Chapter forty-three

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"Alright, everyone on the bus in seat number order, you will sit next to the one you wish, single order everyone!"

The words of Tenya Iida were ignored as the class made their way onto the bus, however it didn't matter anyway since it wasn't the type of bus Tenya thought it was.

Izuku made his way to the back, before leaning up against the window and falling asleep. So he didn't pay attention to what everyone else was talking about.

He felt a dip beside him, and looked over to see Hitoshi lay back in his seat.

"What's wrong?"

Hitoshi's gaze never left from staring out to the front of the bus, but Izuku knew the question was meant for him.

"It's nothing." He grumbled out.

Hitoshi sighed, before continuing.

"Don't think I didn't notice, you've been up till late a lot lately, plus your eyebags gave you away. They're almost as big as mine were. So, what's wrong?"

The two sat in silence, before Izuku sighed.

"I just have a bad feeling, so I've been researching."

"Researching what?"

"The league of villains."

Hitoshi looked at Izuku, shocked, he wasn't expecting to get an answer like that out of the teen, and even then, Izuku didn't seem to mind telling him at all.

"Why are you researching the league of villains?"

The two quieted there tones, enough so that others wouldn't here them, and Izuku continued.

"I've figured out they have gotten themselves at least four new members, and it's for sure more. I've been trying to gain information on them, and I've come across some interesting things.

I've also figured out about two of their members to a great detail, they're villain names are Mr. Compress and Muscular. Muscular has a quirk that has the ability to manipulate and even amplify his muscles, while Mr. Compress has a quirk able to compress thing into small marbles, anything he touches he can compress, and he can release them whenever."

Hitoshi released a shaky breath, both of those quirks could be used really well in certain situations, but why hold Izuku tell him?

"Izuku? Why are you telling me?"

Izuku closed his eyes, making himself comfortable as he attempted to fall asleep, he spoke once more.

"It's just a hunch, but Shigiraki said something suspicious to Ochaco at the mall earlier, I have a feeling they're planning something. And I feel it involved us again. Or, at the very least, UA."

"Shouldn't we tell dad, or somebody else at UA?" Hitoshi was trying to keep his voice low, but it did come out a little higher, luckily though, it didn't seem like anybody was paying attention.

"Don't worry, I already talked to dad and Nezu, if anybody notices anything wrong. Then Nezu is going to send some help here immediately, now let me sleep, I just heard dad say we're gonna be there in an hour or two."

With that, Izuku promptly fell asleep.

Hitoshi looked warily at him, before looking ahead once more.

'Guess there's no point worrying about something that might not happen, especially when countermeasures are placed.'

Hitoshi shuffled around to get comfortable, before making an attempt to fall asleep himself.

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