like it's the obvious choice.

"I don't want just a normal match at Payback though. I want something that could change how the WWE looks at divas. I'm tired of WWE looking at divas like they can't have the same type of matches,"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I want the divas to be able to have Extreme Rules match, Chicago Street Fight match, Hell In A Cell match, I want us to be able to have matches like those,"

"You know you'll never will be able to get Vince or Stephanie to agree to that,"

"Then I guess I'll have to do it myself,"


I get myself pumped up for my promo with Paige. I'm still not sure what I'm going to say but I'll just have to see what comes flying out of my mouth.

My music blares and I skip down the ramp and into the ring. I get handed a mic and start to talk.

"Hello WWE universe!" I exclaim and the crowd cheers. "As you all know. I have returned and I'm ready to go after the divas championship. But first, I wanna settle something with my former tag team partner, Paige," Paige's music hits and she walks out holding hands with Dean. Except Dean is trying to rip his hands away from hers but she won't let him. I feel a sharp pain in my chest.

He doesn't like her.

I remind myself but I can't help feeling jealous an angry. As soon as they get into the ring Dean comes over to me and puts his hand around my waist leaving Paige alone on the other side of the ring. I look at him and smile then flash an evil grin at Paige.

"What the hell do you want Milly?" Paige asks me. I'm taken aback by her annoyed tone.

"I want revenge for you kissing Dean on RAW,"

"Okay? Your point?"

"My point is I want a match against you at Payback for my revenge,"

"Okay," Paige says like it's no problem.

"But there's a catch," I wait to see if Paige has anything to say but she keeps her mouth shut. "It's a Chicago Street Fight match with the PTO banned! If you don't accept my offer I won't be your tag team partner anymore and I'll make your life here a living hell," Paige glares at me then puts on her thinking face. She sighs then gets ready to talk but gets interrupted by Stephanie's music.

"Milly, I don't know who you think you are but you can't just make up your own matches let alone a Chicago Street Fight match. I will let you have your match with the PTO banned. That's if Paige agrees to it," I decide to just stick with that. I guess I was asking a little too much. But that doesn't change my plan.

"Fine, I'll give you your revenge match. But until the bell rings signaling the match is over we are not friends!" Paige throws the mic on the ground and walks up the ramp. Stephanie gives me one more glare then walks up after Paige.

"I hope you know I'm not holding back Sunday," Paige informs me as soon as Dean and I walk back through the curtain.

"I don't expect you to,"

"I'm not gonna be sorry if I hurt you to where your out for a couple months,"

"I get it Paige! You don't have to say 'I'm gonna try to destroy you' in twenty different ways!" I shout and walk to catering with Dean.

"Are you nervous for you Fatal Four Way match?" I ask Dean as we sit down at a table.

"No, I have Roman to be allies with until it's time for us to go at it,"

"This better not destroy your friendship with him. I will kill you if it does," Dean chuckles then stops once he sees I'm not playing around.

"It won't," He assures me and I nod.

"I'm nervous for my match," I admit more to myself then Dean.


"Because I'm afraid Paige and I won't be able to be friends after it. Heck, I don't even know if I still wanna be friends with her knowing she's after you. Friends don't do that," I mumble the last sentence.

"Maybe you guys aren't meant to be friends," I think about what Dean said. It does make sense but Paige and I have been through so much together I don't get why she would just turn her back on me like that.

"You're probably right. I'll ask AJ if I can stay with her until Paige and I have settle whatever this is,"

"Sounds like a good plan," Dean smiles at me and I smile back at him. But then the thought hits me that Paige could take him away from me. I know Dean wouldn't do that to me but I can't get that thought out of my mind.

And it stays in my mind for the rest of the night.

Ugh!!! Seth is still the WWE champion sadly... Anyways, enjoy the chapter and please vote if you liked it!

Payback is next chapter!


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