Chapter 19: It All Comes Crashing Down

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Paige's Point of View:

I woke up the next morning to something itching my foot. It smelled like my dad's cologne, which was odd since he wouldn't be in my room at his time.

The same object kept nudging my foot, getting a groan out of me. It was silent for a few seconds until a bucket of lake water was thrown on me, causing me to shoot up awake.

"Paige, put clothes on damn it" dad yelled, covering his eyes. I looked around and realized at 1. I was outside with Juliet, 2. I was naked, and 3. dad had caught us.

"Dad, please let me explain". I looked over to my left, seeing Juliet white as a ghost, covering herself up with the one blanket we had.

" You two are lucky that I saw you instead of your mother. It's a damn good thing I decided to go walking this morning" dad mumbled, scratching his head. "Now, both of you get inside, get cleaned up and then we'll talk". We nodded and got up together, since we were naked and the only protection was the blanket. Dad seemed to get the memo, since he rolled his eyes and threw me my swim trunks and Juliet her bikini bottoms.

"This better be a lesson for you both, you have to be careful being around others". He shook his head one last time and walked towards the woods.

"Paige, come on, it's getting lighter and I don't want to get caught" Juliet whispered. Silently agreeing, I nodded and we held hands while walking back inside, the blanket keeping us warm.

When we got inside, I made sure the coast was clear before sprinting to the bedroom, taking Juliet with me. Deciding to shower together, she made me promise no funny business. Easier said than done when your member has a mind of its own.

When we were done, I threw on boxers, sweatpants, and a tank top, going for comfort rather than style. Juliet walked out of the closet, wearing sweat pants and a Taylor Swift T-shirt, glasses, and her hair down.

She walked over to the bed, motioning for me to follow. We looked into each other's eyes, before she broke the silence.

"Paige, before you or your dad say anything, I need you to know a couple of things, without interruption". I nodded.

She took a deep breath. "1. Last night was the 2nd best day of my life, the first being Matthew being born. You made it so special and I will always cherish the memory. 2. You cam inside of me, and I'm not on any pill or anything. If I do end up pregnant, I am 100% against abortion, so I will be having the baby. But we can talk more about that later if need be. And finally, I love you and I will stick by your side through thick and thin because you are such an amazing person and I feel like the luckiest girl in the world when I'm with you".

It seemed like she was done talking, so I stood up, and took her hands into mine.

"I love you too Juliet, with all of my heart. It's going to take the impossible for me ti stop loving you, and even then it'll be a challenge. You're amazing in everyway" I hugged her, prolonging it for as long as possible.

Sadly we were interrupted by a knock on the door. Dad's head peeped in.

"I didn't mean to be nosy, but I heard what just went on between you two. Now, I'm not saying that I approve quite yet, just because of Ryan and Matthew, but I'm glad to see you two happy"

"Thank you Daniel, that really means a lot" Juliet replied, wiping a tear from her eye.

Dad nodded, looking shy. I defiantly got most of my personality from him.

"Now, I have a confession to make. I knew about your guy's relationship before this morning. A few weeks ago I saw you kissing in the hallway back home. I was getting another beer. I didn't say anything since I didn't want it to be the reason for conflict".

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