Chapter thiry-three

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An explosion, Izuku quickly got up from his spot on the train as it screeched to a halt, Hawks, Fumikage and him immediately made their way to the top of the train.

They surveyed the area, they had just entered Hosu, and it seemed as if there was something causing destruction across the ground area. Then they saw the Nomu's. Two on the ground, and one more on a train ahead of them.

"Shit." Hawks immediately acted, he jumped off the train, flying down to the city below, yelling back to his interns as he did. "You two go get the creature on the train ahead, rescuing civilians is a priority! You have permission to use your quirks!"

Izuku and Fumikage looked at each other and nodded, Fumikage quickly transformed, using one of his claws to pick Izuku up, he made his way over to the train.

The two boys dropped down into the train. Izuku ran and tackled the Nomu off of it. "I got this guy! Evacuate the civilians!"


He quickly made his way into the train, evacuating everybody as fast and orderly as he can.

Izuku tumbled off the track onto a hill, the Nomu with him. They both continued tumbling down the hill, punching and scraping at each other as they did so, they both fell off a ledge and landed right outside the city.

'Dammit.' Izuku looked down at the large gash caused by the Nomu's claws as they fell. Blood was pouring out of the wound, luckily not so much though. Izuku activated his mask and got rid of his shoes. He tore off a sleeve from his suit and tied it around his waist.

'Note to self: suit damage resistance lowered greatly when suit is stretched. Fix later.'

Izuku sighed, cracking his knuckles and raising his fists in front of him. The Nomu simply looked on, 'it must only attack people when it's attacked, it's not destroying the city because it can't see a part of the actual city?'

Izuku rushed the Nomu, it reacted fast. The Nomu grabbed Izuku's fist, attempting to punch back, only for Izuku to grab the Nomu's. The two stood there, then, the ground cracked from below them. The two both pushed against the other, attempting to force the other down with their strength. Eventually Izuku was starting to bend back. 'Maybe I should use some energy? Nah I'll be fine.'

Izuku removed just left hand from the Nomu's grip. He swerved to the right, avoiding the Nomu as it fell forward. Izuku moves behind the Nomu, still holding its left fist with his right hand, he bent its arm behind it.


Izuku backed away from the Nomu, it's arm was bent in an inhuman way behind its back as the Nomu screeched in pain. It stood slowly, then rushed Izuku. Izuku tried out his new technique, gripping the ground, before launching at the Nomu. He flew right past it, managing to elbow it in the face. The Nomu flew off the ground, the side of its head gone with a massive hole in it as Izuku watched it fall. He sighed as he checked the creature to see if it was still alive or not. It wasn't, it was laying still and unmoving, with a large part of its exposed brain gone with the side of its face.

"Well that totally doesn't look ugly at all."

Izuku made his way back to the train station, he helped Fumikage evacuate the last few civilians still on the train. The two of them rushed off into the city to help the heroes with the other Nomu's.

They made it to a rooftop, looking for the where the rest of the heroes were.

"There!" Fumikage and Izuku looked to see where dark shadow was pointing, finding a large flame erupt into the sky, as well as a Nomu. The two made their way over there, when a flash of blue caught Izuku's attention.

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