Chapter 44: Moving Day

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Paige's point of view:

~4-month time skip ~

The day after my birthday Juliet and I chose out a new house; 5 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath, pool, and a two car garage. It was practically perfect on all fronts, and today we got to move in.

"Babe can you get this box please, I can't lift it I'm too big".
I looked over and saw Juliet reaching down to try and grab a box of books but only being able to reach half way.
"Yes don't strain yourself" I walked over and picked up the box with ease. When I looked back at Juliet she was looking at me with lust filled eyes, her eyes on my arms. Over the past few months Juliet's hormones have been through the roof, with lots of weird cravings and she's also been super horny at pretty much all of my actions.
"Damn baby nice muscles" I swear she was drooling.
"Thanks Jules" I smiled back and kissed her forehead, taking the box outside to the icing van.

For the next two hours the movers, mom, dad, Juliet and I prepared and loaded the truck with everything that we needed to bring with us. Our new house was only 20 minutes away from our current apartment and 15 minutes from mom and dads house.
We all piled into the car and then followed behind the moving van.

When we got there I left the car on and temporarily left the twins since it was air conditioned and comfortable.

Not surprisingly it took us more time to unpack and unload the furniture in to the new house. Halfway through Juliet dragged me into our new master bedroom, igniting a make out session and a brief butt squeeze. I then had to wait 10 minutes before going out since I had a boner. Juliet just laughed like the doofus she was.

With the amount of things that we had in our apartment it would take days to unpack everything, especially with three children and a pregnant wife. That's not to say I would want to change anything, but at times Matthew could be a feisty little one.

I was currently being one of the movers, and helping the three other men transport things into the house unpacked boxes while entertaining Matthew. The twins were still sitting in the car, probably napping. How I wish I were them at the moment. It was a beautiful but hot day, with medium humidity and a cloudless sky. I probably should've put on sunscreen but it's too late now.

One of the movers who I knew as Carlos was helping me move the couch into the new living room. You never realize how heavy something is until it's a hot day and you are down people to help you. Juliet was in the corner putting books into the new bookshelves. Today she was in a sundress with a halter top and tennis shoes, with her hair half up and half down. Damn was I lucky duck. I was trying to not curse anymore around the kids so lucky duck it was.

When Carlos went out of the room I sauntered over to my beautiful bride and sat down next to her. Sweat was running down my arms and back and made my hair stick to my face but she still looked at me like I was a precious gem.

"I heard Matthew squealing from upstairs, so I'm guessing he likes him new room" she chuckled at the end.

"I'd hope so, we got it painted for him and everything". she smacked my shoulder lightly. I kissed behind her neck softly earning a low moan out of her.

"Now is not the time Paige" I continued to kiss her.

"I know but at some point we need to Cristen the house and I can't wait" she sighed and leaned her neck so that I had better access to it.

Suddenly somebody knocked on the front door, making me retreat and stand up. I helped Juliet up and then we headed to the front where we heard talking. At the front door there was a family, a dad, mom, and two little girls, a little older than Matthew was.

"Hello, we're your new neighbors from the left. I'm Patricia, this is my husband Frederick, and our two girls Sarah and Mariah". That woman was way too energetic.

I reached out my hand to shake, introducing myself and Juliet. I didn't miss the confused look on Patricia's face when she saw Juliet's pregnant stomach. I ignored it for now and called down Matthew, who seconds later cam bounding down the stairs. His eyes went googly looking at Sarah, and then walked over to us and hid behind my leg.

"This is our son Matthew, he's 5. Matthew this is Sarah and Mariah" I gestured. When I looked him he was still only looking at Sarah, smiling widely like a weirdo.

"Looks like someone's got a crush huh" Patricia stated, immediately making Matthew frown and look away. I didn't blame him, that was unnecessarily stated.

"Oh, my sorry I didn't mean to upset the little guy. We just came by to bring you these cookies and say a quick hello. we'd better get going now, Frederick has a work call". We said our goodbyes and then I followed them out in order to help the movers bring our furniture in.

At 4:30 the movers left and the house was littered with boxes and other furniture. I was on the couch, exhausted from the day. Dad had left an hour ago so it was just myself, Carlos, Juan, and Pierre for while moving the things inside.

Juliet sat next to me, I could tell she was tired as well. Her belly was pretty large and the pregnancy took a lot out of her.

"hey honey" she looked at me. " After the kids go to sleep lets take a bath together. No funny business, just relaxing after the busy and tiring day"

"That sounds wonderful Paige" she snuggled into my shoulder.

The twins were in the new nursery, sleeping. I swear they were sometimes nocturnal.

We stayed snuggling on the couch for while. We had assigned Matthew to put away his toys in his two large chests, since they had all been thrown together into one for the move. Like the good boy he was he followed the directions. We decided to order Mc Donald's for dinner since we were so hungry and otherwise would have to search through boxes for the pots and pans. As usual I got a double cheeseburger and a sprite, my go-to meal. Matthew got nuggets, Juliet a single cheeseburger, and the twins had Juliet's breast milk. We were all happy.

Like planned when the kids were all asleep I dressed up the bathroom with candles and a bath bomb. I got undressed and into my robe, which was with my other clothes that were accessible. I started the water for the bath and when It was full I went to find Juliet. She was in the twin's room leaning against the door looking them sleep. I snuggled up behind her, nesting my head in her neck.

"Bath's ready sweetheart" I kissed her neck softly. She hummed and then turned around and took my hand, leading me into the master bedroom. She gasped and turned around to look at me when she entered the bathroom, I'm guessing she liked the set-up. I took off my robe and got in the water first, motioning for her to get in from of me. Before you could count the ABC's she was in the water, nestled in front of me.

We stayed snuggling in the bathroom for at least 30 minutes, until the water got cold. We got out and in case the kids came in dressed in minimal clothing, and then as soon as our heads hit the pillows we were out.

Thank you for reading this chapter! Please comment and vote on your thoughts, hopefully the next update will be in the next few days.

- Jane

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