Chapter thirty

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"The break is over! The Third part of the sports festival will begin soon, all remaining contenders please make your way back to the seats dedicated to your class!"

The audience made their way back into the seats, and the classes made their way back to theirs. They started talking amongst themselves, hyped from the past matches as well as excited for the ones to come. After all, it was the semi-finals now.

The four last contested were currently in a room, all by themselves.

"May the best man win." Izuku put his fist out.

"And fight with manliness!" Kirishima stated, he put his fist forward.

"Fight with everything you got." Todoroki put his fist forward, meeting the other two.

They all looked over to Bakugou, and he scoffed, walking forward.

"Fight with pride." He too put his forward. And they all bumped fists. Before making their way back to the class. Izuku and Katsuki stopped short however, and started making there way to their respective tunnels.

"Bakugou and Midoriya, you two have got five minutes before you match starts." Present Mic exclaimed, slightly giddy.

"Your such a child." Aizawa groaned

"You're." Present mic whispered.

"Huh? That's what I said."

"That's not what your text said."


Izuku and Katsuki both walked out onto the field. They walked right up to each other and shook hands. Then they backed off, immediately getting into practiced stances.

"I'm gonna best you this time Izuku. I've got new tricks."

"Ready!?" Midnight asked.

Katsuki and Izuku both nodded as Izuku retorted back.

"Really? I'd like to see how you have improved then, Kacchan."


Katsuki leapt at Izuku, him meeting halfway, he quickly went for a left hook, and Katsuki ducked under it, he then quickly propelled himself into the air before stopping, he was falling to the ground now, and Izuku leapt away.


Katsuki shattered the ground he and Izuku stood upon, now the whole area in which the fighting commenced is disordered. Pieces of cement were sticking up in some places and others it was completely steep heading down.

Katsuki grinned, "now it'll be harder for you to escape when I kill you."

"Whatever you say." Izuku grinned back.


Katsuki released a huge explosion into the ground, however the difference this time was it wasn't to destroy the arena, it was to smoke the arena. Katsuki leapt down into the smoke. And the fight commenced once more.

Izuku was surprised, Katsuki was using everything he knew about him to his advantage. Izuku smirked, realizing Katsuki might indeed have the ability to beat him if he kept playing like this, however Izuku isn't dumb, he can tell that Katsuki's wrists must already be hurting after creating such big explosions.

He heard something to his left, and quickly leapt at it, big mistake. Katsuki quickly punched him in the gut, and it hurt. Katsuki has used the noise as a distraction to lure him in. However, now Izuku knows where Katsuki is. Izuku leapt at the spot Katsuki had hidden under, he kicked a block of cement at the spot, and it blew up. Katsuki emerged form where the cement was and attacked Izuku once more, Izuku grinned even more, 'I can only see his silhouette, not him, so my quirk won't work, well done.'

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