Chapter 29: Final Ultrasound

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Paige's point of view:

I couldn't believe she had said yes! It was by far the happiest I'd ever ben, and I knew the birth of the twins as well as the actual wedding might top it. 

After returning from the picnic Juliet and I snuggle and made love all night. Luckily mom had taken Matthew home since we didn't hold back, it was awesome. 

Anyway, today was the final ultrasound before the twins were born. Juliet was bouncing off the walls excited to see the babies, and I was just excited. The appointment was in about an hour so the three of us were finishing up watching Finding Nemo, a classic. Like the child I was, I laughed at the "You made me ink" part, it was still hilarious in my 20s. 

When the movie was over it was about time to leave, and Matthew insisted on going with us to see his siblings. He was already being the protective older brother that I knew he'd be a natural at. 

Once we were on the road, I grabbed Juliet's hand while driving. I was so happy in the moment; my fiancée and best friend, Matthew, and our unborn twins all in this car. 

When we got to the doctors, Matthew sat next to Juliet while I checked us all in. The nurse called us back minutes later and Juliet laid on the chair while Matthew was in my lap. The doctor came in a few moments later and did regular process. I was playing with Matthew and his cars when I heard two distinct heart beats, bringing my attention to the monitor. Juliet had her hand over her mouth, crying from happiness. I felt like I was going to do the same. I was a beautiful sight to see your babies. 

"Alright" said the doctor, "You look great regarding progress Juliet. Congratulations". We both smiled at her and then each other. I got Matthew's attention and showed him the white blurry figures on the screen. Then he asked if his brother and sister would be ghosts. Gosh I love kids. 

After the scan was over, the doctor gave us some pictures to keep and the five of us were on your way back home. Juliet was napping in the car, she didn't have much energy these days and she was very large in the belly. 

When we got home, I unbuckled Matthew and woke up a grumpy Juliet, since I couldn't carry her when she was this pregnant. She ended up going right to bed once inside, and I put on Finding Dory for Matthew while I cleaned the apartment. I decided to do some more shopping for the twins, as well as narrow down my list of possible names for them. I had recently heard the name Carter and really liked it, so I'll probably end up putting it on my list. Carter Daniel maybe...

I was currently cleaning the pantry, and was clearing everything off the bottom shelf when I stood up and bumped the shelves above, having everything, including the shelves themselves, fall on top of me. Pain was the only thing I felt, since we kept bags of flour and other heavy items on the shelves. It was also really loud, so I wouldn't be surprised if Juliet had woken up all concerned. 

"Oh my god Paige what happened sweetheart". I stand corrected. 

"I had a little mishap with the shelves, and everything fell on me". I knew she couldn't help me up but when I tried there was excruciating pain in my ribs, and I saw the marble rolling pin fall off my stomach. 

"Paige we need to get to the doctor now" I nodded and cleared the rest of the things off of me. It took awhile to get up, since it was so painful but when I did I called mom to look after Matthew, and just like Juliet she freaked out when I told her what happened. I never trusted those shelving units, and I learned my lesson. 

Since Juliet was somewhat immobile, I had to drive carefully, with her help. Since I wasn't able to die, we had to wait in the waiting room for about an hour, until a nurse with frizzy blonde hair called us back. I took off my shirt and Juliet leaned in closer like the protective fiancée she was. 

The doctor cam in shortly afterwards and after an examination he diagnosed me with two broken ribs and a nasty bruise on my stomach. No more bikinis for awhile. He bandaged me up and told me I couldn't drive so I called dad and Lucas to come get us and bring us back to the apartment. 

Arriving back at the apartment was chaotic. Mom was all over the place in concern and worry just like a mom should be. Matthew was eating his lunch and had food all over the place, oblivious to what was going on. Juliet was similar to mom in which she was worrying, but then got tired and had to sit down. I joined her on the couch with an ice pack, leaning on her shoulder. 

"I'm so sorry this happened Paige. And I wish that I could do more for you as well" Juliet sighed, using her fingers to play with my hair. 

I hummed, and turned to look at her. 

"Nothing about this is your fault, it was entirely my own. And you're pregnant so you've got an excuse, it's not like your lazy". She nodded and I pecked her lips, grabbing her face with my hands. The kiss held no lust, it was a sweet, and pg. kiss with no tongue. 

"I was so jealous when I saw the nurse checking you out. I wanted to kiss you then and there to show her off" I laughed. Juliet's face was slightly flushed from embarrassment, making her look adorable. 

"I saw your face, it was great. I was also thinking you'd start sucking me off to claim your territory. So thank you for not doing so". She shrugged, moving her hand so it was hovering against my crotch. "I didn't do it then, but how about now" she look right into my eyes, blue into green. I nodded and leaned in to kiss her, this time with tongue. She gave me control as she took off her skirt and underwear, all the while kissing me. I shrugged off my jeans and boxers, my semi-hard member making an appearance. Right away she moved to straddle me, aligning my member with her bottom. She sunk down so that my member was in her all the way, not leaving any room. We moaned in sync, and due to her size she had trouble moving so I rocked my hips to create the friction and movement. My member was fully hard at this point, and her pussy was suffocating it so I knew that I wouldn't last long. Based on her moaning she wouldn't either. 

I picked up my speed, shoving my member into her as fast as I could, Juliet moaning the entire time. It wasn't until she screamed and started cleansing my member that I knew she was Cumming. I followed her lead, slowing down my movements, and releasing into her. Juliet had her head thrown back against my front, which I might add was fully clothed. My arms went around her waist for support as my movement slowed and I was just sitting and catching my breath, her still inside. 

"That, was, amazing, Paige" Juliet breathed out. I kissed her lightly, humming in response. I decided to release my member since I was exhausted and in a bit of pain. Juliet got the memo and climbed off of me, saying how she was going for a bath. After seeing her half naked body waddle to the bathroom, I immediately followed, half naked as well. We spent the rest of the afternoon making love in multiple rooms. I was glad for once, that Matthew wasn't here. 

That's going to be another chapter. Thank you very much for reading, and please vote/comment on what you want to happen next in the story. I've got some ideas, but nothing is concrete. Thanks again!

- Jane

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