Chapter two

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??? POV

'What the hell? I swear I went to cut his arm off just now, how come my arm fell off?'

I looked at the ground where my severed arm was and noticed that it was definitely cut off because of how clean the cut looked.

I looked back at the person I attacked, he was just sitting in the ground smirking! 'This bitch!"

"Hey hey, how come I just got my arm cut off?"

The man simply smiled, before looking back down at his wrist and frowning

"I would tell you..." he started saying " But I'm going to have to finish this quick, I mean I got a tight schedule after all."

Before I knew what happened, he was right in front of me. All I saw was a pair of green glowing eyes, and then everything went black.

Izuku POV

I dropped the criminal off at a police station, I wrote a quick note and put it on the criminal and sped off 'I can't believe I almost forgot about the U.A. entrance exam! Oh god please don't start it yet'

Tsukauchi POV

I walked out of the office to take a few breaths of air before heading back inside to be drowned in work again, pulling an all nighter is hard no matter what others say. Especially with this new vigilante out lately, we've found ourselves become chest deep in paperwork of all kinds. We have been trying to get information about this guy for a while now but so far we only have a few pieces of evidence. One, he should be a bit smaller then six feet.
Two, he has green eyes that seem to glow. And three, he was born somewhere in this area because this is the only few cities of japan he patrols.

When I head outside the first thing I smell is not refreshing air, but rather blood. I quickly pull my gun out and scan my surroundings, eventually it leads to a passed out man missing an arm tied to a bench right by the door to the station. I saw a note on the man and just sighed after reading it.
'Man this is troublesome.'

The note said
"Dear detective Tsukauchi, it seems I have quite the luck running into another criminal, this man was caught Harrasing another person, and when I got closer he attacked me. I hope he is found guilty for I have evidence attached to the note. From your favourite vigilante, Pain."

"This guy..."

Izuku POV

I just watched neito and katsuki attempt the entrance exam to U.A. they both did fairly well and it was easier watching them since they were put into the same fake city.

This one girl almost got stomped on by the huge zero pointer but was stopped and destroyed by my two dear friends.

"Haha, the look on Kacchans face when recovery girl told them of the hero points. Ahh that was priceless."

I start jogging back home and on the way there I realize something,

'I forgot to buy supper. Damn.'

So I turned right around to head to the mall.

Small time skip,

As soon as I got home I was tackled into a hug by my mother, she always hated the fact that I faked my death but she was oddly supportive of me becoming a vigilante.

"Hey mom, what's wrong?"

"You were on the news again sweetie! The newscaster just finished talking about how you are being a better help to them then they realize. She pulled up a chart containing the crime rate between before and after you're vigilante activities began. You have reduced the crime rate almost five percent!"

Now I know five percent doesn't sound like much to me, to my mom that means a lot. Because lowering that rate even one percent means taking on at least twenty different criminals/villains.

"Oh! That's right! I made you some Katsudon sweetie, I need to head out for work soon so don't overwork yourself tonight OK?"

"Ok mom I promise to not work myself to hard tonight. I'll see you tomorrow mom."

As soon as I said that she was all over the place, picking up different papers and files and before I knew it she was out the door.

"Bye?" I snickered a little when I heard her screech to a stop and coming right back to the door.

"Bye Izuku sweetie, love you!"

And with that she was gone, and I got to work sitting and eating my Katsudon while sorting out my information on the league of villains.

"Well this is interesting."

'Tomura shigaraki
Real name: Tenko shimura
Quirk: decay
Can disintegrate anything that is touched with all five of his fingers, became a villain due to neglectance by the society when his father was on the verge of death in a car crash

'Hmm, it seems that the rest has not been figured out by anyone yet, I still need to get in touch with all might somehow to tell him all for one is still alive, but there's no way he won't bring a hero like Eraserhead there too.'

Eraserhead, he was one of the heroes Izuku liked, he didn't try to get fame for being a hero at all. Yet if he was compared to the hero rankings from all the things he's seen him do, he would easily be in the top ten.

"Huh, look like I'll have to infiltrate the USJ in a week, fucking great."

Shigaraki POV

Kurogiri looked at me weirdly just now and I have no idea why.

"Hey kurogiri, what the hell are you looking at me weird for? Did the game freeze with you still in it?"

"It is nothing Shigaraki, however you appear to be shivering a little."

"I guess, I jut have a bad feeling about this new quest we're out to complete."

Suddenly the tv in the bar came to life, with a static storm the person on the other side started talking.

"Do not worry tomura, you will be bringing with you a nomu that was created to specifically combat all might at his full power. You have nothing to worry about."

"Of course master, I hope you get to full hp soon."

'All for one, he is like a father to me, if he thinks this quest will got smoothly, then there nothing to worry about.'

'I hope.'

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