Chapter 26: Nursery Decorating and Storm Prep

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Paige's point of view:

The next morning I woke up and decided to make Juliet and Matthew breakfast. I'm glad that Matthew didn't end up seeing Ryan, and I'm $1,000 richer so that's a plus. All thanks to my buddy downstairs. I looked down, stupid morning wood. 

I decided on bacon and pancakes, two of Juliet's favorites. I figured Matthew would like it as well, since who doesn't like it. 

It was after 8:30 when I arrived in the master bedroom, seeing my Juliet all cuddled up and looking adorable with the sheets below her shoulders and her nipples poking out through her tank top. Stop it, not the time Paige. 

"Baby, Juliet, Baby" I tried to gently shake her awake, but she fell asleep crying last night exhausted. 

I finally got a low moan out of her, with squinted eyes and a confused look on her face. 

"What're you doing Paige"

"I brought breakfast, most important meal of the day" I motioned to the food tray beside her with a plate of bacon and pancakes, fresh fruit, and apple juice since she didn't like orange juice. 

"Aww, thank you sweetie" she leaned up to peck my lips. "That was so thoughtful of you". She leaned up and began to eat. 

"Imma go grab Matthew and we can all be together" she nodded without looking up. This pregnancy was having an effect on her eating habits. 

After waking Matthew, I brought him into the master bedroom where he went straight to his mommy for snuggles and food. They were so damn cute together. 

Today was the day that Juliet and I were going to design and buy furniture for the nursery. I was more excited than Juliet was, mainly because it meant we had to go out in public and she believed she looked like a cooked turkey. 

Since we were having one boy and one girl, we decided to do the classic pink and blue colors but instead of the classic shades, we were doing a watermelon- pink and a Crimean blue. The room that would become the nursery had crown molding, and a bay window since it was technically the 2nd bedroom. 

Getting a pregnant girlfriend and her son to Home Depot was a project on its own. I hate slow walkers, and today we were the slow walkers. I held Matthew for part of the time since Juliet couldn't and she was going snail speed. At point Juliet sensed my urgency and tried to pick up the pace, but she easily got winded and then had to take a break. At the end of the trip all three of us were exhausted, and we walked out of the store with a sleeping Matthew on my shoulder. We had made good progress on the nursery, picking out paint samples as well as a couple small buckets to test out, two dressers, one white and one dark oak wood, both 4 drawers. The same dark oak wood was chosen for the cribs, except baby boy would have a blue lining and baby girl would have a pink lining. 

I had planned on going to the baby store after Home Depot but I knew I couldn't convince anyone to go. Maybe I'd leave the two at home and go by myself.... yeah I liked that. I'd leave a note as well. 

After getting the two settled in I headed to the baby store down the street. It was similar to a Baby R Us, except smaller. After grabbing a basket, I went straight to the clothes section, seeing a "Daddy's girl" shirt in light purple with two hearts molded together of different sizes. I should've grabbed a cart instead. There were similar clothes that I wanted to buy but we'd already spent the money Ryan gave us so I had a strict budget. I grabbed some clothes, diapers, towels, burp cloths, and shoes. Damn babies were expensive. The total came out of around $200, and after I paid, was on my merry way. Juliet hadn't called me so I assumed she was asleep. 

I assumed right. She and Matthew were cuddled up on the bed, her arms protectively around Matthew who was slobbering on his binkie. I took a picture and decided to wake them. 

Before I had woken them I decorated the twin's room with the things I had bought, and wanted to surprise Juliet. At least that was the plan until mom showed up at the door with a pan of her famous lobster rolls, taking the entirety of Juliet's attention, since it was food. She gulfed down two and was on her 3rd glass of water. My babies are hungry.

Turns out mom came over to check on how we were doing. There was a big storm coming and she wanted us to come back to the house in case the power went out. So the next 25 minutes were spent filling bags with everything we need and then getting to the house as soon as possible. Apparently it would be in the late evening, and being the dumbass that I was thought it was sped up daylight savings. Moms version makes more sense. 

The news of the storm put Juliet into a frenzy. She started putting everything in her closet and mine into various bags, claiming how we don't know how long we'll be away or how severe the damage will be. I guess she has a point. 

Matthew started to cry once he saw his overnight bag. He doesn't like to travel or be away from his family. So Juliet tried to clam him down while mom and I packed. When we finally got everything loaded into the car, the sky began to darken slowly. Mom was driving and she sped up, trying to beat the storm. 

The process of getting everyone and everything inside the house was a headache. It started pouring out of nowhere so I put a spare towel over Matthew's head and ran him and a bag inside. Meanwhile mom helped Juliet. They were only halfway there when I was returning and soaked so I ran up and carried a quite heavy (although I'd never admit that to her) Juliet into the house. I was out of breath but needed to get the rest of the bags. At this point dad and Sam helped me get the rest, since of course Juliet overpacked and there was at least three extra bags of stuff. 

By the time dad, Sam and I had gotten inside, we were all soaked. It was pelting rain outside and the sky was a dark gray and black color. The wind was moving the trees like it was shaking it and the lightning lit up the sky. It really went from 0-99 fast. 

Due to space, Juliet, Matthew and I would all have to share a room. Lucas's girlfriend Melissa was stuck here and since she was newer she got a room to herself. Yet Juliet is the one pregnant. 

I let Matthew carry up his mommy's purse while Juliet and I (mostly me) carried the bags to our room. Right as I was about to flop on the bed, I was stopped by a small hand grabbing my member through my shorts. 

"Hmm, I'm horny" Juliet whispered. "Let's take a ~wink wink~ shower". I quickly nodded and gave Matthew my phone to play. 

"Don't you know that you shouldn't shower when it's storming? You could get hit by lightning" she sighed. "Well damn you know how to suck the fun out of a situation. Your wet shorts are pressing against your member and the sight is delicious" I looked down, she was right. My clothes clung to my body. 

"At least let me help you dry off" she begged. I nodded and started stripping, and once I got down to my boxers, the power went out. 

Sorry for the late update, but I hope you guys liked it. Please comment and/or like and I hope to publish another chapter tomorrow!

- Jane

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