Chapter 27: It Was a Dark and Stormy Night

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Paige's point of view:

Just like a little puppy dog, Matthew and Juliet both ran to me when lights went out. It was suddenly silent and dark besides the whispers amongst everyone.
Dad announced he would get candles and a lantern, while mom followed on his tail. Sam and Lucas ran off to see how charged their phones were, and Benji was whimpering.

Once dad got the lantern and candles, we all huddled in a circle in the living room, telling stories and talking to drown out the noise. The rain was pelting against the roof, and the wind was howling against the house.

Mathew was curled up in his mother's arms while Juliet was leaning on me. Everyone was on edge from the wind and rain. From the radio that was downstairs, it didn't sound like the storm was going to let up anytime soon, so everyone either went to bed or like the twins, play on their phones. 

When the batteries on my watch indicated that it was 10:00, Juliet and I took Matthew to bed in the basement. The storm wasn't letting up, and there was a tornado warning for the area. We made Matthew a little nest and he was out as soon as placed in it. Juliet decided to join him so I kissed her goodnight and walked back upstairs. Only my dad and mom were still sitting, reading books under flashlights.

"Mom, dad, can I ask you guys something" they looked up.

"Of course sweetheart". I sat down across from them, scratching the back of my neck out of habit.

"So Juliet isn't really close to her parents ever since she divorced Ryan and came out, so I figure you guys are her mother and father figure. Anyway, I want to ask for your guys' permission to ask Juliet to marry me". I paused after speaking, looking forward. Mom just smiled and hugged me, while dad grinned but stayed where he was. "Paige, you are twenty four. Are you sure you both are ready to commit finically and in terms of the relationship. Now, I love the both of you dearly, but marriage is a big thing and you've only been dating for about a year".

"I know dad, but you once said when you know you know, and I know. Plus I'd like to at least be engaged before the twins are born".

"She has a point Daniel, with the twins on the way it's the right thing to do commitment wise"

Dad looked at my mom, and then at me.

"Fine, I give you my blessing, but all I ask is that you don't rush the process just because of the twins. You'll know when the right time will be".

"Yes thank you guys" I leaped forward to hug them both in one hug. They laughed and hugged me back, forming a rare Simms's family moment.

We talked for a bit more before going to bed. I cuddled up and spooned Juliet while she was half-spooning Matthew. Although the storm was wild outside, inside I was the happiest I could be.

The next morning I woke up early for some reason. I decided to text Erin about ring shopping, since I was so excited about proposing. I made breakfast for the family and then stepped onto the patio to survey the damage.
Branches, twigs, and debris was scattered all in the yard, with part of the fence missing. The pool would have to be skimmed multiple times based on the amount of junk in it. We should've put the cover on it.
I was to busy looking around to notice two soft hands wrapping around my waist, with a little peck against my neck.

"Morning baby" I turned around to see my beautiful girlfriend's face. She had changed into sweatpants and a loose tank top, with her hair in a messy bun but to me she was the most beautiful woman.

"Morning love" I pecked her lips, wrapping my arms around her waist, deepening the kiss. I was so excited about the prospect of proposing and spending the rest of my life with the future Juliet Simms.

"Morning love birds" my dad said stepping outside. He was his cup of coffee in one hand and the other was a newspaper. His left eyebrow was up, indicating that he wanted us to stop making out. Understandable.
Juliet wrapped her arms around my shoulders, resting her head on my chest.
"What're you doing today Paige?"
"Um, I'm going shopping with Erin" I couldn't say I was ring shopping so it was the best I could do for the time being.

"okay, well I'm going to take Matthew to the park later, so if you're around you can join us". I smiled and kissed her once more before  heading back inside to get coffee. 

A few hours later Erin and I pulled up to Kay's Jewelry.  I knew that I wanted to buy a not very extravagant princess cut ring, since Juliet wasn't a very flashy person. When I told Erin that I wanted to propose she yelped and knocked me over, although part of it was me wanting to go shopping with her in the first place. 

When Erin and I walked in, a nice woman with brown hair and eyes greeted us. She looked very professional, and was somewhat attractive if I didn't have Juliet. Erin must've noticed since she nudged me, breaking me out of the trance. 

"Hey there girls, I'm Tracy. What're you looking for today" she looked at me the whole time speaking. 

"I'm looking for an engagement ring for my girlfriend, princess cut, less than $3,500 please" the lady gulped like a fish, her mouth opening and closing. She ended up point to a section of the store right of the entrance, and taking that as our cue Erin and I looked at each other and started walking in the general direction. 

"Y-you two are a wonderful couple" the saleslady replied, waving her arm in the air. I could tell Erin was about to say something so Instead I shushed

 her and wrapped my arm around hers shoulder, telling her to go with it. She seemed to get it. 

"Oh yeah, we're already engaged but I wanted to choose out my ring so that's why we're here." 

Damn Erin was good at lying, even I started to believe her. With that we turned around to continue shopping. I was browsing at a section slightly below my price range when I saw it. The perfect ring. It was a princess cut 10 carat ring with two infinity bands surrounding the diamond in the middle, It was in my price range, wasn't too flashy, and I was sure that Juliet would love it. I called Erin over an she agreed. 

I ended up buying the ring and walked out of the store with the biggest smile on my face. Buying the ring meant that the whole proposal was actually going to happen, and I couldn't wait. Now all I had to do was decide how I was going to propose to the love of my life. 

Hello everyone, so sorry about the late update, I've been crazy busy. Thank you for reading and hopefully I'll have another chapter out later today or tomorrow. 

- Jane

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