Chapter 17: Discoveries and Day Trips

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Paige's point of view:

The date between myself and a Juliet couldn't have gone any better yesterday. Everything was perfect, and now we're finally girlfriends!! Anyway, today mom insisted that everyone goes to the outlet 10 minutes away, and insisted that I "needed" new clothes and shoes. Whatever.

We were taking two cars since there was 7 of us, and I made sure I was with Jules and Matthew. Even though it was a short car ride, I still held onto Juliet's hand most of the time, or playing with Matthew's fingers since he seemed to like that.
When we arrived, we split into girls and boys, except a Matthew stayed with Juliet and the girls. First stop, Old Navy. Juliet immediately went to the toddler section, holding a waddling Matthew's hand. Meanwhile, my moms insisted that I needed more boxers. That my current ones were to small. Newsflash mom, I just have a big package that the boxers have to restrain, that's the only problem.
"Honey, what size are you, women's large or x-large?"
"Mom, stop shouting, I'll come over to you". She was still looking down, but her voice projected across the small store.
Walking over to her, she was holding up a black pair of Calvin Klein's, which I already knew would be too small.
"Mom, those are going to be too small".
She looked up to meet my eyes, then glanced down at my crotch.
"But they are a perfect fit around your waist, you get your waist from me sweetie"
"Mooom, that might be the case, but it's too tight in the front where my, you know what, is".
She looked down, then back to the boxers.
"Well how do you know hon, just try them on to be sure, they are on sale". I swear my mom takes sales too seriously.
"Fine, I'll be right back". I grumbled.
"Oh wait Paige, try these on as well, she threw 4 more pairs, "they might fit better".

Turns out, I was right. The boxers fit fine around my waist, but they were suffocating my member, making it uncomfortable to sit down or stretch the area.
"Honey,  one out so we can see". I should've suspected something when she said "we", but being the dumb person I am walked out looking down in just a sports bra and boxers, my bulge extremely noticeable. A gasp got my attention, where a flushed Juliet was staring at the bulge, while Matthew was playing with mom.
"Geez, sorry" I covered my crotch and ran back inside the changing room, too embarrassed to move. Juliet, my girlfriend, just saw my bulge and now lies that I have a dick. Great, she's going to want to break up now.
"Paige, honey, I didn't get a look, could you come back out please" mom exclaimed. I heard shuffling and then a voice that sounded like Juliet saying how she forgot to get socks.
I reluctantly walked out once I heard retreating footsteps. My mom was looking at me, a look of pity on her face.
"Oh sweetheart I thought Juliet knew about how special you were, I'm so sorry" she came up to hug me, body pressed together. I was sure she could feel my bulge, as it was hard ( no pun intended) to miss.
"It's okay, she was going to know sooner or later". I just wish it was later and on my own terms.
"Well, I guess I'll get these boxers and then go talk with Juliet, privately". She nodded in response, probably trying not to upset me further.

Going back into the dressing room, I pulled down the boxers, looking at my semi hard member.

"you, my friend, are going to give me trouble" I lightly shook my hips, looking at the penis attached to my body. It made me feel better that it was at big as it is, and not something shrimpy like what I was hoping Ryan's was.

After shopping, we met back up with the boys for lunch at the food court. Most of us decided on Subway, while Sam and Lucas got Taco Bell. I sat next to Juliet, and between the two of us, you could cut the tension with a knife. Everyone else was oblivious, like always.

Even on the car ride back, Juliet wouldn't look at me, and gave all of her attention to Matthew, much to my dismay. She had ended up with three bags of clothes, and from a glance you could tell that most of the items were for Matthew.

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