Chapter 46: Guess Who

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"Good news," He says. I let out a long breath I didn't realize I was holding in. "Your wrist is fully healed,"

"Seriously?" He nods and I jump up in joy. He takes the cast off of me and I move my wrist in a circle. "It doesn't hurt at all!" I squeal.

"That's very good. Now, if you sprain it again, it could end your career. You're better off breaking it again because a break is not as bad as a sprain. But that doesn't mean breaking it can't end your career also," I soak in all the information.

"Got it. I'll definitely make sure to be careful during matches," We say our goodbyes then I head back to the hotel. I skip down the halls and bounce in the elevator because I'm so excited. I slip in the key then open the door. Dean is standing a couple feet away from me.

"Your cast..," He trails off. I smile and he smirks. I run and jump into his arms giggling.

"I can wrestle again!" I exclaim.

"So you're gonna wrestle before Battleground?"

"If it's okay with Hunter and Stephanie. But you know how they can be,"

"Yeah, you could always turn on then early,"

"No way! I have that all planned out. So I'll just have to wait if they don't let me wrestle before Battleground,"

"And if they do let you wrestle tonight?"

"Then I guess I'll have to make it an extraordinary match,"


I walked up to The Authority's office and knocked twice. The door opens and Stephanie invites me in.

"Hello, Milly! Is there something I can do for you?" I take a seat in a chair and she sits behind the desk.

"Well, I went to the doctor's today for my wrist and, well," I hold up my wrist smiling.

"It's healed?" I nod. "Milly, that's awesome! It healed a little faster than expected,"

"Yeah, he also said I'm cleared for wrestling again. I was hoping you would let me have a match tonight on Smackdown,"

"Let me get Hunter in here," She calls someone and a few minutes later Hunter steps through the door.

"Milly," He holds out his hand and I stand shaking it. "Now what's the situation?" Stephanie tells him why I'm in here explaining how my wrist is healed and I'm cleared to wrestle. "Milly, we made a deal for you to wrestle at Battleground with your title at stake,"

"I have an idea though. Please just hear my idea then you guys can decide," They look at each other then back at me.



"Are you ready?" Brie asks me.

"More ready than I'll ever be," I jump up and down a little bit getting myself pumped up for my promo. I didn't tell Dean my idea or if Stephanie and Hunter agreed to it or not. I want it to be a surprise.

"You got this girl," Nikki says. I nod and put my title around my waist.

Oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa,
Oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa,
B-B-B-Be careful making wishes in the dark, dark,
Can't be sure when they've hit their mark, mark,
And besides in the mean, mean time,
I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart...

"Making her way to the ring being accompanied by the Bella Twins from Columbus, Ohio, Milly!" The crowd is a mixture of boos and cheers for me. I take my title off my waist and raise it high as we make our way to the ring. I grab a mic then get into the ring.

"For the last six weeks I haven't been able to wrestle due to breaking my wrist battling Naomi, Paige, and my best friend Nikki Bella. In the last six weeks I have made the best decision of my wrestling career and joined The Authority. This morning I went to the doctors and was told wonderful news," I held my wrist up. "I can wrestle again! So I'm holding a open challenge for the divas championship! Anyone who thinks they can beat me and take away my title, come on down!" I exclaim.

Call to me,
Call to me...

Summer walks down to the ring with a grin on her face. I give the championship to the ref. He holds it up then motions for the bell to ring.

We lock up and she throws me back. I launch myself at her sending her to the floor while I throw punch after punch. I get off of her giving her time to get up before delivering a drop kick sending her right back to the floor. I get up on the top rope and deliver the Weeping Willow.

I pin her for a 3 count getting the win and retaining my title. Summer rolls out of the ring while Brie and Nikki celebrate with me.

"Awesome match, Milly," Triple H says when I come back.

"Thanks, it really felt nice to wrestle again,"

"Good, because you are gonna be wrestling a lot more to make your name known again after being out for so long. Yes, you are the divas champion and have made appearances but you gotta step up your game in order to stay known in this company,"

"I can do that,"

"Nice match," Roman says as I sit down beside Dean in catering.

"Yeah, you gave Summer a nice ass kicking," Dean kisses my forehead while I laugh.


"Are they still having the divas Battle Royal?" Roman asks taking a sip of his drink.

"Yes, they are. It's gonna be the RAW before Battleground,"

"What's the point?" Dean asks.

"It was part of the deal with Triple H and Stephanie," I explain. Dean rolls his eyes and looks at the tv.

What the hell is wrong with him?

"Dean, are you okay?"

"Fine. Just fucking peachy," He grumbles. I give Roman a questioning look and he shrugs in return.

"If something is bothering you, you can tell me,"

"I said I'm fucking fine!" He shouts then storms out of catering.

"What the fuck is his problem?" Roman asks.

"No clue but it's already getting annoying and I feel like it isn't gonna end on a good note,"

Not the best but I'm going on about 3 hours of sleep so give me some credit here. Please vote if you liked the chapter and try to comment. Also thanks for over 5k reads now!!! I love you my lunatics!!

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