Chapter 26: It's Not A Date We Are Just Friends

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Dean's POV:

I finally get the balls and look up to see if it's Milly strutting down the ramp. I'm filled with disappointment and anger that it's not her but Paige. I mean I do like Paige as a friend but I'd rather it be Milly making her grand entrance back but once again my wish is unfulfilled like it has been for the past three months. How long do girls need to clear their mind?

"Sorry it's me and not Milly," Paige says sympathetically and I just shrug getting back into character.

The bell rings and Paige and Nikki start off the match. Paige gets clothes lined by Nikki but immediately gets up and punches Nikki hard sending her to the ground. After a couple more punches Nikki slaps Paige and hurries over to Seth where Seth tags in forcing Paige to tag me in.

Seth and I have a stare off then lock up. He pushes me away with his foot but I charge after him with a wicked clothes line.

"Think again next time before you trash talk my girl," I whisper into his ear and his face turns red in anger.

"She isn't yours! You ruined that now it's my turn to make her feel loved!" Seth shouts and I almost burst out laughing that he could actually think Milly would give him another

"Like she would give you another chance," I growl and slam his head on the floor. I pull Seth up and deliver the Running Bulldog and Dirty Deeds. The ref counts to three and the bell rings.

"Your winners, Dean Ambrose and Paige!" Sasha announces and the ref raises our hands.


Paige's POV:
Five months later:

"Son of a bitch!" I scream and put my hand over my chest. I decided to have a marathon of scary movies and I'm currently watching The Conjuring.

"That fucking Annabelle doll is a creepy bitch," I say to myself. This is all I have been doing ever since Milly left five months ago. She wasn't suppose to be gone this long but I guess when you lose you championship and your boyfriend all within forty-eight hours it can take a toll on you.

"Don't call it creepy or she'll come for you," I jump off the couch and grab a glass cup that had been sitting on the table ready to throw it at the intruder.

"For fucks sakes Dean! What the hell are you and Roman doing here?" I look at the two immature laughing boys.

"We got bored and Dean insisted we come over and see if Milly has returned yet and you just weren't telling him," Roman rolls his eyes and Dean punches his arm.

"Well she's not back yet so you can leave now,"

"Make ourselves right at home? Okay," Dean sits down and puts his legs on me.

"Get the fuck off of me!" I shout.

"Hey, do you wanna go out tonight for dinner? Just as friends," Dean asks as him and Roman are leaving. I look over at Roman who isn't paying attention to Dean and I at all.

"As long as it's just friends. I don't want to hurt Milly in any way or make her think we are dating,"

"Milly still has feelings for me?" I see the hope in his eyes.

"I honestly don't know. She hasn't texted me once since she left," I decide to tell him the truth instead of giving him false hope. I watch the hope diminish from his eyes as he leaves the suite and starts to close the door.

"I'll pick you up at six," Is the last thing he says before shutting the door all the way. I have a feeling that this night is just going to be trouble.


Dean and I went to Cheddars for dinner. So far everything was going good and we are having a good time being here as friends.

"Here's your food. You two make a cute couple!" The waitress exclaims. She looks like she's around sixty years old. I immediately look at Dean who is already looking at me.

"Um, we aren't together," I say.

"Yeah, we're just friends," Dean adds.

"Oh, well, think about it. You guys would make a perfect couple," I start to blush at her comments. Not because I like Dean in that way, because I don't! I just get embarrassed when people do this to me.

"You think Milly will ever come back?" I ask Dean. He looks up at me and I see the hurt and longing for Milly in his eyes.

"I don't know. I just wish I could go back and change what I did that night. Maybe I would still have her now," I hold in an 'aw' and just nod my head slightly.

"I hope she comes back soon. It's been five months. Sometimes I wonder if she quite and just didn't have the heart to tell us,"

"Milly wouldn't do that too you. Now to me yes but you're her best friend.
She couldn't do that to you," Dean assures me. I just nod and finish eating my food.

We leave a couple minutes later and head back to my suite.

"I need a drink," I murmur and get the vodka from the cabinet. I get two glasses and fill them both up half way. I give Dean a glass and place the vodka bottle on the coffee table as I sit in the chair. Dean gives me a are-you-sure look and I sigh.

"I've drank almost every night since Milly left because I have nothing better to do. So you can drink till you can't remember anything from this point on or leave," He puts the glass to his lips and takes a gulp. Two hours later I'm so drunk I can't even see straight.

"What happen to your eye? You only have one!" I exclaim slurring. Dean puts his hands to his eyes and laughs.

"No, there's two!" I laugh and get up and pour some more vodka in our glasses emptying the bottle that was just opened hours ago.

I set the bottle and my glass down and look back at Dean who's already looking at me. We look into each other's eyes and soon I find myself leaning down and my lips are on his. We start to make out before Dean pulls away.

"I'm sorry," I slur.

"No, let's go to the bedroom," He slurs back and I giggle and pull him to the bedroom.
Now you guys have to remember they are both so drunk they don't know what they're doing and they're not going to remember anything in the morning. Just wanted to make that clear.

Hope you like this chapter my fellow lunatics! Also only 3 weeks before I'm on Summer vacation!!!! I'm so excited!! I'll be able to write a lot more and maybe do double updates!!


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