Capter sixteen

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Izuku POV

I woke up to the sound of yelling. No, not the kind to make me think someone is in danger. The kind that would make me think someone is being murdered. I quickly jumped out of bed. (Somehow not disturbing the cats) Ran downstairs and there was quite the sight to see.

Present mic, wrapped up in Aizawas capture gear, attached to the ceiling while shouting his head off. My mom trying not to laugh in the corner of the kitchen. Then finally Aizawa, standing in front of present mic with his hair and capture gear floating, eyes red. Normally it would look a bit scary, but this time on top of the clothes he was wearing was an apron. The apron said House Husband in big bold letters. He turned around and made eye contact with me, so the apron was fully shown. I quickly pulled out my phone and took a picture before he could react and bolted it to UA.

Small-e time skipu-Justu!

3rd POV

Izuku walked through the halls of UA. Trying to find class 1-c. He stopped in the hall way after a while realizing he was lost. Then he got a notification on his phone. He looked at it and couldn't stop laughing. It read...

Katsuki Bakugou. Age: 16. Goes on master chef and argues with Gordon Ramsey. Gordon states that, "His dishes are great, they just look like someone took a shit in it." More later.

After taking that small break, Izuku decided to look around for help and then eventually found a classroom. He went up and knocked on one of the doors then opened it. Inside their were only three students. One of them walked up to Izuku and asked why he was here,

"Hey there little guy! What ya doing here?"

"Hi, I was just looking for class1-c."

"Oh? Are you a transfer to there?"

"No, no. I'm in heroics, class 1-a."

"That makes it easier then! Do you know how to get back to your class?"

"Ya I think so."

"Well then head back down there and once you get there just a head a couple of doors in that direction."

The man said this pointing to his left. To Izuku it was his right.

"Thank you."

Izuku noticed how muscular the man looked and realized this might also be a heroics class.

"I'm sorry for asking. But are you three also in heroics?"

The other two noticed they were being included in the conversation and had completely opposite reactions. One, a girl with periwinkle hair that almost looked like it went down at her knees jumped up and started bubbling with excitement. The other, a boy with indigo hair with a raven like style to it cowered down.

"Why yes we are." Started the man standing in front of Izuku right now, he had short blond hair and cartoonish looking blue eyes. "Now you should get going now."

"Yes, thank you." Izuku walked back to his home room to restart his journey.

"Well that was, interesting." Stated the blond  from back in the room. He turned around to his two friends and continued. "He didn't seem to recognize us."

Back with Izuku

Izuku POV

I managed to find my way back to my room and went in the direction the blond from before pointed me to.

'1-c, 1-c, ah there you are.'

I walked into the class after knocking and was met with quite the sight. Himiko Toga. My grifriend, continuously stomping on a guy on the ground. Behind her was a boy with purple hair and dark eye bags. He looked baffled, as if something spectacular just happened. Toga turned around to face the purple haired boy.

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