Chapter 27: Regretful Mistakes and Awesome Ideas

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Paige's POV:

I wake up and have a pounding headache. I sit up and hold the blanket right to me. Then I hear someone groan and look to my left. I scream and get out of the bed crashing down to the ground holding the sheets tight to me as I realize I'm naked.

"Who the fuck screamed?" Dean says then looks over at me. My heart is racing and I'm shaking uncontrollably.

"Please tell me we didn't," I say but my voice is barely audible.

"I don't remember anything from last night but from the looks of it I think we did," Dean's voice is barely audible too.

"Get the fuck up and dressed. We have some shit to talk about," I say then grab the sheets and some clothes before I go to the bathroom.

I come out and walk into the living room where I find Dean sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. I sit down in the chair across from him.

"We can't tell Milly about this," I say and Dean looks up at me shocked.

"We have too! I don't care what the consequences are, I'm not keeping anything from her when I'm trying to get her back!"

"We can't! She went away to get away from all the drama and if she comes back to us telling her we fucked then who knows what she will do!" I shout but Dean doesn't do anything. He just stares into space. "I'm sorry for shouting but Dean if you tell her then I will make sure you won't be able to work for WWE anymore," I threat.

"Have it your way," He growls then gets up and leaves.

I know we should tell Milly but I can't lose her as a friend. She's the closest friend I've had since school. I'm looking out for Dean also. If we tell Milly she will surely not forgive Dean and they would never get back together.

But maybe they shouldn't get back together. I've had feelings for Dean ever since NXT but they were never strong enough for me to want to do anything. But now knowing we had sex just made my feelings for him explode.

Suddenly I don't care about having Milly as a friend anymore.

Dean's POV:
Two months later:

I've been regretting staying that night with Paige for the past two months. I never intended to get so drunk I would have sex with her.

I was a little upset when Paige had gotten me to agree that we are never gonna tell Milly what had happened. It was all one big mistake just like almost everything else in my life.

"Come on man," Roman says and I follow him out the door. We drive to the arena for RAW and I start to get myself pumped up for my promo and match tonight.

"What if we brought back The Shield," Roman says bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Like that will ever happen. Seth is all about sucking up to The Authority and I will never ever fucking trust him again let alone work alongside him again,"

"That's why Seth won't be in the new version of The Shield,"

"What are you saying?" I ask Roman. He has got to be absolutely crazy if he thinks we could ever bring back The Shield. Yes, I loved The Shield but Stephanie and Triple H would never allow it.

"We pick a certain diva to take Seth's place," I look over at Roman who is already grinning at me. I grin back at him.

"I think I know where you're going with this," I can't help but feel the adrenaline start rising up in me.

"We don't ask Stephanie and Hunter for a contract. We just do it so they will have to be forced to let us stay,"

"That's if everything goes good. I think we should at least wait a couple months. I would like to retain another title first,"

"That's fine with me, man,"

We pull up into the arena five minutes before RAW starts due to traffic. I walk in behind Roman and we sit down at a table in catering.

"Who's your match against?" Roman asks.

"The suck up Rollins," I say and Roman chuckles.

"I would wish you luck but you're the lunatic fringe so I don't think you need it," He says as I stand up. I walk out to the curtain and wait for my music to hit. My music starts to blare and I head down to the ring where Seth and J&J were already waiting.

J&J climb out of the ring and Seth holds up his title.

"See this! You're never getting this Ambrose!" He shouts and I laugh at his stupidity. Of course that will become mine because I'm Dean Ambrose, the lunatic fringe.

He hands the belt to the ref and the ref gives it to somebody off to the side of the ring.

"Hold on! Get me a mic!" Seth demands and someone brings him out a mic. "Are you sure you wanna fight me again? I mean you can back out if you want too," I put my hands on my knees and start to laugh uncontrollably.

"You think I would do that? You are one pathetic piece of shit," I throw the mic and make the ref ring the bell then throw myself on top of Seth punching him over and over till he throws me off. I stand up but immediately get attacked by Seth. I knock him off and clothes line him once he stands up and charges at me.

Twenty minutes into the match I'm out of energy. I have been in control up until Seth drop kicked me and now I feel like I can't get up but somehow I manage to get up and hurl myself into the ring right before the ref counts to ten.

Seth kicks me in the gut, punchs me, then gets me into position for the Curbstomp. I would try to do something but I'm so dead from this match that I don't care if I lose.

I hear someone's music play but I don't even make out who's it is because my head is pounding so hard.

"What the hell!" I hear Seth shout. I figured it must be Roman at first but by Seth's reaction it's definitely someone who he didn't expect. The bell rings right as I roll myself over to the ropes and struggle to get myself up.

I look through the ropes at the ramp and see Seth along with J&J are stumbling up it. My head is pounding and throbbing. I feel like in going to pass out.

I turn around to see who had come and jumped on Seth, taking him out before he could Curbstomp me.

"Paige?" I say in disbelief.

"That's right...babe,"

"What?" Paige winks at me then grabs my face and kisses me. I push her off but before I do music blares through out the arena. It had to be someone debuting from NXT because I've never heard this music before.

I look at Paige's face expression and from what I tell it's not someone she wants to face right now.

I turn around to see who the person is for myself.

I know you guys hate me for leaving you at such a big cliffhanger but I just couldn't help myself! Also sorry for the two month jump in the middle of the chapter. It needed to be that way though. Also a reminder I only update on Monday, Thursday, and any Sunday that has a special WWE event(Royal Rumble, Extreme Rules, etc.)


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