Chapter 21: Matthew's Check-up

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Juliet's point of View:

It was a month after returning from the lake house vacation. Paige and I had talked briefly about the status of our relationship now that both her parents knew. However my stomach was constantly on edge and being picky about what I was eating, so since I was taking Matthew into a checkup today I'd have Dr. Raven look at me.

Since the time we'd moved in, I'd only taken Matthew to see the pediatrician once. I tried not to be one of those over-bearing moms, but he was my only son and minus the Simms's family it was just the two of us.

Once we got inside the doctor's office, Matthew immediately tensed up. Poor guy, he hated doctors. Dr. Raven was an middle aged white man with a receding hairline and white teeth. He was a great doctor, but his people skills were a bit questionable. When the man entered, the sharp smell of his cologne invaded my nose, making me want to look away.

"Why hello there Matthew, and Matthew's mother" I doubt be knew my maiden name, since it wasn't on file.

Matthew gurgled a response while I smiled, trying to behave myself.

After Matthew's checkup, which Matthew only cried once when he saw the little needle that had to go in his arm, Dr. Raven was about to leave when I questioned him about the possible food poisonings. He took a blood sample and left Matthew and I in the waiting room for a few minutes. When he came back, he gave me the most shocking news in the form of four words.

"Juliet, you are pregnant" he smiled, but it was clearly fake since I knew he had a crush on me.

I knew that Paige hadn't worn a condom, but I wasn't mentally ready to be a mother again. I guess the throwing up now made sense, but after returning from the trip I hadn't gotten that sick again. However Matthew was only a few years old and Paige and I had only been girlfriends for a little bit. It was life-altering news.

I thanked the doctor and drove Matthew and myself home. Paige was out looking for an apartment to call her own, I think she was feeling strangled still living in her parents' house.

As soon as I turned off the car, I ran inside with Matthew in my arms, dialing Paige's number. Paige being Paige could tell that something was off, and surprisingly was at her parent's house eating lunch. She said she'd be over shortly.

Being alone with your thoughts, even for just a couple of minutes was dangerous. Being pregnant and Paige being as young as she was meant a big commitment. It wasn't afraid of that part, I could see Paige and I getting married some day. It was the fact that she being tied down at 22 with a pregnant girlfriend and her son. I couldn't lose her.

"baby, I'm here what's wrong". We were so comfortable with one another that she had just walked right into the house.

"Sweetheart, I need you to sit down for a second" she nodded, flopping down on the couch.

"Okay, but you're starting to scare me and I don't like it. Is Matthew okay, where is he" she looked around, and started to stand up.

"Paige I'm pregnant" I blurted out. She froze and looked at me, wide eyes. We didn't speak for a couple seconds, but her face was neutral besides the simple on her left cheek.

"Oh my god, hell yeah" she screamed, twirling me around in her arms, and then lifting up my shirt.

"Hey there little one. I'm your daddy, and I love you so much already it's crazy" she kissed my belly before rising up to look into my tear-filled eyes.

"I love you and this baby so much, and you might get sick of me but I'm not going anywhere" she hugged me, pressing our bodies together. I bawled my eyes out, so many emotions running through me. We staid standing in the living room, just holding each other. No words, jsut the sounds of me sniffling and her trying to calm me down.

"So, it wasn't food poisoning, it was a little baby forming huh. I'm awesome" she bloated, smiling.

I laughed, shaking my head. "yes, you are amazing sweetheart. Just don't go anywhere now, the doctor said I'm about 3 1/2 weeks pregnant.

"Wow, I guess not using a condom one time will make you pregnant. Good job dude" she looked down and patted her junk. Goofball.

"Okay, well, now we need to tell my family. How about tonight. I was about to go to the store to get dinner, we can have it at my parents place, and we can tell them together after dessert. I was thinking key lime pie." I nodded.

"Sounds perfect" I leaned in to hug her, our bodies pressed against one another. I could feel her buddy slightly awake, but decided it wasn't the time and that I'd be feeling plenty horny later. At least that's what I've heard...

I decided to stay home and play with Matthew while Paige went to the store. She was kind enough to ask what I wanted to eat, which was pasta. I could always eat pasta.

We had also decided that we wouldn't see each other until dinner, since we didn't want to raise suspicion. I had a feeling her parents already knew about us being together since Daniel had given me a thumbs up while Helen was smiling dreamily at us while watching a movie at the lake. It was kind of creepy actually.

At 6:30 I had myself and Matthew slightly dressed up. Me in a dark red cocktail dress that went an inch above my knees and had a halter top. And Matthew in dark blue jeans and a orange polo shirt.

Matthew and I walked hand in hand across the street. I was so nervous about the reactions from Helen and Daniel. But, I was keeping the baby and I knew Paige and I were going to stick together through it all.

After knocking on the Simms's door, I looked down at Matthew. He was holding the stuffed bunny that my parents gave him when he was born. His name was whiskers. I heard the door unlock and open, and expected Helen to answer, but instead was met with the blue eyed beauty girlfriend.

"Hey guys, you look great, come on in" she picked up Matthew who was shoving whiskers in her face.

"You look beautiful honey" Paige exclaimed, giving me a light peck on the lips. I could tell that she had just put on strawberry Chapstick. Paige was wearing dark blue jeans that showed of her noticeable bulge, along with a white undershirt and a blue and pink open flannel over it. Her hair was in the classic pixy style, and had adidas socks on.

"Thank you, you as well baby" I pecked her back, holding her hand.

She led us into the kitchen, where the rest of the family was preparing dinner. After greetings, everyone sat down to eat. Myself, next to Paige and Matthew.

It was about halfway through dinner when Paige cleared her throat, and we made eye contact. She looked at me silently asking if now was the time and If I'd be okay. I nodded, and she proceeded to stand up, gaining everyone's attention.

"Hello family, if you would stop eating for  a second Juliet and I have something to share" she looked at me and grabbed my hand so I was standing next to her.

"All I have to say is" she looked at her mom, "Sorry mom, you're going to be a grandma! Juliet's pregnant and we're keeping it".

Both Helen and Daniel gasped, then stood up to congratulate us. I got a hug from them both, and even a slight nod from the twins. Benji was wagging his tail as if he knew what was going on.

After answering lots of questions, Paige and I walked in the backyard together, basking in the moment. It was a slightly chilly night around 65 degrees, but with Paige's flannel around my shoulders and the recent news, I was as warm as I could be.

Paige stopped walking at the hammock, sitting down before pulling me down so I was in her lap. I was surprised by the gesture, but nonetheless happy about the physical contact. From then, we snuggled and talked, about the baby, our future, Matthew, and the apartment that Paige would be getting. She said that now she'd need a three bedroom at least.

It was dark when we were called inside by Lucas so I got up first and pulled up Paige. Together we walked back inside the house, happy as could be, after all, we had the best outcome possible from tonight.

That's all for now, thank you for reading. See you soon!

- Jane

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