Chapter Sixty-four

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Okay so the chapter got fucking deleted on me, so it took a while to finish editing this.

"Yeah no." Izuku stated, staring down a rather large muscular man.

"This isn't an offer kid, I'm telling you he wants to see you, so you're going to see him." A man, who's name is muscular, replied.

Muscular and Izuku were currently standing near the center of the outside field, and Muscular wanted Izuku to follow him, alone, to Bloodthirsty's side of the field.

Now Izuku isn't the smartest in the world, he knows that, but he's not dumb either.

"I said no, which means no, I'm not going to go with you, because this is actually one of the stupidest things I could ever do if I do follow you." Izuku explained, stretching a little just in case.

Izuku turned, and had begun to walk away when Muscular called out to him. "I'm telling ya kid, there are some real monsters here, the type you don't want to piss off." He said.

Izuku ignored him, instead heading to where his own group was, where, he currently, belonged.

"..o... Momo."

Said girl awoke with a start when she felt a cold sensation on the back of her neck, nearly shouting, she looked around for the source of the disturbance, Shoto.

"You're finally up." Shoto said dully, taking a seat next to her.

The two were in the common room at the moment, Momo having fallen asleep on the couch.

"ah, did I fall asleep studying again?" Momo asked, rubbing her eyes.

Shoto blushed a little and looked away, before responding. "Looks like it, also you should fix your hair, it's all over the place." He finalized.

Momo panicked, bringing her hands up to her hair to realize that, yes, it was rather messy, she quickly pat down the more important areas with her hands, barely hearing the soft chuckle Shoto gave out.

After she calmed down a bit, Momo realized something. "Why did you wake me up?" She asked, curious.

Shoto's face saddened, and he sighed as he relayed the news, or rather, lack of it. "That video that we got from the ant, Nezu is trying to push it through to the government, but so far they haven't acted, and apparently Nezu is getting restless, as the government 'somehow hasn't found anyone trustworthy that meet the requirements.'" Shoto explained

"Oh, so he controls the government as well huh?" Momo asked bitterly.

She wasn't given an answer, which, unfortunately wasn't needed.

Katsuki grit his teeth, he's angry, so so angry, not only is Salamander blaming Izuku for what happened, but now other people are all coming up and stating their disapproval of Izuku since the beginning, and they are actually being listened to now.

He recalled what happened earlier in the day, he just wants things to go back to normal, but there's always gonna be people like that.

Ochaco, Katsuki, Itsuka and Neito were all eating lunch together, Hitoshi was out training with Shota, Tenya was adding costume upgrades and Shoto went with him, so it was just the four of them.

"Man, I didn't think he was like that though." Katsuki had heard another student say. "He always helped others, but then again, he was pretty scary when he fought villains, maybe he is trying to influence us?" A student said, thinking.

Another student smacked his head, hurting the first student a little because he used his quirk, making his hands hotter than normal. "Of course he was, it all makes sense now dumbass, even his own father admits he was crazy, he obviously is."

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