Chapter 13: Time Heals all Wounds

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Paige's point of view:

4 months had passed since Ryan left. Juliet remained somewhat distant, since she was busy with work and taking care of Matthew. The court case had already passed, and since Ryan wasn't present, Juliet got sole custody. She had begun working again, but even still stressed about affording her house. During the day, she dropped Matthew at our house while she worked. In the beginning, it took a lot of convincing, but since I was able to watch Matthew some days when I didn't have class, she gave in.

Today was a Friday, and Erin and I were at the coffee shop after our last class. She'd had a test in her class, and claimed that she was Brian dead, being the dramatic person that she was.
"Coffee is my lifeline, my porn, holy sh*t I could marry it". I looked over at my best friend to see her chugging her coffee.
"You are so weird". She looked up from her coffee and raised her eyebrow. I grinned back and sipped my cappuccino. I was about to speak when my phone started ringing, Juliet's name popping up on the screen. I smiled and answered the call.
"Hey, Paige, sorry to call you in the middle of the day, but something came up. Are you able to look after Matthew for a few extra hours today? Probably until 4:30-6? My boss is being an ass and gave me a bunch of paperwork".
"Wow, that was a lot. Yeah of course, I love hanging with Matthew. My class just ended and I'm grabbing a coffee then I'll be there."
"Thank you so much, I'll make it up to you somehow. See you later, thanks again you're the best".
She hung up and I smiled in response.
"You are so in love P" I looked up to see Erin giggling.
"Wait, what, explain" I started to panic, my hands getting clamy.
"Paige, you are obviously in love with her. You immediately stop what you're doing to help her, light up whenever you see her, you are always taking about either her or Matthew, and are always in the best mood for the rest of the day after spending time with her".
I tried to take in what she was saying but my mind clouded at the thought. What Erin was saying designated with me, but I didn't want to rush anything with Juliet, especially since she and Ryan just got divorced.
"Let me guess, you're thinking about your lover. Ohh, that reminds me have y'all done the deed yet? She looks like she has a great body".
I whipped my head to look at her. "Hey, don't think about her like that, she's so much more. And, no, we haven't, just made out a few times. The closest we've gotten to getting naked is both being in swim suits. And I don't want to rush her since she just divorced." Grinning in response, "dude you're so in love with her. You gotta tell her before some guy comes and sweeps her off her well pedicured feet".
"Not to sound like a bitch, but I don't think a lot of men will be interested because she has a kid. Me on the other hand, love Matthew to death and would love to parent him someday. That is, if Juliet let's me." I sent away in thought, imagining what life with look like with Juliet and Matthew.

It was 4:00 later that day and I was watching Matthew. He was playing with his model train set, while listening to a Disney playlist. I took the time to do some homework while he was distracted. Juliet wouldn't be home for another hour or so, but I was more than happy looking after Matthew. Lucas and Sam were by the pool, Benji with them and dad and mom at work.
"P" looked down to see Matthew waving one of his trains at me, motioning for me to join him. How could anyone say no to that?
"Hey buddy, want me to play with you?" He nodded, his cute toddler voice shouting out.

I was so involved with playing with Matthew when the front door opened and Juliet came in. I knew it was her because of her light footsteps and stubby heels clicking on the hardwood.
"Hello you two. How was your day?" Juliet asked, talking in a baby voice since it was partly addressed to Matthew. She walked over and kneeled done next to him, playing with his hair and cuddling him. Being the pervert that I was, Juliet was wearing a black skirt that rode up slightly, exposing her shaved thighs and legs. Her attention was still on her son, still in her work attire; black knee length skirt, black 2" heels, light blue blouse with the top two buttons open, a little necklace, light blue errands, hair in a bun, and her black glasses on. She was extraordinary beautiful and perfect in every way.
"Paige, did you hear me? You zoned out a bit"
"Hm what yeah what's happening?" I asked, trying to get the dirty thoughts out of my head.
"Well, what I was saying was thanking you for taking care of Matthew, but you were busy peeping down my skirt" she smirked at me and picked up Matthew, standing up.
"N-o problem, I'll walk you two out". I couldn't help but stutter although I was internally cringing.

"Thanks again Paige, I really appreciate it. I'll drop him off again tomorrow around the same time".
I nodded, and waved at them as they headed across the street. I couldn't wait until tomorrow.

This was the shortest chapter so far, but I hope you liked it. Please comment and or vote and I'll see you next time. Thanks again!

- Jane

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