Chapter 28: Dearest Enemy

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Paige's POV:

Now I seriously regret kissing Dean. I felt bad in the first place but I don't regret it because it's my turn to have him.

I look at Dean who is already looking at me. His shocked face is now turning into a 'you're fucked' look.

Before I have a chance to take a double take I'm being thrown to the ground and punched nonstop.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!" She screams and I push her off of me.

"Doing what I've been wanting to do since NXT!" I scream back. Dean pulls her off of me and I roll out of the ring and make my way up the ramp.

Dean's POV:

My heart skips a beat when I see Milly running down the ramp looking pissed. I'm also shocked about the whole music change and she even got a new outfit. She now has a dark blue with black paint splattered top and shorts along with knee high boots.

I turn to Paige giving her a 'you're fucked' look but before I can turn back to Milly, Paige is on the ground with Milly on top of her throwing punches left and right. I let Milly do a good beating before I pull her off. Paige rolls out of the ring and up the ramp.

I turn to Milly and she is already looking at me.

"I missed you," I say. She smiles and hugs me tightly and I hug her back.

"I missed you too Dean," It's nice to hear her say my name. Even though I'm still shocked that she's back but here I am, hugging her in the ring.

We look at each other and I can't help but smash my lips onto hers. It's a short, sweet kiss but she kisses me back with just as much longing.

Milly's POV:

Dean and I walk back up the ramp holding hands. As soon as we get back behind the curtain I pull mine from his. He stops me from walking off by grabbing my shoulder.

"I can't believe you're back. It seems like you have been gone for years instead of seven months,"

"I know. I'm glad to be back though,"

"Did that kiss mean anything to you?" He asks me the question I was hoping he wouldn't. I sighed not knowing if I should lie or tell the truth.

"Can we talk about that after RAW?" I try to work my way past the question but I doubt it will work with Dean.

"No, I've been waiting seven months to get you back and I want an answer now," He demands.

"Hey Milly. We need to talk," Paige says. I honestly don't wanna talk to her after she kissed Dean. That's the only reason I came out when I was gonna have a formal introduction but now that has been cancelled due to me running out and beating Paige.

"Yeah," I say and walk down the corridor with Paige.

"Why did you kiss Dean?"

"You guys aren't dating anymore. You even texted me right after you left saying you and Dean are over for good. I have liked Dean ever since NXT and I made my move,"

"I told you I was drunk that night the next morning. I also was gonna tell Dean I still have feelings for him and want to get back together tonight, but you told me you had something to tell me about Dean,"

"And I do. Dean and I got drunk to where we didn't remember anything and we woke up the next morning naked in my bed. I fucked Dean and I don't regret it Milly. It's my turn to make Dean feel loved when obviously you couldn't," With that she walks away. I feel my heart shattering into thousands of pieces and tears already falling down my face.

"What's wrong?" I hear AJ ask me from behind. I turn around and begin to bawl my eyes out.

"Paige and Dean got drunk and..." I couldn't finish the sentence but AJ knew what I intended. I just came back and here I am, already getting into drama.

I don't know if I'm mad at Dean or not for having sex with Paige when they were that drunk. If he was sober I would totally cut off all contact but him being that drunk changes the situation.

"I need to talk to Dean about this but I don't want to," I direct towards myself more, than towards AJ.

"Maybe you should wait till tomorrow or at least after the show. You gotta promo tonight with Dean now," She tells me.

"No, I wanna know his side of the story now," AJ nods and I take off to find Dean. It doesn't take long. I find him in a random corridor staring into space.

"I'm so sorry Milly. I don't care if you don't forgive me or want to ever see me again but I just wanna let you know I'm so damn sorry," I stop in my tracks ten feet away from Dean then proceed towards him and sit down beside him.

"How did you know I found out?"

"I listened to you and Paige. I was so drunk I don't even remember taking that first sip of alcohol. There's no way in hell I would ever decide know, with Paige. Especially when I'm fighting for the lunatic girl that came in and stole my heart," I don't know what to say or think when Dean finishes. Yes, what he said was unbelievably adorable and sweet but he still had sex with Paige. I decide on whether I should tell Dean what I came here to tell him before I found out what he did with Paige or not.

"Dean, I forgive you and I think we can work around what happened between you and Paige because I have thought for too long to throw my decision away," I look up at him locking eye contact with him and take a deep breathe. "I wanna get back together if you still have feelings for me,"

I can't let Paige take what's mine. No fucking way.

"I think we both already know what my answer is. I have been waiting seven months to get my lunatic girl back. I have been trying to get over you just incase you came back and don't want anything to do with me. But not even a week after you left I decided that's not gonna happen. I don't want to get over you and my feelings towards you are too strong to just forget we ever had something," My shattered heart glues itself back together. I put my hands on his face and gently place my lips on top of his. We deepen the kiss and pull part after what seems like hours.

"I'm glad to call you mine again," Dean sighs in relief.

"I'm glad to call you my lunatic,"

Milly's back AND they are a lunatic couple again!!! Yay! So who do you guys wanna win the Fatal Four Way tonight at Payback? Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, Randy Orton, or Seth Rollins?
My pick:
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