Chapter 37: Dream Wedding

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Paige's point of view:

~~3 1/2 month time skip~~

Today was finally the day that I was going to marry the love of my life. I was currently at my parent's place getting ready while Juliet was at the apartment with her friends and the other girls. In less than 4 hours we'd be married, and then we would all be one big happy family. Plus I wanted more kids so maybe on the honeymoon...

I had just put on the suit jacket of the tux, and was looking at the mirror at my reflection. I looked good with my crisp black suit with a cerulean blue vest and handkerchief and my black fancy shoes. Even my hair was partly gelled up, despite it being in a pixy cut. I made sure that there was a bulge in my pants for Juliet's pleasure, since I wanted to tease her and then later tonight make love like no other time.

Dad stood behind me, adjusting my bow tie. "You look so handsome sweetheart" I could see the tears in his eyes. I hugged him back and tried to save my tears for later.

"It's time to get going" said Sam coming in the door. He wore a similar suit to myself, except a little less fancy.

Dad and I disconnected our hug and made our way into the car. Since we had to cancel the first time we couldn't get our dream destination of the beach for a couple more months so we decided on the church where I had grown up in, with the same Pastor Harry doing the service. Mom and the girls had taken the twins and Matthew, something about us not being able to handle all three of them at once, I don't know.

The ride to the church was about 20 minutes, and when we got there I saw the girl's car already in the lot. It made it surreal that this was actually happening.
Carefully I got out of the car and headed inside of the air-conditioned church, my dress shoes clinking against the hardwood floors. It was a beautiful but outdated church, but that just added charm. Day Lilly's and red roses were in bouquets all around the pews and the grand chandelier hung above our heads. I went into one of the back rooms and was going to wait until the music being my cue. Erin was my "best man" and Lucas and Sam were both groomsmen. Matthew was the ring bearer and my Aunt Susan would carry Jamie down as the little flower girl. Everything would be perfect and ready.

There was some talking in the sanctuary and when the music started playing I stepped out, walking to my assigned spot. It was a fairly small sized church so there were plenty of empty seats as Juliet and I wanted to keep it a small wedding. Speaking of Juliet, the wooden doors clanked open for the final time and I saw the love of my life, best friend, and mother of my children step out accompanied by my father. She looked breathtakingly gorgeous in her white strapless dress, that fit her body like a glove some places, and was looser other places accentuating her curves and body shape. Tears flooded my eyes out of instinct, just from her beauty. her hair was down and lightly curled, and minimal makeup was on her gorgeous face. When they reached the front, I stepped down and grabbed her hand, helping her up the couple of stairs. I winked at dad as he stood back and went to sit next to a teary-eyed mom.

Soon Pastor Harry started the ceremony, and I was having trouble paying attention due to the woman in front of me. I felt a squeeze on my hand and when I looked back up I saw both Juliet and the pastor looking at me.

"Your vows Paige" said Pastor Harry grinning.

"Oh right. Sorry" I took Juliet's hands and squeezed them lightly.
"Juliet, you are my best friend, mother of my three children, lover, and soulmate. Sometimes I feel you know me better than I know myself. Despite your age you are the most beautiful woman in the world, and I promise to always be there and stick up for you. There's nothing that we can't do together, and I plan on challenging that. I promise to cherish our time together, never go to bed angry, always make time for one another, and continue to be your cheerleader. I am so proud of who you have become and the resilience that you have accomplished based on the tougher times. Better yet, you make me a better person, and life with you is so easy that I can and want to do it forever. I love you with all of my heart, and I can't wait to be yours forever". I was crying at the end, Juliet as well.

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