Chapter Forty-nine

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"Looks like your story checks out."

Izuku was currently sitting on a bed at U.A. Specifically in recovery girl's office, well, clinic.

"I told you."

Uchu was sitting next to Izuku. A bored expression across his face, when the two had their quirk's off, they almost looked the exact same.

Apparently, when someone is in a Universe that's not their own. A person won't age. This ended up being true as Recovery Girl compared the cellular structure of the Izuku now, to the Izuku before he had warped away.

And they were the exact same. No changes whatsoever, which, at his age, isn't normal for someone who supposedly spent two years in another Universe.

"Well, we'll just have to take your word for, Uchu, was it?"


Recovery girl sighed. Before sending the two boys out of the office, and into the hall of the worried friends and family.

"The hell was that! You lost!" Katsuki shouted.

"Um, technically, yes, the first round. I only beat him at the end because of my growth and him practically standing on bones." Izuku stated.

Yup, Izuku was gonna die, stupid friends, he couldn't breath as at least ten people jumped on him.

Inko and Shota just watched on. Each of them cracking their own smiles as they subconsciously thought the same thing.

'It's good to see he hasn't changed.'

Later, after Izuku explained to his class and some of the classmates of 1b he was friends with, and his parents, all that had happened, and why it did.

It was only after Izuku's explanation had they realized Uchu was still behind him.

"So your the sentient?" Shoto asked.

Tenya gasped at the teen.

"Todoroki! That is no way to address a fellow human being!" He chastised.

"Your the one who doesn't sound like a human being right now." Hitoshi, blunt as ever, spoke.

Tenya turned robotically, facing the petunia.

"I am human!" The robot declared.

"Surrrreee." Came the response of everyone in the hall.

Later, Izuku was seen laying down on a bed, talking on the phone with someone.

"So they haven't made any new moves? No plans or anything?" Izuku asked.

"No, it looks like they're gonna stay low for a while, especially after what just happened." Stendhal's voice came from over the phone, as Izuku sighed.

'Right. It's only been a few hours, not two years.' He mentally face palmed.

'Dumbass.' Izuku heard Uchu say, followed by a yawn.

"Okay, thanks man. Don't push yourself too hard." Izuku said.

"Wait!" Izuku stopped his finger before ending the call, listening to the vigilante. "There's a new vigilante around, I took her under my wing, she seems to be fond of vigilante's, you should've seen the stars in her eyes when I introduced her to Knuckle Duster."


"Right, I think it'll be a good idea for you to meet her, me and the others have been a bit busy lately, and she's restless."

Izuku sighed, before nodding his head, then realizing the vigilante couldn't see that.


And with that. Izuku ended the call, flipping himself onto his bed as he let sleep consume him.

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