Chapter 4: Window Peeping

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That night, all I could think about was Juliet. How the hell was someone so beautiful married to the meat head Ryan. Her forest green eyes lingered on my mind as I fell asleep, wanting to get to know more about her.

Next day was Sunday, and since my family is somewhat religious we went to church. I never really enjoyed church, especially the dressing up in nice clothes. I decided to wear black dress pants with a white dress shirt and a light purple blazer. It was probably to most comfortable formal outfit I had, and mom seemed to approve so it was a win-win.
At 9:12 I headed downstairs, heading the muffled sounds of my mom taking. She was most likely complaining about my brothers outfits; Sam was obsessed with cargo pants and collared shirts, and Lucas always wore jeans if mom didn't say something.

A little while later we all piled into the car and headed to church. While dad was backing up, I looked behind and saw Ryan. He looked like he had just come back from jogging. His hair was disheveled and his skin was glowing from the morning sun. You could see his large puffs of air heaving his body. His back was facing our house and when he bent over, his tank top rode up revealing a hairy back and a tattoo. I couldn't make out what it was but it was big and looked like it went deeper down his body to his ass. I grimaced at the view, and times back around. By then dad had put his window down, and was waving.
"Good morning Ryan, beautiful dad isn't it?"
Ryan turned around, and fake smiled, flailing his hand back and forth. Well that's what I imagined anyway.
"Mornin' Simms, good to see y'all". Was this man trying to make me dislike him more. If so it was working. My dad replied and we headed down the road. I peeked once again out the back window and saw Ryan take of his shirt. His perfectly trimmed chest and faint outline of a 6 pack were visible, and another big tattoo was on his left breast. He walked towards the house and disappeared inside. By that point I turned back around in my seat. I had to admit he had a nice body, even though I was like 99% I was gay. He was still very meat-headed though, and his dark brown eyes were like potholes.

Church ended an hour later and we headed back home. It was a beautiful day, blue sky, and a cloudless sky. It would be a good day for a run. Being on track and field, we are required to run/workout on a daily basis. Usually I run around my neighborhood, which is about 8 miles and takes close to an hour.
When the car engine stopped I noticed we were already in our driveway. Getting out of the car, mom mentioned something to the affect of her doing some gardening. It was like her porn, she did it all the time even when it was winter.
Me being the oldest sat in the middle part, allowing me easy access to get in and out of the car. When I stepped out the concrete driveway make clacking sounds when our nice shoes hit it.
I made it up to my room in no time, taking of my church clothes and putting on jogging clothes. Basically, a light blue under armor tank top, black shorts and running shoes. I could get away with not having another layer, a perk of living in Florida. When I was about to leave my room, something caught my eye. I've always had 20/20 eyesight, and I used it to my advantage to see something moving across the street. I lived closer to my window, trying to get a better look. The blinds on one of the second story windows in the Banks house were open, giving me a view of what looked like a bedroom. There was no movement for a few minutes, and right as I was about to leave, Ryan came into view with wet hair and towel loosely around his waist. It looked like he was talking to someone, hopefully Juliet. I was dying to get another look at the brunette beauty. Ryan moved away from the window dropping his towel. I looked away immediately, seeing his bare, and hairy ass in plain view as he went to get clothes. Juliet then came into view and didn't look happy. It was my luck; her being mad at her idiotic husband. She was talking fast and moving her arms, and at one point covering her eyes. I couldn't move away from my window, even after seeing Ryan's ass. Speaking of Ryan, he came back into view still with nothing on. It was like he didn't know that I could see right into the room. His full junk was on display, semi-hard, and fully groomed. From my view, it didn't look big or thick, maybe around 4 inches long. Not impressive. As much as I didn't want to see Ryan's junk I watched the couple argue about something. Juliet came into view and grabbed something before leaving the room. Ryan stood, defeated with his junk still semi-hard and no wife to pleasure him. I almost, key word almost, felt bad for him. Not really though. After a few more seconds he stepped out of view and I sighed, backing away from my window and heading downstairs. I needed a distraction from thinking about Juliet, do it was a perfect time for jogging. Entering the kitchen, mom was reading a gardening magazine with her reading glasses perched on her nose.
"Hey sweetheart, are you going for a run? Coach Davis would approve" she smiled at the end, showing her white teeth.
"Yep, needed to clear my head, I'll be back in like an hour".
"Ok, have fun and please be safe".
I looked up from my phone, looking at my mom. It was like she was trying to tell me something.
I internally shrugged and gave a little smile, heading towards the front door. I already had music ready, and started our walking on the sidewalk. After I passed a few houses, I picked up the pace, going into a steady jog.

I ran for what seemed like forever, but it had only been an hour. My legs were starting to burn and sweat was pouring off my body. I'm guessing I currently looked like Ryan did after his jog. My hair was back in a ponytail, but it was starting to get damp. I was only a few blocks away from home, but the sun seems to be following me the whole time. I probably should've worn sunblock, but it was too late. Slowing down a bit later, my house was in sight. My body ached for water, my legs fully burning and sweat dripping down my face.
When I was a few steps away from the driveway, the Banks' front door opened and Juliet came out so the a stroller. The little boy was flailing his arms and a big smile was on his face. When she looked up, our eyes met and she smiled. She looked incredibly beautiful in short athletic shorts and a t-shirt. Her hair was in a ponytail and she had on running shoes. I stopped walking as she came closer to where I was standing.
"Hello Paige, how are you". Gosh her voice was even more mesmerizing that the first time.
"I'm good thanks Mrs. Banks, how about you?" I tried to act cool but was pretty sure I failed.
Juliet chuckled in response, saying to call her Juliet since she wasn't that much older than I was. That got my attention, she didn't look old but there was a greater chance of us possibly being together if she wasn't to old.
"Well Matthew and I are off for our walk, it seems like a beautiful day out, but you seem you know more about that than I do though" she grinned at the end, hinting towards my sweaty body. I made eye contact and smiled,
"Yeah it is, just came back from a jog, I'm sorry if I smell bad". Suddenly I became self conscious about how disgusting I probably looked. She seemed to know what I was thinking.
"No, no, I'm sorry I didn't meant to hint that you smelled bad, you don't. In fact you smell nice" she replied with a small smile.
My smile grew, and thanked her. It could've just been the sun, but it looked like a tiny blush went on her face. I forgot about Matthew in the stroller, until he wimpered. That for Juliets attention, bending down to him and asking what was wrong. She was such a great mother, even though she did seem young.
They were mumbling so I didn't hear much, until she came back up to her normal height, a few inches taller than I was.
" Well Matthew here is getting impatient so we'd better get going. It was great seeing you again"

"Yeah, you to, have a good walk it is a beautiful day". I smiled in return and started to walk up the driveway. When I got to the front door, I looked behind me to see Juliet halfway down the street with the stroller. With one last glance I stepped inside and went to get water. Lucas was in the kitchen, and immediately wrinkled his face.
"Ew, Paige, you stink go take a shower". With that he walked out with his carton of orange juice.
Either he was being overly dramatic, or I really did stink and Juliet was just being nice. Hopefully the 1st option.

After my shower I went to my room, where I saw Juliet coming back with Matthew. Ryan stepped outside when they got close, just in basketball shorts and waved. The blinds on my window have become my new hiding place for staring at the neighbors. Juliet let Matthew out of the stroller and he wobbled over to his dad, who met him halfway and flung him in his arms. Juliet visibly smiled, talking about something with her husband. When they were about to go inside, Ryan walked behind Juliet and once again squeezed her ass, making her jump and glare at him. That simple action made me smile, as I then watched them enter the house.
It had been a good day for learning and seeing more of the neighbors, but the day wasn't over. Erin was on her way and I knew that we'd be having a nice long chat about the Banks family.

Phew, another chapter done. Thank you for reading, I really appreciate it. Please feel free to vote/comment on this chapter!

- Jane

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