Chapter Sixty-six

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"My legs moved before I could even think."

This is what many great heroes had always said in common when asked on how they got into the job, into the hero business, some lie, but others are true, and one of those heroes.

Was Mirko.

Time seemed to slow down as she finally reached where the guards were, only to see Izuku's last act of defiance towards the guards, before he pushed himself off the wall and into the rocks below.

She didn't even think, yes, no thoughts went through her head as her legs pumped into full gear, getting to the wall before sliding down, she started to fall, and quickly bundled herself into a ball, her feet towards the wall as she fell faster towards Izuku's flailing form.

She didn't think as she grabbed the man, bringing him close to her chest before shooting out her legs, launching off the wall just behind her.

She didn't think, as she came crashing down into the sea, before quickly swimming up to get Izuku air.

It wasn't until she had climbed up onto the ship, with Izuku over her shoulder, did she realize what she had just done.

"I." Mirko looked up at the wall of the prison, the impenetrable wall that even All Might couldn't break with 100 punches, a dent the size of two shoes that all guards in the prison were given was made on the wall, the aftermath of the extreme force she had used to kick off the wall.

When she looked back at the inmates, she saw a large group who looked at her with glares and mistrust, all except for the three at the back of the group, the captain, his right hand man and Orca, who was about to play his part in the escape.

"Listen, I know this may not look the best for me with my clothes, but ya gotta understand, I'm undercover." Mirko reasoned.

Jakar took a step forward but Ochi grabbed his wrist.

Ochi stepped forward and sighed. "I don't trust you, but I will thank you for saving Izuku, and from the looks of things you know him, so I'm not going to say anything regarding why you're helping."

Mirko nodded, grinning.

She suddenly felt movement on her shoulder, and she looked to the side to see Izuku raising his head, most of the mud gone now from being in the sea, but his eyes surprisingly looking groggy.

Mirko lightly sat Izuku down on a bench by the ship, and waited as Izuku recovered his senses.

Izuku sighed after a minute, before looking out at all those around him. "Only about half of us got out I see." Izuku said, before turning to Mirko. "Thank you for your help, I honestly don't know whether I would've survived that fall or not."

Mirko only grinned. "Well what can I say? That was a bold move you pulled back there, I like kids like you, kids with spunk!" She replied.

Izuku nodded, before standing up, still feeling sore in the legs, he passed by the others, and have a reassuring smile to the guilty look on Jakar's face.

"Alright everyone listen up! The second stage of the escape will happen now! Thanks to some good friends of mine." Izuku said, gesturing to Orca, the captain and his right hand man. "We won't have to swim all the way to Japan, but this part will, if anything, be more difficult, everybody get some rest, but if anything be on guard, you never know when we'll have to deal with some enemies." Izuku announced.

"Captain, thank you for your help, Orca same with you, I want you to remember that you are not to show your face, you will stay underwater until we have escaped, otherwise it would be destructive towards your career, stall other ships, or help speed up our ship, that's all, I'm sure you already went over the marine's watch with the captain?" Izuku asked, looking between the captain and Orca, the right hand man already going and getting the anchor.

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