Chapter 23: Goodbye... For Now

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I decided last night after I got home from Extreme Rules that I wouldn't be sad about losing my title or about Dean. I'm going to start fresh and be a new person and act like nothing ever happened.

"Why are you so happy?" Paige asks me when I came out of the kitchen with my I Can Kick Your Ass coffee mug and a smile plastered on my face.

"I'm not going to be sad about anything that has happened the past few days. I'm gonna pretend nothing ever happened and be a brand new Milly," I say proudly.

"Looks like the past couple events have broke you," She says and I roll my eyes.

"No, I'm just sick of being depressed and I just wanna start fresh,"

"How are you going to do that tonight at RAW?" I really haven't thought that far yet. Maybe this whole starting fresh thing won't work out after all.

"I don't know Paige! I just wanna stop being sad! Losing my title last night made this week even worst. I don't know what to do anymore," My hand shoots to the top of my head and tug on my hair a little bit.

"Come here babe!" Paige exclaims and holds out her arms. I sit down on the couch next to her and fall into her arms.

"I think I'm gonna ask Stephanie if I can take a vacation. Go home for two weeks or maybe a month. Clear my head," I mention and Paige releases me, staring at me like she has seen Casper the friendly ghost.

"What? You can't! We aren't just partners for WWE Milly... you're my sister also. I'll help you through this but if you really think you should leave for a while then I won't stop you,"

"I think it's what's best for me. I'll be back before you know it though. Plus I don't even know if Stephanie and Triple H will let me,"

"They will. They always let divas who have just lost their title take a vacation for a couple months. I just hope your not gone for six months or something," Paige frowns and I find my self starting to get emotional.

"I doubt I'll be gone for that long. I promise my fellow crazy ass bitch," I joke and we both laugh followed by a hug.

"Let's go get ready for Smackdown," Paige suggests and we do just that.


I walk up to the door of The Authority's office. Well, I guess I don't have to call them that since we aren't on camera. Now it's just the boss's office.

"Come in," I hear Triple H say and I oblige. "Please sit," He gestures towards a chair in front of the desk. I sit down and cross my legs to be more lady like. I never know who I'm gonna find whenever I come to this office. "Now, what can I help you with Milly?"

"Since I have just lost my title I was wondering if I could take some time off to refresh my head and all,"

"This works perfectly with what our game plan for tonight is. I was gonna call you down here right as you knocked on the door to discuss it with you," I gesture for him to go on. "We were going to give you some time off but make it a bit more interesting. Since you turned your back on The Authority last night, Stephanie is going to come out a couple minutes after you interrupt Seth's promo at the beginning of Smackdown. You're going to rant and do your signature move on J&J like planned and then Stephanie will come out and do what's best for business,"

"Well, what is she going to do?" I ask waiting for the answer in anticipation.

"You'll find out tonight during the promo," He sits back and plasters a pleasing grin on his face.

"Well played," I say then dismiss myself and head to catering.

"So?" Paige asks once I sit down across from her at the small table.

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