Chapter nineteen

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3rd POV

"You want me to what?"

Were the words of Shouto Todoroki. Him and Izuku Midoriya were sitting at a a booth in a cat cafe. Shouto has just figured out why Izuku had asked him to the cafe.

"I know it's a lot to ask for, but it would be a good thing for all might to know, he still thinks that Endeavour is a genuinely good person. If you told all might about your story then all might could finally start understanding Endeavour better. I believe that if all might knows how he is then he could help Endeavour be a better person." Stayed Izuku.



"I said sure."

"Wow, I thought it would be was harder to convince you."

Shouto looked down to the cat he was stroking. He always thought that something bad would happen to him if he told anybody about his father, but Izuku seemed so convinced that it would help.

'Besides.' Shouto thought. 'Izuku sorta helped Katsuki help me out when I needed it. I guess I can repay him somehow.'

"So after school tomorrow?" Izuku asked.


And with that the two spent the next two hours playing with kittens, they even ran into Shinsou! Izuku got to introduce the two to each other and they seemed to get along well, to Izuku at least. The truth was that they both were complete opposites, however shared many common interests and decided to get along like that.

Izuku was waving goodbye to Hitoshi and Shouto when he ran into someone unexpected.

"Why hello there Midoriya." The figure started. He was wearing a black hoodie with slightly ripped jeans, however the thing most noticeable to Izuku was the figures face. The figure went to go reach an arm around Izuku and Izuku allowed it.

"What do you want Shigiraki?" Izuku asked.

"Hehehehe, I knew you would recognize me, hows dear old mother?" Shigiraki asked back.

"You know I have the ability to beat you here and now right?"

"Oh, but I wouldn't do that if I were you, or else she gets it."

Shigiraki used his free hand to point into an alleyway. Izuku looked over and grimaced. There a woman was being held as a hostage beside Kurogiri.

"What do you want?" Izuku asked again.

"Oh, just to talk. I always wondered, why are you a hero? After all, you used to be a vigilante. Isn't that right, Pain?" Shigiraki's voice was dripping with venom by the final sentence, and Izuku subconsciously reached into his pocket with both hands slipping his wrist blade onto his left hand.

"If I'm a hero I would be able to get the job admins without worrying about heroes chasing me, even having them as support for some cases."

"Ah, but that's not the only reason is it?"

'He knows something.' Izuku thought. He never told anyone the true reason he became a hero. It was actually because of a promise he made to someone.

"What makes you say that?" Izuku asked, actually interested.

Izuku POV

"You just don't seem like the type of person to want to be a hero." Shigiraki stated.

'Ah, so he doesn't have a reason for his question, he's trying to get me to open up about myself.'

"What about you?" I asked. "You don't seem like the proper person to be a villain. Villains are cunning and strong. Meanwhile you are a man child and look like a noodle, relying solely on your speed for battle."

Shigiraki seemed taken aback at my question to him.

"Hey, this isn't UNO, you can't just reverse my questioning of you onto you questioning me."

"That's another reason I can't help but see you as a man child, you seem to use video game references in a lot of your talk." I grinned, just gotta get him angry.

"I wouldn't be talking smack right now, you slime! Keep in mind I have an NPC hostage."

"You really think I care? I can stand up right now and take you out, so what if mr. suit over there kills that woman? Then he wouldn't be able to save you!" I smacked his arm away and smiled psychotically at him. 'She should be here in three, two, one...'


"Agh!" Kurogiri jumped? Out of the alleyway holding the metal collar around his neck. The woman went running away when she noticed she was free. The three of us then looked at our newcomer.

"Hi Izu!" Shouted a familiar lively voice.

"Hello Himiko! I see you got my message?" I replied in an equally lively voice.

"Hey hey, you were solo when I found you, how do you have a party member?" Shigiraki almost screeched, however he was able to control himself considering they were still in a slightly populated area.

I remembered the phone in my pocket, thank god I clicked the right number then, otherwise we might've ended up in a worse off situation.

"Ooh, is this that brag you were telling me about Izu?" Toga asked

"Yes it is." I replied quickly

"You think I'm a brat? I'm the boss level you noob! I'll destroy you and everyone you love! Just you wait." Shigiraki nodded to Kurogiri and he started making a portal for them. Toga however...

"Hey!" She was clearly pissed off, her normal cheerful expression with the everlasting blush turned dark and sinister. "If you ever hurt anyone in our family, we will burn the world if it meant getting to you, now scram!"

As soon as shigiraki and Kurogiri left, Toga dropped to her knees, I quickly ran to her side, embracing her in a hug.

"Himiko, what did I tell you about that guy? He's dangerous, I don't want you to be one of his targets."

"I know, it's just. I was a-"

"Angry?" I finished for her. "I know, and I understand. I just don't want to see anything bad happen to you."

"I know, thank you Izuku."

"It's okay Himiko. I love you."

"I love you too."

We stayed there for a while just sitting and hugging each other. It wasn't long before she stood up, back to her normal cheery self.

"Okay then, let's go home Izuku!

Pain (a vigilante turned hero Deku story)Where stories live. Discover now