Chapter 19: Number One Contender

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My music blares and J&J security walk out on either side of me, down the ramp, and over to commentary. I pretend to admire my title while Nikki and Paige look at it with hunger. Turns out this is a number one contender match so this will be interesting.

"Look who is going to join us here tonight, the divas champion, Milly!" Michael Cole announces.

"Hello guys,"

"Milly, what do you think about your best friend and tag team partner, Paige, facing Nikki Bella for the number one contender to go against you at Extreme Rules?" Bryan Saxton asks.

"I'm happy for Paige and all but no matter who wins I will defeat them,"

"Now you and Nikki Bella have beaten each other three times each. How do you know she won't beat you at Extreme Rules if she wins this match?" JBL asks this time.

"Like I said. No matter what, I will come out of that match as the divas champion," I turned my attention towards Nikki and Paige in the ring. Nikki had the upper hand and does her signature move on Paige but Paige kicks out. Guess Nikki wanted to win early.

Another ten minutes later and Paige has the upper hand. Paige try's to put Nikki in the PTO, Paige Tap Out, but Brie causes a distraction which let's Nikki take advantage and drop kicks Paige. I throw my headset off and run over to Brie.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I shout and punch Brie then shove her into the barricade. I kick her a couple times then turn around right in time to see the ref count to three. I look to see where Paige and Nikki are at.

Paige was on the ground and Nikki was celebrating. I go up the ramp and leave the arena. I know I shouldn't be scared of losing my title at Extreme Rules since I did beat AJ Lee for it but I am.

But I will not show that Im scared because that would give Nikki satisfaction.


Dean still hasn't talked to me. I know I have to turn on The Authority but I can't right now because that could affect my match at Extreme Rules.

I spot Dean in the gym and immediately go over to talk to him.

"Hey," I say and he looks at me.

"Hey, I'm sorry that I got upset and was rude to you the other day at Smackdown. It's just that you know how much I hate The Authority, especially Seth-"

"Hey, I know. Trust me, I am going to go against them just not now. Not until after my match at Extreme Rules so they can't interfere with it and make me lose," I interrupt him. He smirks at me causing his dimples to show and pulls me into a big bear hug.

"What do you want?" I heard Dean growl as he let go of me. I turned around to see Seth and...Randy.

"Chill out Dean. I just wanna have a word with Milly," Seth starts.

"Then talk to her,"

"Alone in private,"

"No wa-"

"Dean," I interrupt him. "It'll be fine. We aren't in the arena right now, he won't try anything," I try to assure Dean. He looks at me and gives a slight nod.

"If you want to talk to me then why is Randy here?" I ask Seth as I turn back to them.

"So Dean doesn't go all psycho on me," He stated like it should be obvious. I roll my eyes and follow Seth over to the lockers.

"What do you want Seth?"

"Do you know why I had us three in a storyline together?" I shake my head. "I want you to pick the right person to be with," My mouth drops open and I take a step back.

"You're saying you still have feelings for me?"

"Yeah, I do. I thought they were gone but when I saw you again I realized they never left. I just tucked them away,"

"I don't know what to say,"

"You don't have to say anything. Just make sure you're making the right choice," He walks away. I stand there trying to comprehend what just happened.

"What did he want?" Dean growls. Should I tell Dean? I decide against it and just lie.

"He was just saying that if I revolt against The Authority there will be consequences," I completely make up on the spot. Dean nods and we finish our workout.

I am still really nervous about my match at Extreme Rules, a week from now. It's all I keep thinking about. I mean, what if I do lose my title?

"Milly?" I come back to reality when Dean says my name.


"I have been saying your name for like five minutes trying to get your attention to tell you we are back at the hotel,"

"Sorry," I go to get out but Dean grabs my wrist and pulls me back inside the car.

"You're thinking about your title match aren't you?"


"Why are you letting that get to you? You have beaten AJ Lee for that title and she was the longest reigning divas champion,"

"I know but Nikki and I have beaten each other three times each! This match determines who is better,"

"But you're the divas champion," Dean states. I sigh and get out of the car. I walk up to the hotel doors. Just as I grab the handle Dean picks me up and carries me into the elevator.

"I can walk you know," I say and Dean just chuckles. "That means you can put me down Ambrose!" I shout. He puts me down and pins me against the wall.

"I can't have my girl leaving me behind, now can I?" He caresses my face and puts his other arm around my waist, pulling me towards him. He kisses me gently and I kiss back. I can't resist his lips against mine no matter what the situation is.

The door opens and we step out.

"Race ya!" Dean takes off down the hall and I run after him.

"Batman!" I yell as I jump onto his back. He stops in front of my door and sets me down then gives me a weird look.

"Batman?" He questions and I blush a little.

"It was the first thing that came to my mind," I admit.

"So are you guys planning on walking inside soon or just gonna stand here and stare into each other's eyes?" I turn around to Paige and glare at her. Again I'm being hoisted up onto Dean's shoulders and into the suite.

"How many times do I have to tell you I have two legs that are meant for walking?" I complain. Suddenly my butt is in pain. "Did you just smack my butt!" I exclaim. Dean laughs and nods.

"It's in my face and I just couldn't resist it," Dean admits.

"Well you wouldn't have that urge if you would put me down!" Dean drops me onto the couch and Paige tackles me.

"Tomorrow you and I are gonna have some fun!" Paige exclaims.

"What is your definition of fun?" I ask.

"We are going to the club down the street!" My smile drops and I look at Dean who looks like he's about to kill Paige.

I went to Michigan over the weekend to visit family an I come back home sick. SICK!! I guess that shows everyone how much my family loves me....

Anyways how are you guys liking the book so far? Do you guys think it's a good idea for Paige to take Milly to the club for some fun??

I'm asking for two votes before I update in Thursday!!! I just want two votes! If I get more that would be amazing!

I have had this story up for two months and one day and I'm almost at 500 reads and I would love to get some more votes so I could maybe get my story ranked! Please help make that happen!

Enjoy this chapter my fellow lunatics!


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