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I realize that I haven't updated in a while. So I decided to write up a quick chapter (kind of backstory) as to why Izuku Midoriya is so hell bent on killing his father and destroying the order that kidnapped him and his friends.

3rd Pov

'I am so fucking done.' Were the thoughts of an eleven year old boy walking down a long black corridor. He was tall for his age, already about five feet tall, he was wearing a costume of sorts, giving him a look that would make him seem like some sort of special ops soldier, despite his age. In his arms was a girl, her name was Izumi -------- she had blue wavy hair, and laid motionless in the boys arms. The boy kept walking until he met the end of the corridor to meet a door. he opened it with his foot and as he walked through it closed quietly behind him, he laid the body down onto the (now) dirt ground. There was a pile of dirt right next to where he had laid the body, and being sure not to disturb the pile of dirt. he started digging a hole the size of the body. It took him ten minutes until he was done digging. once he was done he carefully laid the body into the hole and started filling the hole with extra dirt lying around. He carefully stood up and looked at the new mound of dirt, which now lays peacefully beside the other one. The boy took a shaky breath before saying...

"Nobody who dies is ever truly dead, as long as we remember them."

the boy grit his teeth in anger, he swore never to use that power again, as he might kill the ones he love, however he doesn't truly care anymore. The monsters that have done this will know that they will need to hide from HIM. The boy focused and within a few minutes, he had entered his mind where an entity was awaiting him.

"I see you have returned." the strange entity stated.

"How much of your power can I control?" the boy asked

"Only 4%, but I warn you, if you use anymore then such-"

"Then I will lose my mind and kill everyone and everything I love and much much more, I know." The boy cut the entity off and continued.

"Me and my friends have been here long enough, I need to risk it, to many people I love and have cared for have already died because of these monsters. I want to kill all of them, so are you going to give me it or not?"

The entity sighed.

"Just remember that if you lose control then we both die, so save your friends however you see fit. Just don't. Lose. Control."

The entities voice was stern, like how a parent would discipline a child.

"I won't."

Back outside of the boys head, two figures who were also in their child years emerged through the same door the boy had come from. The two walked towards the boy who had just come out of his thoughts. The two saw the dark aura that surrounded the teen and were shocked. One however decided to voice his shock.

"The hell? Izuku? What if you lose control? Do you remember what happened last time? Its why you're here."

The boy looked up at the two figures, who he recognized as his friends.

"I am in control, however I don't know for how long. Im going to destroy this place, so I want you two to get far away from here. If I live I will find you. NOW GO!"

The boy, Izuku, watched as the other two figures ran away as fat as they could, Izuku looked back at the door he came from and walked through the door once again.

He made his way to where he saw many other soldiers, he despised these people. For they believe that the people we serve have the best intentions for them. It disgusts Izuku. He made his way towards the middle of the crowd. People noticed his black aura and didn't comment on it, they thought he was reporting back to the head trainer about finding out he had a dual quirk, but as he got to around he middle of the crowd (he thinks) he lifted his hand up to produce a very large fireball from his palm. When the other soldiers saw this, they went to stop him. It was to late, faster then the eye could see Izuku slammed the fireball into the floor. Creating a massive explosion of black.

In the middle of the explosion, stood the boy, with an almost insane smile on his face. It quickly morphed into one of disgust and anger however. He was angry at himself.

'Yes, Scream more, burn to death you cockroaches! NO! I can't let the power take control of me.'

The boy shook his head at himself and looked around, there was only one person standing and he did not look happy. Unlike the other soldiers, this one looked like he was in his late twenties. He had sharp teeth and his hair had a bit of a mane to it. He also had a tail almost as long as his legs. He stood at 5 foot 8 inches. Izuku was unfazed at the obvious height difference.

"The headmaster of this district." He told himself, this man may be the headmaster of this specific factory/district. But he was nothing compared to his higher ups and the hundreds of other districts. 'Quirk: Lion, has the qualities of a lion, the strength, speed, senses, etc. are equivalent to that of a Lion. However unable to physically transform into that of a Lion, No paws, in other words he has hands but instead of fingernails he has retractable claws. A Lion is easy to defeat itself, so a man rip off of one should be easy.'

Izuku quickly leapt forward at the man, starting with an uppercut to his chin, it landed and the man was sent flying to the roof. Izuku however caught the man's foot when it was around his face. Izuku grabbed the other foot with his other hand and slammed the man down into the ground, leaving him embedded there. The man, somehow, was still conscious and glared at Izuku, he suddenly started smiling. a smile filled with angry and... other things.

"You must think you're so *ACK* fucking powerful right now huh?" The man rasped out between coughs and gags. "*Cough, Cough* There are thousands of us, you will never beat us all, Lord Salamander will destroy you, it doesn't matter how powerful you are, there is always someone more powerful."

Izuku leaned down close to the man and whispered harshly into his ear.

"It doesn't matter how many of you I have to kill, my father is nothing but a pebble below me once I master this power, and it doesn't matter if you have someone more powerful than me. I'll kill that person, the next, and every one after even if I have to lose limbs or my own fucking insides to do it. It won't matter because i'm not dying until each and every one of this little order you have set up is destroyed. You hear me, DAD?"

The man looked confused until the tv flared to life, despite being partially burnt and a bit broken. The tv showed the face of the -ex number three hero, Salamander, aka Hisashi Joseph Midoriya.

"I'm well aware of the threat you pose, my son. However, I know how to beat that dumb shield quirk of yours, and from then it's just a matter of overpowering you."

Hisashi and Izuku glared at each other, Izuku quickly got sick of his fathers face and formed a fireball, throwing it at the tv, completely destroying it.

"See?" The Lion man said. "We will defeat you."

Izuku looked over at the man, and raised his boot.

"and i'll be waiting."

Izuku brought down his boot on the mans head, completely crushing it, parts of brain and blood flew everywhere. Izukus whole right leg was covered in it. He went to the underground cellar where the prisoners are held and left a quick note from fire in the wall beside it. He laid down under the note and fell asleep.

Fifty minutes later the heroes and the police arrived.

Well then there you go! You learnt how Izuku and the others really escaped and who were in the two makeshift graves Izuku made? You wanna know? too bad. I'll come back and make a chapter right before this event happens. In all honesty I also need your guys's help. I don't really know what to name the order that the Salamander (Hisashi Midoriya) controls, please leave some suggestions in the comments!


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