chapter fourteen

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Izuku Pov


The 'cops' started shooting at me after they were given the signal. I quickly took my phone out and turned around, I made sure not to look at my phone while typing a quick conversation with detective Tsukauchi asking for help. Once I finished I took one last glance at the spot I had been staring at this whole time.

'That is one fucked up whole in the ground.' I seriously think that if I stuck my foot in there I wouldn't see it.

I turned around to face the 'cops.' I took another good look at their faces and realized I DID recognize one of them. They had stopped firing and were starting to reload when they heard my voice.


One of the men looked up at the mention of his name.

"Izuku, is that you?" The man was short-ish, he was always wearing sunglasses and his hair was silver along with the small mustache he had grown out. I swear he tries to be Stan Lee to much.

"Hey Joe, how are you doing? How's your business?"

"Oh you know, same ol' shit over and over again. This is probably the most exciting thing i've done in a while." Joe replied.

"What are you doing working with cops anyway man? I thought you hated the shits." 'Oh god I hope this works.' I was mentally praying that Joe was as stupid as I remember him to be.

"Bah! Working with cops? Are you nuts? Some guy with a hand on his face popped out of nowhere and asked if I wanted to bring down the vigilante pain. Next thing I know i'm giving away my guns for free! Free I tell ya! What're you doing here? and why the hell 're we shooting you?"

'YES.' "Well obviousely that guy with the hand on his face is talking bullshit if they think i'm the vigilante pain, I thought I told you already? My big brother is. The only reason I come to your shop remember? He really is stupidly cautious when it come to going places himself, unless it's doing the vigilante shit."

3rd POV

The other men who were disguised as cops were at a loss for words at this point, the person they were told to kill was unkillable and didn't even give a shit as he was being bombarded with bullets, and he's friends with one of them. Then they learn that (apparently) they were targeting the wrong person and was supposed to go for the big brother instead but their boss fucked up. They didn't know what to think. Believing him would mean they need to beeline it and face possible death by telling their boss he was wrong or get arrested. However thinking he was Pain the vigilante would raise a new problem. They didn't know what his quirk was, and they just riddled him with bullets and he was unfazed, so they can't think about trying to fight him. One of them was unfazed however and ran towards Izuku attempting to sweep his legs. Izuku however just flipped over the man and spun around delivering a quick roundhouse to the mans face. Long story short, there was now a man with a totally broken nose embedded into the wall of a house.

Another man spoke up witnessing this though.

"Big Brother? That's Bullshit! Obviously you're Pain you just left a guy embedded into a house with a single kick!"

"Well what did you expect?" Izuku yelled back. "When you have a vigilante like Pain as a bigger brother of course he'll teach me a few things."

The man was about to speak up again when they heard more cops approaching.

"Shit. We spent to much time arguing. We gotta get outta here." One man said through gritted teeth.

The fake police officers quickly got back into their police vehicles and sped off, not to bother Izuku again. The police arrived just as Izuku made his way back over to his mother and Aizawa. The three were met with the friendly (not so really) face of detective Tsukauchi.

"You." The detective started, pointing at Izuku. "I'm really starting to get fed up with your bullshit, you're a vigilante right? Why didn't you capture the fake cops?"

Izuku thought for a moment before replying.

"That would single me out. They would know that I am in fact the vigilante Pain, and even worse I would be labelled as a villain, think about it, if I fought back people wouldn't see a vigilante fighting against fake cops, they would think the cops were real, and the headlines would be 'Breaking news, Vigilante Pain is actually pure villain? Look what he did to these police officers near --------- district' or some shit like that. 'Cause one things for sure, I don't want to deal with more heroes trying to hunt me down. Also if villains knew who I was they could target those important to me, and if that happened... I don't want to bury another of my family because of my incompetence. Surely you understand?"

"...Yah." Tsukauchi also gave a slight nod as he spoke, he never thought about it like that, in his rush to arrest the criminals he never pondered over who they were affecting. 'This kid, he's only a teenager and he already has such a mature mindset, better then mine anyway.' Tsukauchi thought to himself.

"You don't have to worry about a place we have to stay either, we can just head to Shoutas' house right?" Izuku asked, looking at mentioned man.

Aizawa nodded, and the detective just sighed. "Whatever floats your boat, that just means less work for me."

Izuku and Inko looked over at Aizawa, who was just standing in place, perfectly still, like a cat, he was being a cat.

"Well lead the way to your place, Shouta." Inko said.

Aizawa nodded, and off they went.

WHEW, i'm fucking tired, it's like 4 am and I couldn't sleep so I just figured "why the hell not?" and here I am, there were so many different ways I could have done this but this appealed to me the most. Also thanks so much for over 2.5k views! Well that's it for now...


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