Chapter 42: Mono

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Juliet's point of view:

The next morning I was woken up by Paige leaving bed, also leaving snuggle time in the process. She said that she heard Matthew crying so I bolted up and joined her. We found him in his bedroom hunched over his trash can throwing up. We immediately went jot mommy more, me grabbing him and moving him to the toilet while Paige was going to grab a washcloth and towel for his head.
My poor baby started crying due to discomfort and being a mol all I wanted to do was relieve it. I gave him a big hug, letting him cry into my old shirt. When Paige returned she sat in the other side and took off his shirt, picking him up and taking him into the bathroom.
"Hey buddy, I'm going to help you take a bath to cool off" he nodded and clung to her tightly. I followed them into the bathroom where I adjusted the water while both Paige and Matthew undressed and Paige carried him into the Luke-warm water. The bathroom was next to the twins' room and I heard one of them cry so I excused myself. Turns out they were hungry. I had two boobs but could only feed them one at a time so Ben was first, then Jamie. Ben does this cute thing where he holds my hand while drinking, and Jamie always wants her brother close to her while feeding. I can tell they will be close when they grow up more.
While I was feeding I heard footsteps behind me and saw Paige come in with only boxers and a sports bra on.
"Baby,  going to take Matthew to the urgent care. I think he might have strep"
"Okay let me see him first" I handed Jamie to her while I carried Ben and the four of us headed to Matthew's room. Paige had gotten him fully dressed and was watching Dora on her phone.
"Hey buddy" he looked over and gave me a weak smile, outstretching his little arms. I gladly went over and snuggled into bed next I him, despite the fact that I had Ben in my arms.
"Mama is going to take you to the doctor, to make you feel better okay" he immediately shook his head.
"No mama, you mommy you"
"Why not mama sweetheart?" I looked over at Paige to see her looking slightly hurt.
"Just want you mommy pwease" he dug his head into my stomach. I looked at Paige and she nodded, giving me affirmation.
"Okay sweetheart calm down, all take you instead." I could fee him hug me tighter as he moved slightly into my lap. Paige took ten at as her cue to take Ben out of my arms and walk out of the room.
"I'll be right back honey stay put". I walked out of the room and into the twins' listening to the movement going on inside. Paige was cuddled in the rocking chair holding both twins, one in each arm. She was smiling and making funny faces at then while they looked amused and Jamie even smiled her gummy smile.
"Paige" she looked up. "I'm sorry about what just happened with Matthew, I didn't think he'd care. Do you mind staying behind with Jamie and Ben while we pop over?"
"No sweetheart it's alright. I'll just cuddle with the twins snd probably all do tummy time together" she gave me a weak smile. I smiled back and walked up, kissing the twins on the head before giving Paige a light kiss, breaking it off before anything else happened.
" I love you"
"Love you too Jules" I walked out of the room, going back into Matthew's.

After a thorough check up at the doctor, it was concluded that Matthew had mono. His tonsils were gigantic and he kept on throwing up and complaining about his head hurting. The doctor gave him some medicine and then we were heading back home.

As I opened the front door for Matthew, my heart just about swooned. Paige, Ben, and Jamie were having tummy time, and Jamie was giggling at something that Paige either said or did.
"Hey guys watch this" Paige rolled over and them looked at Ben. He giggled and then rolled over himself, although his was much sloppier.
"I'm still trying to get Jamie to roll, but at least I got one" she tickled Ben's stomach. I giggled watching the two interact with one another, they were quite close.
"How was the checkup" she stood up and brushed off non-existent dust off her shorts.
"Okay, Matthew had mono and is on bed rest. He took some medicine and I'm about heat up some more soup for him"
"Oh no, I had mono when I was a kid, although much older than he currently is. It sucked".I nodded at her.
"Yep, I can tell he feels terrible" I pecked her lips and then proceeded into the kitchen.

A little while later I called Helen about the news and she came rushing over, bringing some of her famous cookies she makes. Matthew was taking a nap so it was Helen, Paige and I enjoying the cookies and chatting while the twins were in their jumpers.
"So, Paige, your birthday is coming up, what do you want to do for it" Helen asked.
"I don't really need anything, I've got what I always wanted in life in this apartment right now" she looked over and winked at me. She was so sweet sometimes.
"How about if we do another pool party/bbq at our house, you can invite Erin and whoever else you'd like and it'll be a fun afternoon".
"Okay yeah that sounds like fun ma" I nodded as well, liking the idea as well.
We all took a drink from our cups and enjoyed the silence that was present.
"Oh my, you two went to the doctor, how's my grandson or granddaughter?!"
I giggled at the outburst. "He or she is good, I got pictures of you want to see. It's still quite early to see much of a body but it's something" I outstretched the envelope of ultrasound pictures in my hands and Helen immediately grabbed them, cooing at the sight. Paige wrapped her arm around my shoulder, legs crossed and a smile on her face.
"You guys make adorable babies, but seriously how many will you two have total? Not that I care but I think Sam and Lucas will be having 1 or 2 each". I looked over at Paige.
"Well, I'm not sure" she began. "This will be the last one for awhile until the twins and this little one are somewhat bigger so there's less of an age gap. But I wouldn't mind having more" she said the last part looking at me.
"Agreed. We also need to keep in mind finances, since your still in school Paige"
She nodded. "I'll be out soon and then working and bringing in the big bucks baby".
"Okay then, I'll believe that when I see it Paige"
"You two are just so darn cute together, you make such a great couple. Please keep on having babies. Don't worry about finances Daniel and I will help and Paige with the combined incomes you'll be fine".
"Thanks Helen" I smiled at her.
" we do make pretty cute babies though, especially with such a beautiful mother" I smacked her lightly, though I enjoyed the compliment. There was a noise coming from Mathews room and I wouldn't be surprised if he was throwing up. Helen sprang into action, rushing towards his room.
In the meantime I went to make a snack, these hormones were making me Like foods that I normally didn't, like pickles, and artichokes. While making my snack Paige wrapped her arms around my front and pressed our bodies together.
"It's rare that we get alone time baby" she kissed my neck and her hands were starting to wander. I get her sight bulge against my ass, and knew that she was horny and it was making me as well.
"Not now, your moms in the other room with our sick child" I grabbed my sandwich and took a bite, turning around and kissing Paige before going into Matthew's room. When I arrived Hern was dabbing his head with a washcloth and was reading him a story. I watched form the doorway, enjoying their interaction. I hadn't even noticed the presence behind me until her breath was against my neck.
"Cockblock baby. You missed out" with one last kiss on the neck she was gone, probably to check on the twins.

The rest of the day Paige and I took turns taking care of Matthew after Helen had left. His fever was still present and he was feeling really warm. Paige took another bath with him and then tried to have sex with me again, but I declined. She respected my choice and backed off, although I knew she didn't want to. It probably didn't help that I was wearing tight jeans and a tank top, but it was my favorite non-pregnancy clothes that I was still able to wear.
Matthew still had a fever when it was time for bed so we set him up with the essentials during the night and Paige even slept on the floor per Matthew's request. For the first time in months I had the bed to myself, but I wasn't complaining. If anything it made me sleep even better.

Thank you guys for reading this chapter, it was mainly a filler one so I'm sorry if it was boring. Please comment/vote on it.

- Jane

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