Chapter 31: The First Few Days

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Juliet's point of view:

Ever since we brought the twins home the other day there hasn't been much sleeping for anyone in the household. The twins had already started a routine of crying at 3:30 am for food, and then would need to be burped. It was like clockwork. Even though Paige couldn't breastfeed the babies, she fed them through a bottle and we took turns getting up. 

Right now we were getting ready to go to Paige's parents house, all 5 of us. Helen was bombarding Paige's phone with requests to hold her grandbabies, and a little outing would benefit us all. 

Once we arrived, Paige unbuckled Matthew and held him on one hip, while getting Jamie. I swear she was supermom. My hormones were still active so basically whatever Paige did or wore I was attracted to, and currently she was wearing shorts and a V-neck. I grabbed Ben's carrier and Helen met us at the door, squealing. 

Once inside Helen went straight to the carriers, clapping her hands like a toddler. Paige lifted Jamie out and carefully handed her to her mom, then sitting down in the adjacent loveseat next to Matthew. I sat down next to Paige and snuggled close, since she gave the best snuggles. She looked over and kissed my head, wrapping her arm around my shoulder and then going back to play with Matthew. In the mean time Daniel had entered the room so I took Ben out of the carrier and gently handed him to Daniel. The look on his face holding his first grandson was priceless that I nudged Paige to get her attention. She laughed and took a picture of the two. ]

The rest of the afternoon consisted of playing and taking care of the twins, and have quality family time with the others. Sam and Lucas both got a chance to hold the twins, much to their delight. Paige was hesitant at first but then I squeezed her arm and she relaxed. At around 2 it was naptime for both the twins and Matthew. Normally it also meant alone time with Paige, but we couldn't do what we normally did here. If you know what I mean. :)

Paige carried Ben, I took Jamie, and Helen carried Matthew to the guest bedroom. Old memories came back of when Paige and I had first met and kissed. 

I sang a lullaby and to my delight all three of them were out fast. Helen had already left the room so It was just Paige and I gawking at our adorable babies. 

"Honey" Paige brought me out of my thoughts. "I wanted to ask you permission for me to officially adopt Matthew. I love him to death and want him to feel included  with the twins who just arrived". She held me from behind so I looked back while she peeked over my shoulder. Instead of verbally answering her, I kissed her smooth lips in a passionate kiss. She reciprocated and we ended up kissing for awhile. It was a kiss of lust, instead of pure love and emotion. 

"Does that mean yes" she broke the kiss. 

I nodded.  "Yes, I'd love for you to officially become Matthew's 2nd parent" I turned around and hugged her tightly. I hadn't even thought about the possibility of her adopting Matthew, but fell in love with the idea as soon as she mentioned it. She was made to be a mother, and she was damn good at it as well. 

Paige and I returned to the living room where Helen and Daniel were watching a Harry Potter movie. I think it was the Chamber of Secrets. 

"Mom, dad, Juliet and I have some exciting news" they look our way, and Daniel paused the movie. 

"Sometime soon, we don't know when, I am going to officially adopt Matthew as my own" Helen gasped and stood up, tears forming in her eyes. Daniel stood as well, hugging Paige while keeping one arm around his emotional wife. 

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