Chapter 6: Dreaming vs. Reality

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Juliet's point of view:

After falling asleep, it was like I had traveled to another world. It was in the morning, and I was just waking up. Looking around, I saw an unfamiliar night stand with a wedding picture of two people. My eyes were still droopy so I rubbed them and sat up more. Looking at the picture, it wasn't me and Ryan. It was Paige and I, with Matthew in front of us. We were all smiling, Paige and I both in white dresses and carrying flower bouquets. There was a lake behind where we were standing, the water a beautiful cerulean blue and the grass was short and bright green. Matthew seemed to be a few years older, but still a preteen with short blonde hair, his adorable dimples, and blue eyes. He was wearing a black suit with a blue undershirt and handkerchief. We looked like the perfect and happy families in picture frames.
The frame had an engraving, 0/8,20,2018, Mrs. And Mrs. Simms.

I rubbed my eyes again, not believing what was on the picture. While running, something caught my eye. On the nightstand next to the picture we're two rings, one wedding and an engagement ring. I grabbed them both and put the email on the proper finger; perfect fit.
I laid back in bed, staring at the ceiling and trying to think of what happened. I was brought out of my thoughts when an arm wrapped across my stomach and a head nuzzled into my neck from behind. The persons body was smaller, soft, and warm. I tuned my head slightly and saw dark brown hair coming from the other person, my lighter hair resting on my shoulders. Realizing that the person was indeed Paige, I smiled and snuggled in more. She accepted and spooned me from behind. Surprisingly I wasn't scared of where I was, since Paige brought so much comfort and love into my life.
Just as I was about to fall asleep again, the bedroom door bust open and small footsteps approached the bed. On my side, there was an little girl, no older than 4 who had bed head and Paige's eyes.
"Hey princess do you want to come up"
"Yes momma"
I smiled in response and sat up, reaching my arms down and picking her up. She was wearing Dora the Explorer pjs and looked adorable. She went on sit on my lap, as I was now cross legged. I looked over and saw Paige with a little boy on her lap. He seemed to be the same age as the little girl, maybe they were twins. He had Go Diego Go pjs in contrast to the Dora the Explorer ones his sister was wearing. I giggled at the thought which caused Paige to look over. I didn't know how much older we were but she was still unmistakably beautiful, even with messy hair and a sports bra. We smiled at each other,then brought our attention to the young ones on our bed. I didn't even hear a kick at the door until Mathew came in and sat on the edge of the bed.
"Mommy, it's Saturday, can you make pancakes please?"
"Sure buddy, I just need to go to the bathroom and then change the twins' diapers. Then I'll meet you downstairs" Paige smiled
I looked at the interaction between the two, happy that the two seemed to have their own special bond.
Matthew nodded and ran out of the room, probably to go watch cartoons. I grabbed my glasses, and picked up the twin of my lap. Paige followed and we went into a room across the hall. It was painted a light green color, with white painted furniture and two separate cribs. Paige went straight for the changing table, and I followed. We must've had a routine because it only took us a couple of minutes. As soon as we'll set the twins down they ran out of the room, giggling about something in toddler language. I went to wash my hands but was stopped by two arms wrapping around my waist. I had a black tank top and pj shorts on, sigh a messy bun. The hands pulled me back into her and I tune around on Paige's arms so we were face to face.
"Good morning beautiful, how was your sleep before the twins came in"
I couldn't help but think how thoughtful she was being.
"I slept great, our bed is super comfortable" she smiled in return. Both of us leaned in to each other, our lips meeting in a sweet, and slow kiss. We weren't in a rush, and you could tell that since we both explored each other's mouths, our lips fitting together like a lock and key. She had grown another inch or two, but I was still taller so I could wrap my arms around her neck while her were resting on my waist. We couldn't stop kissing, it just came so naturally. Finally, air become a problem so we separated, both panting and flushed.
"Damn, that's the best way to wake up in the morning" Paige giggled, her hands were still on my waist.
"Indeed, we'll have to do it more often. But for now, we should probably head downstairs before one the kids tries to start cooking and burns down the house". With one more peck, we made our way downstairs, holding hands. Matt and the twins were all sitting on the couch, watching scooby doo. I loved that show as a kid, so I probably influenced them on it.
"Alright kids, I'll get started on pancakes if you guys set the table and feed Sprout"
The kids mumbled an "ok" and went back to watching. When I tuned to look at Paige, she was already in what I was assuming the kitchen. She asked me to feet sprout, who ended up being a medium sized beagle with a white spot on her forehead.

Paige cooked while I watched and supervised the kids. Then we all sat around the table, eating pancakes, juice, and fruit salad. I sat next to Matt and Benjamin, the younger of the two twins. Across the table was Paige and Beatrice, the older of the twins by a minute and a half. We were the perfect family, everyone enjoying each other's presence as we ate and talked about our day.

Turns out we have a pool in the backyard, and it was June. It was quite a process getting the twins into their suits, but we all met out by the pool. Paige and I uncovered the pool and tested the water's chemical balance. The twins wore fish swimmers on both their arms, along with matching goggles. Beatrice wore a two piece ladybug printed suit with red and white polka dots. Benjamin, or Ben, wore Dory swim trucks. Matthew wore a Red and blue swim trunks. Paige wore a dark blue bikini, and with her subtle 6 pack and muscular body, she was as hot as the sun. I wore a plain red bikini with a single strip down both sides. It was very mom-ish, which fit.
Matt was already in the water, so Paige and I both took a twin, me Ben and her Bea. We played all afternoon in the pool, until our stomachs grumbled and the sunscreen was wearing off. I got our first, carrying both twins on one arm and headed towards the towels. Paige followed behind me, wrapping herself in a towel and then sitting down and helping Ben. Matt didn't want to leave the pool, until I offered to make him macaroni and cheese for lunch. The twins liked it as well, so it made my job easier.
"Ben, Bea, you can't stay in your swim suit, you need to take a bath and then get changed into normal clothes". Matt was the easiest child of the three, declaring the guest shower was his and running up the stairs. I looked at Paige, but she was already looking at me.
"Why are you staring"
"The water droplets are falling from your hair, and even without makeup or proper clothes on you are still the most beautiful woman in the world" she said that while keeping eye contact, not that I wouldn't not believe her. She was my best friend and life partner.
"Aw, that's so nice thank you sweetie".
I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her neck, kissing her plump lips. The kids was slow, but held so much love. Looking into her eyes, she started kissing down my neck, sucking and ghosting her lips over my skin. It was like being on a cloud, and I never wanted to leave.
"Should we bathe the twins together and then take a bath together while they're sleeping"
"Yes" I replied still half breathless.
We each got a twin and headed upstairs towards the bathroom.
Throughout the twins' bath, both Paige and I got soaking wet. They were asleep as soon as they hit their beds.
Paige met me at the bedroom door, and we walked to the master bedroom. She had already started the bath, with red and white candles on the edge of the tub.
"Aw, baby this is so sweet, thank you" she smiled in response and started to undress. I watched her the whole time. First her sundress, then the bikini top, and the bottom. She was breathtaking, her body not changing much from the time I'd first met her. When I looked up, she was blushing and started to remove my clothing.

She's stepped into the bath first, and spread her legs for me to go in front. I got in front of her, leaning my back against her front. Resting my head on her shoulder, my eyes starting to close. She played with my fingers, kissing my shoulders and nestling her head against my neck. The candles fragrance started to become more apparent; lavender. It was the perfect moment between us, such an intimate time where we laid in each others embrace. No words needed to be spoken, silence took the room. Until Paige farted. Loud, and made the water bubble. She started giggling and threw her head back and laughed harder.
"Paige you did not just do that. It was a perfect moment"
*wheeze*, I tried not to, I promise. I just got too comfortable" she couldn't stop laughing, and leaned forward to hug me. She kissed my neck, her body moving from trying to stop laughing.
"Babe stop moving, what happened for relaxing"
She went to move my head, tilting it to the side so we could kiss. Her lips met mine, our lips fitting together like puzzle pieces. It was back to perfect, the sounds of our lips filing the room.
"Em, babe, the waters getting cold. We should get out and go to sleep"
"But I'm so comfy and you're so perfect and I love you Paige".
She giggled and stepped out of the water, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around her body. Holding out her hand, she lifted me up and got me a towel.
We got dressed into panties, shorts, and sports bras. She spooned me from behind and nuzzled into my neck.

I fell asleep, in the arms of my wife, and three children in the household.

Note: This dream happens before Juliet knows about Paige being intersex, so she imagines her having the normal female anatomy.

And that completes the dreaming chapter. Hope you all enjoyed that, please comment and vote. I'll be going back to present time and in Paige's point of view. Thanks again

- Jane

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