Chapter 8: Pool Party

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This is a very long chapter, about 4,800 words. Feel free to break it up or reread to understand.

It was noon on a Wednesday, the sun shining and way to hot outside for early November. Luckily dad had a pool installed when we first moved in, and I was planning on swimming laps and sunbathing. Even better, the twins were at their friends house in a video game tournament.
Deciding on wearing my maroon bikini top, black swim trunks (gotta hide my member somehow), and flip flops I grabbed a towel and headed outback. There were noises in the kitchen, so I decided to say hi.
"Oh there you are Paige, I invited the Banks over for lunch today" my mom said, smiling at me. I froze, realizing that I was still only wearing a bikini with sunglasses on the top of my head, with no makeup, and my hair in a messy bun.
"Um, hi guys, I would've changed clothes if my mom had told me you guys were coming over" I sent mom a slight glare.
"Well, it must've slipped my mind. Your father is starting up the grill for hotdogs and burgers and we were going to spend the afternoon outside by the pool. You are welcome to join us, since it seems like you had a similar idea". She smirked at me and turned back to Ryan. Juliet was still staring at me, doing a once over of my body. I was pretty muscular for a girl, and had a semi flat stomach. Her eyes turned to a mixture of lust and love when she reached my eyes. I gulped, trying to place the towel over my front and it not be obvious that I had a boner.
"Well, I'm going out back, see you guys in a bit". After talking I walked away as fast as I could, but I could still feel Juliet's staring at the back of my head.
When I reached the backyard, my dad was starting to grill like mom had said. We smiled at each other and I put my things on one of the white pool chairs. Our pool was heated, so it wouldn't be icy cold. The actual pool was baked in a large stretched oval, with two little stairs on opposite sides leading out.

I put in sunblock and went down the first few steps. The water was refreshing and cool, just the right temperature. I heard the back door open and saw mom and the Banks step out, all in swim suits and towels. Ryan was carrying a happy Matthew who was clapping his hands. He wore a Dino suit with blue water wings on his arms, a swim shirt, and a hat. When he saw me, he squealed, making me smile back and reach my arms out to him. Ryan put him down on the pool deck and Matthew waddled over to me. I stepped out of the pool and met him halfway; he wasn't the best at walking yet. I picked him up and hugged him, skin on skin contact. I looked behind him and saw that mom and Juliet were all smiling and cooing, while Ryan was at the grill with dad. Taking a closer look, Juliet was wearing a dark green bikini which covered her breasts and put emphasis on her ass. She looked stunning, with her hair down and smiling at something my mom was saying. I swear I could look at that smile for the rest of my life.
Matthew started fussing so I turned towards him. I stepped down into the water, and down a few stairs, I made sure that only up to his knees were in the water. He had the water winds on his arms, but I didn't know how Juliet or Ryan felt about him being in the water. I bobbed Matthew up and down in the water, and he kicked his legs in response, getting me all wet. Juliet and mom came over to join us, Juliet being the more brave one who actually got in the water. As soon as Matthew saw his mom, he reached his arms out to her, and she happily took him into her arms. Our arms touched slightly during the handoff, my skin burning afterwards. I know she felt it to because we made eye contact and both smiled. Juliet brought her attention back to Matthew, stepping further into the water with him. He seemed to like the water a lot, kicking his legs and laughing when he splashed his momma. I smiled at the sight, it was like puppies playing together, so damn cute that you couldn't look away. Mom was looking at the pair as well, but differently than I was. I went down further into the water last the mother and son duo into the waist high water. There I dunked my head, and began swimming my laps. After doing a 200, I took a break, swimming back to the stairs. Juliet was smiling at me and held a gurgling Matthew. I took him from her once again and played with him. I happened to glance up once and I saw Ryan stripping out of his clothes leaving him with a short black suit on. You could clearly see he was confident as a bulge was visible. He walked over to the pool and stepped in, immediately going over to Juliet and juggling her from behind. She gave a weak smile in response, in the middle of talking with mom.

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