Chapter 10: Erin meets Juliet

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Juliet's point of view:

A week had passed since Matthew's birthday. I didn't see much of Paige, but it was nearing midterms for her. Ryan had announced last night that he had to go to London for a week on work. He was some ambassador of his technology company, I didn't really care honestly. The sickening part was that he didn't seem affected to be leaving, nor show signs he'd genuinely miss us. His work was becoming more and more vigorous and sometimes I didn't see him all day, only heard him at midnight flop onto bed naked.

It was one of the chillier days, only in the upper 60s. But, a perfect day for coffee. There was a small shop a few blocks away that I'd discovered a month or so ago, and immediately fell in love with it. Ryan was already gone, so I was going to take Matthew with me. His walking had been getting better and he could now walk not so wobbly for longer periods of time.
After dressing myself and Matthew, we headed out the door and towards the coffee shop. I was going to try and make Matthew walk for as long as he could for practice, but I held his hand and kept one eye on him. With him walking, it took twice as long to get to our destination, but it was a decent day, so I didn't mind. Matthew enjoyed picking up the twigs and leaves off the sidewalk and playing with them, completely distracting him from what he was previously doing.
The coffee shop was in view shortly afterwards, so I carried Matthew the rest of the way. He was beginning to walk slower and get more wobbly, indicating he was tired.
The shop was bustling inside, with many people at tables or just standing and talking. There were two people in front of us in line, so it gave me a chance to decide what to get. Matthew's favorite treat was a chocolate chip cookie. Of course it was as big as his head, but I gave it to him in staggered quantities.

When it was my turn, I ordered and stepped to the side. I didn't see someone walking out from the bathroom and bumped into the warm body.
"Oh my gosh, I am so sor-Paige?"
"Hey guys, what're you doing here." She responded with no anger from bumping into her.
" We decided  to get a coffee and treat for this little guy" I cocked my head towards Matthew, who was reading his head on my shoulder. That walk really did ware him out.
"Awesome, they have the best coffee here. I'm actually with my friend, Erin, if you want to join us. I'd love the company" she pointed behind her to blonde sipping on a drink and scrolling her phone. Classic teenager.
"I wouldn't want to impose, and Matthew gets pretty messy when eating".
"Nonsense, I've seen his eating, and it's adorable. Plus you'd be better company than her, she's texting with her new boyfriend".
I heard my name being called our by the barista. I excused myself to grab our goods and pay, then wandering over to the two girls. Paige smiled when she saw us come over, pulling out a chair next to her and signaling for me to sit down.
"I'm glad you decided to come. Erin, this is Juliet and her son Matthew. Juliet, this is my best friend Erin". I smiled at Erin and she did the same. She gave a look to Paige that I couldn't distinguish, but immediately shrugged it off when Mathew made grabby hands for his cookie.
" It's nice to meet you Erin, Paige has told me a lot about you." I genuinely smiled. She smiled as well, and nodded her head.

Paige and I talked while I fed Mathew and she drank her coffee. Erin had ended up leaving shortly I arrived, saying that she was meeting her boyfriend. That meant more time with Paige, so I gladly took the chance to talk while Matthew slept in my arms.
Soon our drinks were gone, and we were just talking. It was close to noon, I had been talking for over an hour. The coffee shop was mostly empty, except for the employees and a group of teenagers.
"Did you walk here, or drive" Paige asked.
"Walked. That's why Matthew is asleep, I had him walking for the majority of the trip" She smiled and looked down at Matthew, stop asleep and slightly drooling.
" I walked as well. If you're ready, we can walk back together. I have a bit of homework before my lectures tomorrow so I should probably get going anyway".
"Of course, I'd like that". I replied, starting to stand up, Matthew on my hip. Paige threw away our trash, and I put the rest of the cookie in my purse. Paige held the door open and we made our way back done the street towards home. It was a peaceful silence, walking side by side, our hands occasionally brushing. Paige was the first to speak.
"Where's Ryan? He seems like the coffee loving type".
I hummed, shaking my head. "He's at work. Tomorrow he flies out to London for work for a week. He's only given me a one day notice on it. Nowadays he spends more time at work than at home".
"I'm sorry to hear that, he's crazy for not spending more time with you and Matthew".
I looked over at her and smiled, no words needed. I tried to change to subject, talking about my husband was not a happy conversation.
"What're you studying in university? And afterwards do you know what career you want to go into?"
"Yes, I'm studying criminal justice. I'm not sure why, I've always had an interest in it and always watched the crime tv shoes when younger. After graduation, I want to become either a family lawyer, or someone who helps with kids in the foster care system."
She amazes me more everyday. How could someone be so selfless, yet smart, beautiful, and wise.
"That's amazing. I think you'd be great at either of those jobs". Paige blushed and turned away from me.

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