Chapter 39: Goodbye AJ Lee

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"What the hell were you thinking?" Dean yells at he gets to the divas locker room. Good thing all the other divas left.

"Dean, I told you to understand what I do tonight is because of-"

"Stephanie and Triple H, bullshit! You still have fucking feelings for him! I should have seen this coming...," He interrupts me.

"What? No! You know what he did to me! Why would I still have feelings for him?"

"Well you clearly do! You thought you loved him once then fucked him! Why couldn't you love him again?" I flinch at Dean's word choice.

"Love is something you only feel for one person and you're sure of it. That's why I told you I love you. I never told Seth I loved him because I wasn't sure of it. That's why I kept it to myself," I respond in a quiet tone.

"I need air," Is all he says before walking out and slamming the door behind him causing me to jump.

How dumb can Dean be to think I would ever go back to Seth? Why can't he get it through his head that I kissed Seth cause of the fucking storyline.

I get back go the hotel and AJ already had everything set up for the party and there's already a ton of people here.

How long did I stay after at the arena thinking?

I spot Dean talking to Roman, Dolph, John, Nikki, and Emma. Dean looks over at me but quickly looks away. I sigh and find AJ.

"Why aren't you with Dean?" I told AJ what happened. She just frowned at me.

"I understand that you did it because of Stephanie and Hunter but you probably shouldn't of done it tonight. I mean, Money In The Bank is Sunday and you just put the image of you kissing Seth in Dean's head,"

"I never thought about it like that. Fuck! What should I do?"

"Talk to him," I nod and give AJ a hug before turning around and finding Dean. I find Dean in the kitchen talking to...Paige. Paige has one arm around his arm and the other sliding down is chest. I look at Dean and he has a smirk plastered on his face. I put on my best smile and walk over to them.

"Hey Dean," I wrap my arms around his neck making Paige pull away. Then I kiss Dean. I hear Paige huff then walk away.

"We need to talk," He says.

"Are you sober?" I joke causing him to roll his eyes and nod.

"Let's talk after AJ leaves tomorrow. I'll take you out to lunch and we will talk then. Right now let's just have fun and hangout with AJ,"

"Got it lunatic," I smirk. He smirks back at me and kisses me again.

"Stop smooching and get your asses over here!" Dean pulls away and we look over at AJ along with Roman, Nattie, Tyson Kidd, and Emma.

"Hey guys," I say when we walk up to them.

"We were just talking about you two when I looked over and saw you two making out," Natayla winks at me.

"I had to get a slut off my man. My apologies,"

"It's too bad Paige did what she did to you. I seriously thought you guys were never gonna break up," Tyson says.

"Let's forget about what happened tonight and party like AJ is not leaving tomorrow at eight in the morning," They all agree and that's how we spend the rest of our night.

It's five in the morning by the time everyone leaves leaving AJ an hour of sleep.

"Time to drop me off M," AJ wakes me up. I groan but get up.

"I can't believe you're retiring,"

"You're gonna have to come and visit me and CM. Who knows, maybe we will have a baby when you come,"

"If you get pregnant I better be one if the first people to know!" I say seriously causing AJ to laugh.

"Don't worry, you will be,"

We arrive at the airport about an hour before her flight takes off. I help her get her things an get through security before sitting down in the waiting area.

"I'm gonna miss you so much AJ,"

"I'm gonna miss you too. What are you doing at Money In The Bank?"

"Ringside for Nikki Bella when she faces Paige,"

"Flight one hundred eighty-nine, ready to board," AJ an I look at each other and we both start crying. We stand up and wrap our arms around each other.

"Come visit soon, okay?"

"Okay. I love you, AJ,"

"I love you too, Milly," With that AJ an I wipe away the tears and she grabs her bags then goes to board the plane.


Dean takes me to Denny's for lunch and to talk things out. We order our food then get down to business.

"Let's just get right to the point. When you kissed Seth yesterday it really hurt. I know it was for the storyline feels like you're kissing him because you want to," Dean tries to explain.

"I understand where you're coming from. But trust me, I will never want a relationship with Seth or anything close ever again. Like I said I'm only doing what I'm doing to keep my title,"

"When are you gonna turn on The Authority?"

"I still have about five weeks before I can wrestle. So not for at least five more weeks. But I have a plan that I told Roman yesterday at Smackdown,"

"How come you told Roman before you told me?" Dean questions.

"You weren't there and Roman an I were talking so I told him the plan I had and he agreed to it. Now do you want me to tell you?" He nods eagerly. I tell him the plan. At first he isn't really liking the plan but by the end he's smirking his ass off.

"Oh, I'm so in on this,"

"That's why I kissed Seth tonight. If you would have let me explain instead of going all crazy on me you would have known why,"

"I'm sorry for going all lunatic on you and for letting Paige get her hands on my arm and chest,"

"If I ever see that happening again you'll be single," I snap my fingers in his face. "Just like that,"

Our food comes and we dig in. Honestly, I'm glad Dean decided to talk our problems out instead of going to the bar and getting so drunk he can't remember anything.

"I love you, Dean," He smirks.

"Where did that come from?"

"I don't know. I was just thinking that I'm happy you wanted to talk and fix our problems instead of getting drunk over them,"

"I've tried to change for you. Because I love you too,"

Money In The Bank is tonight!!! Who do you guys want to win the MITB briefcase? I'm guessing you guys want Dean to win the championship match. Who wouldn't?

What do you guys think Milly's plan is? Hope you liked the chapter and please vote if you did! Till tomorrow my fellow lunatics!

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