Chapter 25: It Just Isn't The Same

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Dean's POV:
Three months later:

It's been three months since Milly left and I'm going fucking crazy. It kills me everyday that she left because of all the shit I put her through and for what? To make her jealous? I feel completely awful. Every RAW and Smackdown I wait for her to make her grand return but so far I've been devastated.

I get out of bed and take a quick shower before going downstairs to get some breakfast. As soon as I get down there I wish I had just ordered room service like I was thinking about doing.

"What do you want?" I growl at Lilly. She attaches to my side and caresses my arm.

"Oh Deanie. She let you go so why don't you stop chasing after her and come back to me. We can have fun like we did in high school,"

"Fuck off! I'm the one who messed up and I'm going to do anything to get her back!" I find myself raising my voice at her already. I look around and find a couple people watching.

"Do you really want her Dean?"

"Yes! Why can't you see I'm done with you!" I exclaim and storm out of the room. I go back to my suite and order room service.


"Ready to interrupt Rollin's promo?" Roman asks me as we wait outside the curtain.

"I'm not interrupting him unless he starts talking shit about Milly,"

"Hey boys," I take in a deep breathe and turn around to Seth and his little munchkins from the Wizard Of Oz.

"Why couldn't you just leave her alone!" I shouted. Roman held me back and Seth stood there in amusement.

"I don't know what you're talking about Dean. I mean, you're the one who messed up right?" He walks by and down the ramp as his music blasts though the arena.

"I'm gonna fucking kill that piece of shit. He just can't live without messing everything the fuck up," I grumble.

"I swear to god if Seth says something about Milly I'm going to go out there and kill him in front of the WWE universe," I look beside me and Paige is staring at the tv screen.

"Already on it," I mumble back. Seth starts to talk and I listen to each word carefully.

"Now we all know Milly and I had a thing going on. But since she his blaming me of stripping her from her title that little thing is over now. Not to mention she punched me and did the Weeping Willow on Jamie and Joey. She got what she deserved and when she's off of suspension she will come crawling back to The Authority for forgiveness," Seth chuckles to himself and that's my signal.

"Play my fucking music," I growl and the man nods. I grab a mic and make my way down to the ring.

"You really think Milly would do that Seth?"

"Uh yeah. She's gonna realize how stupid she was to go against The Authority,"

"Are you sure you don't think that you're being a selfish douche bag? Because Seth you do that all the time,"

"I do not! I do what's best for business and don't forget you're talking to the future of the WWE and that the future is now!"

"The only thing you are... is a piece of shit that can't win a fight without The Authority's help. You're like the Bella twins. Need two Bella's to win a match," Seth was getting ready to speak again when the Bella's music played.


"What's this I hear about needing two Bella's to win a match?" Nikki asks after she climbs into the ring with her title hung over her shoulder.

"Come in Nikki, we all know and see you guys do cheap shots on each other's opponents,"

"Well I beat Milly for the divas title without Brie helping me," Once Nikki stops talking Kane's music hits and he walks out to the ring in his tux with a microphone.

"Now everyone calm down. I'm gonna settle this before it's gets too outa hand. We will have Seth and Dean go against each other tonight for main event. But the WWE universe will be able to vote to see what type of match you two will have,"

"What? Are you kidding me Kane? You're the Director of Operations! You're suppose to be doing what's best for business!" Seth shouts and I stand back watching the drama unfold in front of me.

"Oh, I am Seth. The match choices will be a special referee match with me as the referee or a mixed gender match with Nikki Bella as Seth's partner and whatever diva Dean can get to partner up with him," The crowd cheers loudly obviously wanting the mixed gender match.

"That's fine with me. I'll find one of the toughest divas out there. Not a weak ass diva like Rollins has," I drop my mic and walk out of the ring and up the ramp with my music blaring.

I'm already getting my hopes up that this is a sign that Milly is coming back tonight. I know I probably shouldn't but I can't help it. She's been gone for over three months and hasn't texted or called me once. My feelings still haven't changed for her. If anything they have gotten stronger.

I decide to get up and go hang out with Roman until my match. I stop each diva I see and asking her to be my partner but each one rejects me.

My music blares and I walk down the ramp staring down Seth the whole way. I climb into the ring and Kane starts talking.

"We asked the WWE universe what match they wanted to see. A special referee match with me as the referee or a mixed gender match with Nikki Bella as Seth's partner and whatever diva that is willing to be Dean's partner. Now let's see what you guys picked," Everyone turned their attention to the screen.

Special referee match- 25%
Mixed Gender Match- 75%

"This match will be a mixed gender match!" Kane announces and the crowd cheers. Nikki's music hits and she walks down the ramp holding up the title while Brie is holding one finger up saying they are number one.

"Now if there's a diva willing to be the lunatic fringe's partner come on out," Kane says. We wait for a good thirty seconds before music hits. It's either Paige or Milly because the first five seconds of there music is the same. If it's not Milly I'll be crushed but if it is her I will be so happy it's unexplainable.

I take a deep breath and look up.
Hey lunatics! Thanks to the people who actually read my author notes instead of skipping over them. Enjoy this chapter my fellow lunatics!


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