Chapter 11: New Woman in the House

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Juliet's point of view:

Over the next few days, Paige frequently came over and visited since Ryan was gone. We worked together perfectly and she was such a great help with taking care of Matthew. It was like we were a married couple, being a well oiled machine. One thing for sure, I didn't miss Ryan.

"Babe, where's Matthew's new thing of pull-ups?". Instead of yelling back, I made my way upstairs and saw Matthew naked on his changing table and Paige head deep in his closet.
"Paige, honey, I put them under his crib" I laughed as she whipped around, slightly jumping. "Damn you scared me, I didn't even hear you come in". She walked over to the crib, and looked under to pull out the pack of pull-ups. Matthew was flailing his arms and legs around on the changing table. "I guess I should've looked there, thank you away way though" she pecked my lips and moved over to where Matthew was. I followed her and helped her dress him, since he liked to "play" with us and make it difficult to change him.

As soon as Paige set Matthew on the ground, he ran away and you could head him thumping down the stairs. "I don't get how he has so much energy. It's crazy" she complained, cleaning up. I giggled and wrapped my arms around her from behind and kissed her neck slightly. " maybe you should start taking naps like he does".  She turned around and shook her head. " By napping, I miss out on spending more time with you. Which I don't wanna do". I slightly wrapped my arms around her shoulders and looked into her blue-gray eyes. They sparkled lightly in the sunlight streaming through the window, making her look like an angel.
"What're you looking so intently at?" I smiled and shook my head lightly. "You're so damn beautiful I can't help but look at you". I got a smile in response and she tucked her head into my neck. We just held each other, no words needed to be spoken.
Paige phone went off, making her groan and disconnect from my arms. She looked down at the small screen, her face scrunching up cutely. " my mom is asking where I am and if I want to lounge by the pool with her". She looked up when she finished reading. "You're welcome to go join her, I bet she wants to spend time with you before you leave for college." She groaned. "Yeah, but I love being over here with you and Matthew, it's like my second home". Paige whined and looked at her phone again. Suddenly my phone rang from inside my back pocket. I looked at the screen. "It's your mom". Paige froze, but encouraged me to answer it.
"Hello Helen, how are you"
"Juliet, good thank you. I texted Paige now long ago but she isn't responding. Do you happen to know where she is?"
"Yeah, she's actually playing with Matthew in the backyard. She was walking out front and Matthew say her and whined. I should've let you know earlier though I apologize".
"Oh, as long as she's safe, it's not problem. She loves Matthew. I was actually asking her is she wanted to join me in the backyard for some sunbathing and swimming. Would you and Matthew like to join us"
I looked at Paige, who was standing next to me so she could hear. She nodded, smiling at me.
"Helen, yes thank you we'd love to. I'll send Paige over and than Matthew and I still be over in around 10 minutes".
"Oh wonderful, I'll be looking forward to seeing y'all. Bye bye now"
"You as well, bye".
I hung up the phone and look at Paige. She was smiling and doing a happy dance. "I get to spend more time you guys, and, see you in a bathing suit. Woohoo!". Laughing In response, I shook my head and walked into my closet. I heard footsteps behind me and then a warm pair of arms around my waist, and her head on my left shoulder. " Wear the bikini you wore last time, you looked breathtaking". She kissed my neck softly, and walked away.
I took her advice and changed into my dark blue bikini and a light green cover up. When I went to dress Matthew, Paige was standing in front of him holding up two pairs of swim trunks to him. He chose the Dory ones, his favorite. "Looks like you beat me to it, huh?" I asked and Paige jumped slightly, turning in my direction. "I didn't hear you come in. And yeah figured I'd get him ready since he'll take longer." Once she finished talking, her eyes left mine and raked down my body, her mouth opening slightly. When our eyes met again, I smirked to which she blushed and turned her attention back to Matthew.
Assuming they'd do fine, I went to pack a to go bag.

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