Chapter Sixty-two

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*cough cough* "ugh."

"Huh, and here I thought you wouldn't last a minute." Popstep said.

Knuckleduster, Popstep, Crawler and Tsukauchi were the only four left conscious in the arena, and, despite it being extremely hard, the detective had managed to take down two of them, although he mostly had Crawler to thank for that, as he would finish them off with a swift blow to the head.

Tsukauchi coughed some more, before looking at Popstep. "What can I say, *cough* really wanted to talk."

Popstep's face went blank for a second, before she started laughing, patting Tsukauchi harshly on the back. "Man you're funny! Come on, let's go back to the booths."

Tsukauchi nodded, and Popstep and Crawler went on, but Knuckleduster grabbed his shoulder.

"Hey, you, you fought well." He said. "With a little training, I'd say we can make you one of us, how about it?" He asked.

Tsukauchi looked back at the large man; but shook his head. "Sorry, but I can't, you'll see why soon."

Knuckleduster nodded, and walked off, leaving Tsukauchi to catch up.

The four were sitting at a booth now, and Tsukauchi was composing himself for what he was about to say.

"I'm sure you all know Izuku Midoriya right?" Tsukauchi asked the three.

He was quick to note that all three of them reacted about the same, meaning he had in fact met all of them, at the very least interacted.

"Yeah, we heard what happened to the little devil, shame really, but knowing him I'm sure he'll be fine." Knuckleduster said.

Tsukauchi nodded. "Well, he gave these to me, and wanted me to give them to you, you see, there's a group his father runs, an organization that has unknown intentions, but harsh methods, and Izuku wants you all to take down each of the facilities marked here." He said, placing down a bunch of different maps of areas all over Japan.

The three watched as Tsukauchi informed them of each of the areas weaker and strong points in terms of their power, for example, in Tokyo, they are especially powerful, but not so much along the Southern coastline.

"I see." Knuckleduster said. "And this is all from Midoriya correct?" Knuckleduster asked.

Tsukauchi nodded his head. "Ask me a question about him if you want proof." He said.

The leader of the trio nodded, thinking, when all of a sudden Popstep butted in. "What was his Vigilante name?!" She asked.

Knuckleduster broke from his thoughts. "Actually, yeah, that's good." He said.

Tsukauchi grinned, he knew it, of course he knew, he was a menace to the man during Izuku's whole career as a vigilante.

"It's Pain." Tsukauchi replied.

"Wow, I totally didn't see that!" Popstep announced.

"Eh, why?" Tsukauchi asked.

"Well, probably because Midoriya didn't get along well with the feds!" Popstep whisper yelled, making sure nobody else heard.

Tsukauchi was surprised, but shook his head. 'Of course they would see through that.'

"Okay, you got me, but I am telling the truth." Tsukauchi said.

He felt a light pat on his shoulder, and turned to see the Crawler. "I-It's fine, we believe you."

Tsukauchi breathed a sigh of relief, before nodding.

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