Chapter 40: Honeymoon part 2

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Juliet's point of view:

Day 4 of the week-long honeymoon was a success. Paige and I went on a hike to a waterfall, swam, and then had sex since nobody else was around. The villas we were staying in were 20 minutes away from the nearest town, so today I was going to sneak off and buy a pregnancy test while Paige has to get some work done.
The taxi came right on time and after a quick kiss I was off. I was originally getting groceries for meals and snacks, but since pregnancy tests were in the same store why not kill two birds with one stone.
Being a white woman young woman with blonde hair and blue eyes didn't help me try to blend in. A man came up to me asking for my name and number, even after I showers him my rings and said that I was taken.
Getting the test also got some stares, but I tried not to pay attention since this was about Paige and I.
At the end of my day trip, I had 5 bags filled and was heading back to the villas. I couldn't wait to take the test and hopefully surprise Paige with the good news. I'd seriously be surprised if I wasn't pregnant, she has the worst pull out game and we've been doing it a lot.

When I got back Paige was on the couch with her glasses on, working on school assignments. We greeted each other and I secretly took the test and put it in my pocket, while unloading the groceries.
After going to the bathroom, I waited an excruciating 4 minutes to see the results, but they were worth it! I WAS PREGNANT AGAIN! I ran out of the bathroom to find a Paige stuffing grapes in her mouth, making it look like she was playing chubby bunny.
"What's got you so happy" she said all muffled.
"Something was on sale"
" okay then I give up, what?"
"I'm pregnant again baby"
She spit out her grapes with wide eyes, running towards me and picking me up, twirling me around.
"That's the best news ever babe, I'm so happy" she kissed me lightly then beamy down and rolled up my shirt.
"Hey there little bean, I'm your mama, and I love you so so much already. Thank you for doing your thing and becoming a baby" she looked up grinning.
"Oh shut up we defiantly helped in the process"
We both laughed and hugged, our bodies molded together.
" I love you so so much Jules"
"Hm, and I love you to Paige" we continued to hug.

After the great news Paige cooked us a delicious meal of fish, salad, rice, and fruit. We shared the delicious meal out on the patio, looking at the water and sky while discussing our plans for tomorrow. We decided on deep sea fishing since we were both interested in it.

Soon we were out from the excitement of the day and what would be happening tomorrow.

The next morning started early for me, by throwing up. My stomach had been a bit off the past few days but try is was the first time I'd thrown up from morning sickness. It was around 5:30 so I assumed Paige wouldn't be up but I was wrong when she joined me and held my hair back while I threw up. For the next 20 minutes we sat on the bathroom floor in our pjs talking and me trying not to throw up again.
A few minutes later things started to settle down and for once Paige actually backed off when I told her to. She even made breakfast since we both knew we weren't going back to sleep.

After a delicious breakfast Paige called and canceled the fishing trip since there would be to much motion sickness for me. We decided to go kayaking instead since it didn't take a whole lot of work. Plus I got to see Paige in a swimsuit :).
Since I was just finding out about my pregnancy now, I could still pull off a bikini ski wore my mahogany one while Paige wore her black swim trunks and a black bikini top.
The kayaking rental place was about a 10 minute drive from our villas, so we headed out shortly after getting changed. Luckily they had a two person kayak to rent for an hour on such short notice. Paige and I both preferred doing a two person so that we were wedged with one another inside of the one kayak and we could blame the other if something went wrong.

The day was perfect, blue cloudless sky with a light breeze and hot sun. The water wasn't very choppy and clear, so we could see some fish and corals as we paddled above. Paige was in the back while I was up front. We both decided to paddle since it would be easier and it divided up the work.

Throughout the kayaking trip we only fell once, due to a giant ice fly being in my face and me moving back and forth. Paige was a good sport and lit up when I told her I'd buy her a ice cream. She was a child at heart.

For the rest of the day we showered separately and then sat in the hammock and relaxed together. That night we made love for hours, Paige joked about making twins which I didn't find as funny since 5 kids was a lot.

Day 5 consisted of taking a bike ride around the local town, eating lunch there, and then playing in the water. It was the most relaxing day yet. The next day we decided to goo it for a fancy dinner, and before that we went on a short hike and then went snorkeling. It was the most amazing experience; fish it all different colors, shapes, and sizes cohabitating one the reefs and in the bottom of the ocean floor. The water was the perfect temperature and see through so we got lucky.
On our last day we hung our at the villa, then took a cooking class with some locals who specialized in Hawaiian dishes. It was amazing food and everyone was super nice.

Although I missed my babies and home, Hawaii had been amazing. I couldn't wait to go back, maybe next time with the kiddos.
We had an early morning flight and made it back around 2. Just like coming home the day after our wedding, Matthew ran out a greeted us with Helen carrying the twins and motioning for us to come inside. When Daniel was there we shared the news of my being pregnant again and then enjoyed the rest together as a family. Everything was so effortless and easy so to Paige, and I felt so loved and cared for around her and her family. I was glad to be a Simm that's for sure.

Thank you for reading this chapter, please vote/comment on your thoughts on the book so far. I can't believe this is chapter 40 and you guys are actually reading it in the first place! It means a lot to me

- Jane

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