Chapter 34: Rehearsal Dinner

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Paige's point of view:

Tomorrow was the big day! I couldn't wait to marry the love of my life, and become one. We were getting ready for the rehearsal dinner, which was being held at my parent's house. Like planned, the wedding would be relatively small, with only close family and friends. Juliet was bummed when her parents said they couldn't (or wouldn't go), but I made her some of my homemade cookies and cheered her up. 

We were all currently getting dressed in formal attire; me in a black suit, Juliet in a blue dress, Matthew in dress pants and a collared green shirt, Ben matching Matthew, and Jamie in a little butterfly dress. The dinner started at 7:30, which meant that we had around an hour until we needed to be there, all ready to begin. Juliet walked into the room, going to the mirror a cocking her head in order to put in an earring. I walked up to her, wrapping my arms around her front and molding our bodies together. I ley my head rest on her shoulder as we made eye contact through the mirror. 

"What're you doing Paige" she turned around in my arms. 

"Admiring the view of course" 

She giggled and leaned up to peck my lips, although I wanted more than that. I held her lips hostage against mine and moved my arms down to her ass, squeezing it lightly. She moaned and started rubbing her hips against by growing bulge. It just added fuel to the fire that her dress wasn't fully zipped since she couldn't reach it. Before we could go longer a knock and a faint "Mama" was heard at the door. 

"Stupid cockblock" Juliet slapped my arm lightly, ordering me to zip the rest of her dress up. I sat on the bed and put a cover over my raised crotch.

Matthew came bounding in the room, right towards Juliet. I loved the kid but he was a total cock block. This wasn't the first occurrence. 

"Mama, Mommy I went poopy" was this kids for real? 

"Oh my goodness Matthew that's wonderful" Juliet beamed. I smiled the best I could for still being somewhat upset. 

"Good job bud" I tried to sound cheerful but the look Juliet gave me let me know that I hadn't fooled her.

"Okay" I clapped my hands. "It's time to get going, let's all meet at the car. Jules I'll get the twins if you get Matthew and the twins' bag" she nodded her head and led Matthew out of the room. That was a close one. 

A few minutes later we were all in the car headed off to the church. I had let Juliet get her way on most of the wedding, including getting married in the local church she used to come to as a girl. Apparently her and the pastor were pretty close. 

The church was only a couple of minutes away, and when we got there, there were only a couple a cars in the parking lot. Not a big affair at all. I took the twins again as Juliet rounded up a shy looking Matthew. Apparently he hadn't been to church despite Juliet's attachment. Another reason to hate Ryan. 

When ma and Erin saw us they hurried over, each cooing at the twins. I rolled my eyes. "Nice to see you guys as well, I'm good thanks for asking" Erin rolled her eyes and Mom just plain ignored me, playing with Jamie's feet. 
We were on time yet we were the last ones to show up. After the rest of the hellos the pastor led Juliet and I to the front, for the practice ceremony. I knew exactly what I was going to say tomorrow in my vows, but just in case I wrote them down. Juliet had a piece of loose-leaf paper with her so I'm assuming she did the same thing. 

Juliet stood facing each other and holding hands as the Pastor Joe went about what was going to happen tomorrow. At the end, he had us kiss, which I was more than ready to do. I took Juliet's arms and pulled her into my, grabbing her face and kissing her lightly. No tongue, just love. There was clapping in the background and Erin gave mom what looked like a tissue. wimps. 

Just like we would do normally we stepped off the altar and walked down the wooden stairs to where everyone was seated, still hand in hand. Julie leaned in close as one of my other friends from work came and talked, Danielle. I guess Jules was feeling territorial, but it was cute nonetheless. 

The actual dinner portion of the evening would be in the converted gym, and since Juliet didn't want anything too expensive we did a buffet line of BBQ. I sat with Ben on my lap, feeding him his bottle while taking the occasional bite of my pulled pork sandwich. Juliet was across the table from me, doing the same thing but with Jamie. Matthew sat next to her, eating his food. I felt so lucky in that moment; eating good food with my friends, family, and fiancée and everyone enjoying themselves. I couldn't wait for tomorrow, that's for sure. 

"Paige" I looked over and Juliet was signaling me. 

"It's time for the twins to sleep, can we put them down together?" I nodded and we excused ourselves from the table, bringing the twins into a separate room where they could sleep in quiet. We brought the pack n' play and laid both twin down together. Right away they cuddled up into one another, the twin bond strong. 

"We made some pretty cute babies Huh Jules" she hummed and leaned her head on my shoulder. 

We ended up standing and admiring the twins for a couple more minutes before heading back into the gym. Little did we know that someone was waiting for us to leave... 

Hi guys! So sorry for the delayed chapter, I've been super busy lately. Please comment and vote on your thoughts about what will happen next. See you next time!

- Jane 

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