Chapter 24: Back to Work/School

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Juliet's point of view:

"what about Andrew Benjamin" Paige asked. We're still discussing possible baby names.

"Eh, it doesn't really have a ring to it. What about Abigail Helen, after my mom".

"I like how you did it after your mom" I replied, playing with her hair. It was about midnight, and the next day was both my first day back at work, and Paige's at university. I know she wasn't thrilled about having to leave Matthew and I, but it was her last year and she needed to finish her degree. Besides Matthew was going to daycare and on Fridays he was going to stay with Helen and Daniel.

"Okay babe, before we get into a catfight let's get to bed. We have to get up early and that won't be fun for any of us". I nodded in response, taking off my glasses and snuggling into the covers. Paige took off her shirt, claiming it was too hot and then became the big spoon. It was nights like these that snuggling brought me so much joy. With one last kiss, both of us were off to sleep.

"Paige let's go we're going to be late" I yelled upstairs. Matthew was already in the car and I was dressed with my coffee and work bag . When I looked back Paige was running down the stairs, in blue jeans and a flannel shirt, hair down with her shoes in her hands. She grabbed my coffee mug, taking a big sip before running out of the house.

"I'm ready babe" she yelled. Her backpack and textbooks were on the kitchen table, as well as her drivers license and wallet. I guess our morning quickie wasn't the best idea.

I grabbed her stuff, and walked outside, locking the door on the way out.

She was in her seat, but looking back and playing finger games with Matthew. She will be such an amazing mom when the twins come. Speaking of twins, we're converting the guest bedroom into another room for the twins.

"Paige, you forgot something" I held up her things, but she was still playing with Matthew.

"Paige Erica, look" she immediately did and blushed.

"Sorry baby" she yelled out the window. I laughed and dropped her things into the back seat, kissing Matthew's head in the process. When I got up front, Paige was looking at me, fluttering her eyelashes and looking guilty. She kissed me lightly, grabbing my thigh.

"I'm sorry baby, I totally lost track of time. And by the way, you look so beautiful in your pantsuit" she kissed me again. Damn that girl knew how to make me blush.

"Apology accepted sweetheart. Your things in the back and your fly is down as well. Not that I mind, but I want it up before we get to our destination"

"Shit, I didn't even notice" she reached down and zipped it up, adjusting accordingly.

"It's hard to hide since, its so big" she whispered the last part in my ear.

"Damn you Paige". She laughed while starting the engine.

The daycare was the first stop. Paige and I both got out and kissed Matthew, saying a quick goodbye before heading off again.

Next stop was Paige's university. She pecked my lips, lightly grabbing my face in her hands and looking into my eyes.

"See you later sweetheart. Thanks for the ride" with one last peck she exited the car, leaving me alone to my thoughts.

I was working at a local pediatrician's office. I had previously gotten my degree and had gone through 5 years of medical school before Ryan forced me to drop out since I was pregnant. My dream was to be a pediatrician and help young children thrive, since I loved young kids and it didn't hurt that I'd soon be a mother of 3.

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