Chapter 4

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Izuku POV

I still can't believe what I'm seeing, I start smiling, then chuckling, then laughing. Everybody else in the room were just looking at me, I noticed a hint of fright in their eyes and movements, well all except two.

"So heroes, shall we get started?"

That's right, I am inside a room with some pro heroes, I was chasing down someone who had robbed another civilian, turns out both of them were pro heroes. The one I was chasing was Ingenium so I almost caught him a couple times, but he was smarter then me, and this warehouse wasn't too far from the "robbery". The "civilian" was one of ectoplasms clones. So now I'm in a room that had the heroes, All might, endeavour, ectoplasm, ingenium, and........


"Yes that is me, the glorious principle of U.A. academy, I would like to talk if you would be so kind as to have a seat."

'Talk? Who the hell brings four high class heroes to fucking talk?'


I take a seat and the first thing I notice is a little box on principal Nezus shirt.

'A camera.'

"So are you going to be asking any questions right now or am I going to leave?"

I hear Endeavour scoff behind Nezu,

"Oh please, not even the kami herself could save you if I choose to scorch you."

"Shut up you flaming pile of trash! I ain't talking to you!"

All might had to quite literally hold endeavour back after I said that, once he calmed down Nezu continued.

"As I was saying I wanted to talk, more specifically I wanted to know who you are."

"Why should I tell you anything about me? You know what, this is a waist of my time. I'm leaving unless you have something to offer?"

"How about becoming a hero."

I stop dead in my tracks. I look over to all might, for he was the one to have said that. I walked up to him, got face to, uh, chest, and looked him in the eyes.

"I became a vigilante for a reason all might. Besides, being a hero would make things harder to achieve for me. Plus heroes are much slower to the scene than us vigilantes."

I turn around to head out the door again, when endeavour stands in my way.


"Make me."

I'm about to throw a few punches at endeavour before I heard Nezu speak again.

"How about this," he started

I stopped and looked at him, sighed, then motioned for him to continue.

"Why don't you try being a hero for just two years. Then, if you don't like it still then you can go back to being a vigilante."

"Oh? And what's in it for me?"

"Simple, you will be able to get more work done because you won't have heroes constantly on your trail."

I looked at him, then at the other heroes in the room, they are all fine with what Nezu is saying, well, except endeavour.

'This might work out, however, they still don't know I'm still a teen. Well this'll be troublesome.'

"Fine." I finally decide on saying.

Endeavour looked like he was ready to explode after hearing that, and it was evident in what he did next. He walked up to me and picked me up by my throat. I of course, was unfazed by this but I was curious to see what he wanted to do.

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