Chapter 15: Wrestlemania Part One

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"What are you talking about?" Dean asks again.

"Paige told me that Seth, you, and I are going to be put into a storyline once the one we are in right now ends," I tell him.

"I wasn't informed on that," Dean's phone starts ringing. "Hold on," Dean motions for me to come in and I do.

"Hey Millster,"

"Hey Roman,"

"You Dean's girl yet?" I glare at him and he puts his hands up in defense.

"She's here with me. Okay, yeah, see you then," I look at Dean and give him a confusing look. "Stephanie wants to see us now," I groan.

We get to the arena and I follow Dean to Stephanie's office. We walked in and Seth was already sitting in one if the chairs.

"I'm going to get straight to the point guys. I wan-"

"Want us to be in a love triangle storyline," I interrupt her and she cocks her head to the side.

"How did you know that?" She asks. I turn to Seth.

"A little birdie told me," Realization spreads across Seth's face.

"Since your storyline will be ending this Sunday at Wrestlemania I have the contract right here for you three to sign and start this storyline immediately after Wrestlemania," Stephanie pushes it forward along with a pen.

"I thought Lilly couldn't wrestle,"

"She surprised us just like you did. So, what do you guys think about the storyline?" Seth took the pen and signed the contract. Dean and I looked at each other not knowing if we wanted to do this or not.


"There's gonna be a fight tonight!" I sang while driving to the arena for Wrestlemania.

I pulled into the parking lot and got my bag. As I walked to the door tons of fans were already lined up so I stopped and took some pictures and signed a couple things.

I went in after ten minutes and walked into the divas locker room only to see Lilly.

"You know Milly, I wouldn't be so confident about winning tonight,"

"I'm not afraid to beat your ass if that teaches you to get out of my life," I growl. I grabbed my title and head to catering but she stops me.

"Dean is very good in bed by the way. Always was in high school too," She smirks.

"You need help," I say and walk out of the locker room. What the hell was her problem? And why would I want to know if Dean is good in bed or not?

I shake the thoughts from my head ad sit down with Paige and AJ Lee at a table in catering.

"Hey guys,"

"Hey," They said in unison.

"Don't do that please," They both roll there eyes.

"Excited for your match?"

"I'm nervous as hell! What if she beats me guys?,"

"She won't beat you! She doesn't have the skills," AJ says and Paige nods in agreement.

"I still have like two hours of panicking left until I have to go out there," I play with my water bottle thinking that if I lose this fight, I will never forgive myself.


"Yes Paige,"

"I don't think you noticed just said that out loud while..." She points behind me and I turn around to Dean.

"We need to talk now," He says. I nod and walk out into the corridor with him. "Do you mean that?"

"Mean what?" I ask knowing exactly what he's talking about.

"That you will never forgive yourself if you lose this match," I look down and nod. Dean sighs and takes my belt off my waist and holds it in front of him. "This belt belongs to the strongest, bravest, and smartest diva I know. She is not gonna lose this fight tonight and I'll be damned and be losing two hundred bucks if she does," He smirks and I laugh. I hug him and he wraps my belt back around my waist then hugs me back. "Also the diva that I wanna make mine," He whispers in my ear. I look up at him and he looks down at me. Before I know it his lips are smashed against mine. His lips are so soft but the kiss was rough and yet very passionate. We pulled away and looked at each other.

"That girl wants to be his too...but can't because she wants to focus on this career changing match," My voice comes out weak.

"I'll wait for her then," I saw hurt and sadness flash through his eyes. Since when was Dean Ambrose sad?

"Awwww!" My eyes widen and I turn around to see Paige and AJ listening.

"What the fuck you guys!"

"What the fuck us? What the fuck you! How could you say no too him after that?" Paige scolds me. I mentally slap Paige and AJ then turn back around to Dean.

"You guys can go now," I call out.

"No, we're good," AJ replies. I turn around and glare at them making them uncomfortable. "On the other hand I think I see a chocolate fountain," They leave and I can't help but laugh at the ridiculous excuse.

"I don't want you out there tonight," I tell Dean.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't want you out there because you'll interrupt the match if I don't have the upper hand,"

"Like hell I will!"

"Dean you always do! Almost every match I've had ever since the first time you interrupted my match against AJ someone! I want to win this one on my own!"

"You will! But there is no way in hell I'm not gonna be out there when you fucking win!"

"Fine, but I swear if you or anyone else gets involved I will never forgive you or that person. Dean nods and I go back to the divas locker room. I'm almost to the locker room when Renee stops me.

"Can we ask you a few questions?" She asks and I nod. "Hello and welcome my special guest, Milly. So Milly how do you feel about your match tonight,"

"Please Renee, this isn't even a match to me it's more like practice,"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that Lily has no chance of winning against me! She's stupid if she thinks that this will be hers by the end of the night,"

"One last question, will we be seeing Dean Ambrose walking out to the ring with you?" I think about that question. Do I really want Dean out there when he could break his promise?

"You will see Dean walking with me to the ring," After that I walk into the divas locker room and count down the matches till it's time for mine.

Updated on time this time! I'm really sad that AJ Lee is retiring and she was my favorite diva when I started watching WWE and it's just heartbreaking.... Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and enjoys RAW tonight!


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