Chapter 20: A Night At The Club That Goes Straight To Hell

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Paige and I got all glamoured up to go to the club tonight. I learned that the name of the club is, Big Boys. Who names a club Big Boys? I chuckle to myself and Paige gives me a questioning look but I just shake my head.

Paige and I are both in black except I'm wearing a knee high strapless dress and she is wearing a black crop top with a black skirt.

"Paige, are you sure this is a good idea? I mean, what are we going to do when-"

"Milly, calm down! We will be fine and I won't let you cheat on Dean. Trust me, this night won't go plummeting to hell!" She interrupts me and I give her a weary look. I grab my purse and make sure I have my phone, money, and pepper spray. Who knows, it might come in handy.

We walk in and there are sweaty bodies grinding and dancing against each other holding their drinks in the air.

"Paige, are you sure this is such a good idea?" I ask her and she rolls her eyes.

"Stop being such a baby! Just have a couple drinks, let loose, and have fun!" She exclaims.

"Fun to me is being at home while watching tv and cuddling with Dean. Not being stuck at a bar that's filled with disgusting human beings," I grumble. She rolls here eyes and orders each of us a sour cherry vodka shot.

An hour later I can feel the buzz of the alcohol in my veins. I'm definitely on the verge of being full out drunk.

Paige pulls me to the dance floor and we dance the night away. Someone comes up behind me and grabs my hips and starts to grind on me. Without thinking I go along and rub against him. I look around but don't see Paige in sight.

I turn around and suddenly lips come crashing onto mine. I try to pull away but the person is stronger than me keeping me in place.

Why is some stranger stronger than me? I'm a WWE diva for goodness sakes!

They pull away and my eyes go wide at who I see. No wonder he was stronger than me. He's a WWE superstar.

"Seth, what in the hell are you doing?"

"Making you change your mind. Milly, I can't stop thinking about you! Do you know how long I've wanted your lips on mine? I couldn't wait to kiss you again at Smackdown or RAW. I want you to be mine again, Milly," Seth says sincerely and grabs my hands in his. I jerk my hands away and back up a little.

"You're such a selfish prick! I'm happy with Dean and now you just made me cheat on him!" I shout. Tears are threatening to spill but I keep them in.

"Technically you didn't cheat on him since I kissed you," He pipes in which just pisses me off even more.

"YOU STILL KISSED ME WHEN I'M IN A PERFECTLY HAPPY RELATIONSHIP!" I scream. No one is paying attention since they are all drunk. I look for signs to see if Seth is possibly drunk but he looks completely sober.


"Don't call me that!" I interrupt. "Never call me that. I don't want to see your face around me anywhere other than in the ring," I say in a low calm voice. I speed walk towards the door when suddenly I'm being pulled away and another persons' lips are on mine.

"What the hell!" I shout and pull away. If my night could get any worse, it just did. Now Randy is the one who had kissed me.

"Looks like you got three superstars after ya now sweetheart," He has a smile plastered on his face. I'm very tempted to slap it off.

"No, I have a boyfriend and two guys who don't know when to stop ruining my relationship," I run out of the building just to find Paige making out with some guy right outside the door.

"Come on Paige! We need to leave," I grab her arm and pull her away.

"Why? Didn't I tell you to just have fun Milly?"

"I'll walk home myself," I growl and run to the hotel. I rush up into my suite and burst into tears as soon as I shut the door.

"Milly?" I hear someone whisper. I look up and see Dean.

"Dean," I say out of shock. What was he even doing here?

"What the hell happened?" He asks wiping the tears away with his thumb. You need to tell him before you lose him!

"I was dancing and I turned around and someone kissed me-"

"WHAT! Who the fuck did it?" Dean interrupted me.

"Seth but-"

"But what?" He interrupted me again.

"I went to leave and right as I was going to walk out the door someone pulled me to the side and kissed me and it was Randy and then I ran here," Dean looked like he was about to rip someone's head off. I mean, I don't blame him. His girlfriend just told him she got kissed twice by two different guys in the same night.

"I'll be back," Dean growled and slammed the door shut. After that I laid down in bed and cried myself to sleep.


I wake up to someone banging against the door. I walk out into the living room and see Paige's body laying on the couch.

"Milly!" Dean yelled from the other side of the door. I stopped in my tracks. He's either drunk and his knuckles are bruised or he's completely sober. I really hope he's sober. I slowly open the door and he barges in.

"Dean, it's four in the morning. What are you doing here?" I ask in a tired voice.

"You're a fucking liar!" He says and I furrow my eyebrows.

"What are you talking about?" By the way he's slurring his words together, I can tell he's drunk.

"You let them kissed you! I talked to both of them and you let them!" He roared. I looked over at Paige who was now awake and looking at us with confusion. I looked down at Dean's knuckles and sure enough, they were black and blue. That's when I noticed the cuts on his face.

"Dean can we talk about this when you're sober?" I asked trying to make him go away. I couldn't deal with this at four in the morning.

"I AM FUCKING SOBER! You did kiss them didn't you? That's why you don't wanna talk!" He shouts.

"NO! I can smell the alcohol on you an-"

"WE ARE DONE! Over! You wanna go around and be a fucking whore then be my guest! Don't come back crawling to me when no one wants you slutty ass!" I look at Dean in disbelief and tears start streaming down my face like Niagara falls.

"Dean, please don't say that," I whisper.

"Goodbye, bitch," Dean slams the door shut behind him and I turn to Paige who's mouth is wide open in shock.

I run back to my bed and cry myself asleep for the second time that night.
To add some entertainment to your day this morning I fell up the stairs... Yes, it did hurt and I have a bruise on my arm from it. Hope you like this chapter my fellow lunatics!


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