Special chapter part two

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So basically where we left off was Nezu telling Aizawa about what the classes were gonna do for the day until the effect wears off.

"So to explain to you all why we are putting the classes together today, and have training gym B to ourselves the whole day is because something unfortunate happened."

The combined students of 1a and 1b murmured nervously, they were missing quite a few students and they all collectively believed that it had something to do with them.

Aizawa, heading what the students were talking about, sighed, before continuing.

"Yes it does have to do with the six who are currently absent, as well as two more not from the heroics classes. You may step out now."

The eight genderbent students walked out in front of the others, and the rest gasped, some in horror, others because they couldn't take how funny the scene was, as well as one in, lust? Someone needs to fucking kill Mineta, oh wait, it's my book. Huh.

"Unfortunately a machine had malfunctioned and damaged an elevator, these nine took it and here we are." Aizawa lifted his hands gesturing to everyone there.

"Anyways, since this happened you guys are gonna have a different day, it'll just be for today though because principal Nezu and Power Loader both figured out the effect should only last at least four hours, max twelve. So since this is happening like I said the day will change. Basically you guys are gonna be in here all day, lunch rush will come to provide meals. The only thing is that you have to be active. Doesn't matter if it's cards to full on fighting, with permission of course."

The students all nodded, seemingly understanding the situation. And everybody broke apart into their friend circles.

Izuku and Himiko decided to go walk over to the actual training room part of the gym, which held various pieces of equipment one can use, to, naturally, train.

Hitoshi followed Neito and Itsuka as they said they would introduce him to their class.

Katsuki, Ochako, Tenya, and Shouto all just stayed where they were, and talked.

"Hey everyone!" Mina excitedly announced. "Let's all do something together!"

All of the students agreed, walking over to see what she had in mind.

"Let's do a contest!" She exclaimed.

"You have to be more specific, Kero." Asui responded.

Mina puffed her cheeks, sticking out her tongue at the frog, before continuing.

"I think we should set something up, like a parkour test or something! We can make it so that there's like a timer, and if you don't get there you lose, and if you pass you win! Then all the losers hafta try and stop the winners from winning again, and this keeps going on until everyone is done! Then the next group goes up and tries their best as well! Then whoever managed to 'win' the most amount of times before losing wins the whole game!"

"That, actually sounds pretty thought out." Sero pointed out.

They all started pitching in helping to set up the race, in the end the track looked pretty good.

All in all the course wasn't very long, so the timer was set to thirty seconds. Basically it was about two hundred metres long, with a turn because they ran out of space to put stuff.

The first obstacle was literally a cement wall with a bunch of holes in it, it was decided that ten or eleven students would go each time, so it was specifically made so that there were only six holes, there were also randomly placed, one whole was almost four metres high, while another wasn't even a metre high.

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