Chapter 35: Ready or Not, Here I come

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Juliet's point of view:

It was nearing the end of the rehearsal dinner, and I'd asked Paige to go get the twins while I carried a sleeping Matthew. I was talking to Helen when a white faced, sweating Paige came running out of the room, holding something in her hand. 

"Twins are gone, It was Ryan" she panted out. My jaw dropped, and fear immediately spread across me. 

"What do you mean the twins are gone" Helen yelled. 

"I mean, there was a note in the bed where they were, and instead of them being there they are not. Ryan took them, he signed "A friend". I started running towards the room, and heard Paige and I'm guessing Helen following me. Tears were streaming down my face, making my vision blurry. Paige was telling the truth; when I got to the room the twins were gone and the window was open, the curtains slightly swaying in the light breeze. I continued to cry, part of my heart breaking for the disappearance of the twins. Paige sat beside me and took me into hear arms, holding me tightly. Her embrace was so kind and loving yet it didn't take the place of the Ben and Jamie. I just hope they are okay. 

Apparently Paige explained what had happened and 10 minutes later there were two police cars out front, and Paige was giving a statement while holding me in her arms. When she was done speaking she kissed my head and buried her face in my neck. 

"We'll find them" she said, "I promise". I nodded weakly, having cried all my tears out. At this point I was exhausted from crying all the time, and needed to sit down and sleep despite wanting to go look for the twins. Paige carried me bridal style to the car, where I sat like a dead person in the front seat. I heard the light snoring of Matthew in the backseat and then Paige drove off, holding my hand. 

"Paige" she looked over briefly. " You know we can't get married tomorrow, we need the twins there and I don't want to get married until they are safe and we are all happy again". 

She nodded and squeezed my hand. "Understood my love, I agree. In fact I already told my mom and she's taking care of that. All we need to worry about is finding Ben and Jamie". She was so good to me. 

When we got home I got out and went to get Matthew. He was still young and light enough for me to carry him, so I did into the house. Paige unlocked the door and the three of us headed upstairs. We tucked Matthew in and then got undressed. 

"Do you want to take a bath together Jules? It'll relax you" I nodded at the offer. Paige disappeared into the bathroom and I heard water running. When I walked in Paige was kneeled down next to the tub, getting it ready. I started stripping until I was naked. Paige then followed my lead and then she got into the tub first while I got in  in front of her so my back was against her front. It wasn't a sexual bath, it was a sweet, and loving bath where no words needed to be spoken,  we just held each other. Paige played with my hands as I just sat, thinking about our future and praying that the twins would be okay. 

"Hey" said Paige. "We'll find the twins, it'll be okay honey" she kissed my head hugging me closer against her. I nodded letting her know that I heard, yet the statement was a little harder to actually consider. I didn't know what Ryan was capable of and now that he had the twins I was afraid as to how he would treat them. We had the police looking for them, but there was so much ground to cover and not so much time. Tomorrow was supposed to be one of the greatest days of my life, but now it would have to be postponed and it was like another stab to the heart. 

After awhile Paige and I got out of the bath; the water was getting cold and it was late. We both got changed into our PJ's and then went to bed, hoping for better luck tomorrow on finding the twins. 

Day 1

Today was the first full day without the twins. It felt weird not waking up to their crying to be fed. Paige was the first up, to care for Matthew since he was fussing about something. Today would've been Paige and I's wedding day, but instead we woke up next to each other with nothing to look forward to except for finding Ben and Jamie. 

Paige had gone out looking for the twins to assist the police while I went over to Helen's with Matthew. I could tell that both Daniel and Helen were distressed about the whole situation so I tried to cheer us all up by baking cookies and then watching the entire Harry Potter movies. 

We were on the "Order of the Phoenix" when the door opened and Paige came in. I had hope until I saw her empty hands and a big frown on her face. I motioned for her to come over and then pulled her next to me and Matthew on the couch, holding her close. 

"I went all around town" she started. " Every abandoned and odd place out where they could be, but nothing. I checked with the police and they are nowhere near close to finding them either". I 

"We'll get them back eventually, and we'll never stop searching" I kissed the top of her and then Matthew's head. Paige had been the strong one last night but now It was my turn. 

After lunch Paige decided to go and visit the police, but told me to stay behind and look after Matthew. We got into a little argument but she won and here I was playing matchbox cars with him. Helen made sandwiches for lunch and the four of us sat around the table, only Matthew not knowing what was going on.

It was starting to get late and dusk was approaching. Paige hadn't responded to my calls or texts, and we were all starting to get worried. Hopefully Ryan didn't have anything to do with it, but I was hoping for the best and preparing for the worst. I was about to call the police when the door banged open and I got the shock of a lifetime. 

Hello everyone, thanks for reading. Please comment and vote on your thoughts on this chapter!!

- Jane

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