Chapter 43: Paige's Birthday

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Paige's point of view:

Today I was turning 23. My parents were throwing me a pool party/bbq at there place. It was a week later, and Matthew was all cleared up from having mono, which was good since he wouldn't shut up about swimming in the pool. That kid was resilient that's for sure.

We were currently getting ready to leave, which meant the king process of getting Matthew and the twins in bathing suits. Ben was super picky about what he wore, and both him and Jamie needed basically all of their pale skin covered in something so it didn't get burned. It was a big effort.
I was in charge of packing the twins bag, which consisted of diapers, towels, sunscreen, hats, mini sunglasses, etc. I was in my green swim trunks and black tank top, Juliet's job was to dress the twins. Matthew insisted on dressing himself In his Transformers suit with small sunglasses on his face.
When I walked out with the bag I went into the living room to put it down. Walking into the twins roll I saw two naked babies and one distressed Juliet.
"Ben just peed on me while laughing and Jamie is putting up a fight. Can you help please" I nodded and took Jamie.
Juliet was right Jamie was persistent in not wanting to be dressed in a suit. It took way to long but eventually both twins were dressed and Jules looked exhausted.
"I cannot wait until they can dress themselves" she talked into my shoulder.
"I agree sweetheart" I kissed her head, feeing the stress radiate off of her.

Soon we were in the car and heading to my parents place. Recently Juliet and I talked about moving into a house with more room, since the apartment only have 3 bedrooms and the twins were sharing. One day it'd be nice for everyone to have their own room, including the twins. We'll just have to see how may kids we end up having. Which for me I could have an infinite amount, I loved them to pieces most of the time :)

Just like our previous gatherings, it would just be the rest of my family and then Erin. The smaller the better since we were al so close to one another.

When we arrived at the house we unloaded the kids and walked to the backyard. Everyone minus Erin were already there, dad Manning the grill, mom sunbathing, and Sam and Lucas in the pool.
"Hello family" I announced, getting the attention of mom and dad. They both rushed over and grabbed a twin, while Matthew clung to Juliet.

The rest of the morning was spent relaxing in the backyard. We ate good food grilled by dad and when Erin arrived she brought the fun. My favorite part was coming up; gifts. We all sat around the picnic tables with Ben on my lap.

I ended up with a friendship bracelet and two tickets to Florida Georgia Line from Erin, a football jersey, gym membership, socks, a few shirts, and a weight lift set from my parents. Juliet said she'd give me my present later since it was a bit more intimate, which I was fine by.
I decided to stay seated for awhile on the lawn chair, Juliet sitting in my lap. Luckily she wasn't very big yet due to her pregnancy.
I leaned in close to Juliet's ear, nuzzling my nose against her soft neck. "I'm super excited about your present baby" she bummed in response and turned her head so our lips met in a short but sweet kiss.
"I think your going to like it as well, but I'd like for us to be alone for it if possible"
"That's fine Jules". She smiled and interlocked our fingers. The fact that she's pregnant made her even more beautiful than normal.
"Mama,mommy" Matthew yelled and ran toward us. He was now basically a pro at walking normally. He jumped into Juliet's lap with a little help from her and soon we became a family sandwich with me at the bottom. Just for fun Daniel put Ben and Jamie in each of Matthew's arms and took a picture, completing the sandwich.

We spent the rest of the afternoon at the pool, just relaxing and enjoying each other's company. Matthew had a bit to much sugar and as soon as we put him in the car seat he was out cold. I couldn't wait for Juliet's gift, I had no idea what it could be.

At around 9:00 the kids were asleep and Juliet and I were snuggling on the couch.
"Baby" she hummed in response.
"If you're ready then I'm ready for my present"
"Oh right, stay right here you are Paige" she ran to what looked like the master bedroom. She then came back with a medium sized box and an envelope. She sat next to me this time and then put the gifts on my lap. I looked over at her curious and she made the motion for me to open them, starting with the envelope.

When I opened the envelope there was a sweet and love message as well as a smaller envelope inside the bigger one. I raised one eyebrow at her and she just smiled. When I opened the second envelope it said that "congratulations baby daddy. We're having a girl!!" Tears started forming in my eyes as I looked up and saw Juliet smiling back at me.
"Is this for real? We're having a baby girl" I looked into he rev eyes. She nodded and looked like she was about to cry so I pulled her into a hug, leaving no distance between us.
" I hope you're not mad, but I figured it'd be a good present. I had them do a blood test".
"No, how could I possibly be mad sweetheart.  We're having a girl! I can't wait" I pulled her into another tight hug.
We staid hugging for awhile, enjoying one another's company.
"Wait, wait open the other box. But first close your eyes" I closed my eyes and felt her get up front the couch. I heard a bit of scuffling and movement, but kept my eyes closed.
"Okay open now". I opened and saw her holding two brochures with two houses on them.
" We need a house, so I called a realtor. Look at these and make a decision. I got a raise at work and I'll make a down payment on one of them".
"You're the best wife ever you know that. Making everything easy for me" I kissed her. She kissed back and it turned into a little make out session until we both ran out of air and we had to separate.
"Okay I'll take a look at these in the morning, how about we go and sleep I'm tired" she nodded and we helps each other up from the couch.

While we could've made love until the sun rose, exhaustion from the day set in and soon we were asleep.

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- Jane

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