Chapter 32: Matthew's Adoption

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Paige's point of view:

Today was the day. I was going to officially adopt Matthew as my own. Not that I didn't already consider him my own but today it'd be official. We were due at the judge's office at 11:30, and all morning Juliet has been bustling around the house trying to get things organize that had nothing to do with the hearing. I guess her hormones are still not quite normal. Speaking of which, the twins are looking more different every day, yet they act the same. It's peculiar since they are fraternal twins...

I decided to dress my best since it was an important day. My black dress pants, crisp white dress shirt, black suit jacket, and fancy shoes. I had my hair styled slightly, and my expensive watch on ( Yes I have more than one watch). 

Juliet came into the bedroom with a knee length maroon halter top dress with her hair styled up and light makeup on. She looked gorgeous. 

"Paige, if you're done gawking it's time to go. We still need to drop off the twins before heading to the courthouse" Juliet said amused. I nodded and walked towards her, grabbing her hand and molding our bodies together. 

"You look absolutely beautiful Jules" She blushed and connected our lips. As much as I wanted the kiss to continue, we really did need to get going. 

Matthew was standing at the front door playing with Ben in his carrier. He was wearing dark blue jeans, a green collared shirt, and his hair was combed nicely. My handsome little man was going to officially be mine today. I couldn't wait. 

Luckily my parent's house was slightly on the way to the courthouse, so we briefly dropped off the twins and wee on our way again. Matthew was playing in the backset with one of his action figures. He didn't mind being in the car, unlike Jamie who was throwing a fit. Her little hand was balled into a fist and everything. 

Arriving at the courthouse wasn't a problem. The receptionist was obviously checking me out, and both Juliet and I knew it. She was getting protective of me and hugging my arm. 

We only ended up having to wait 10 minutes until Judge Williams called us back. the ceremony was short, and sweet. The judge's final words still ran in my head. 

"Do you Paige Erica Simms take forth the duty and responsibility that comes with the guardianship of Matthew Simon Banks starting from this point forwards" I nodded and held Matthew's hand. He judge asked Matthew the same question, and in typical Matthew fashion he nodded and hid in his mommy's neck. The judge chuckled and had us sign some paperwork. Matthew was happy that he got a brand new pen. It's the little things with that kid. 

The judge banged his gavel for the last time, declaring that I was officially Matthew's other mother, or "Mama". I was thrilled, and went to hug Juliet who was holding Matthew. Tears were forming in my eyes from pure joy, it was such a sweet family moment. All we needed was the twins. 

Before going to the courthouse I had promised Matthew ice cream, so on the way back to my parent's house we stopped by Ben and Jerrys. Matthew got chocolate, Juliet got Vanilla swirl, and I got mint chocolate chip. 

Mom had already mentioned something to me about having a celebration pool party/BBQ after the adoption was finalized. We were still in our fancy clothes so we would have to stop by the apartment first, change, and then head back over to the house. 

When we got back we all three headed into Matthew's bedroom. I got out a bag of emergency clothes, swim trunks, towels, diapers for the twins, and other things I felt we might need. Meanwhile Juliet was changing Matthew. She then gave him her phone while we went to change into our swim suits.  I chose my short block suit while Juliet wore a blue bikini with little beachballs on it. 
When we were all dressed we headed over to the house, each of us with smiles on our face. 

Mom greeted us at the door, her smile bigger than mine. She hugged all three of us and then invited us back. Lucas, Sam, dad, and Erin were in the backyard, dad was grilling and the others were in the pool. Erin shrieked when she saw us, running towards me all wet. I sidestepped her and started running towards the table. I could hear her pout behind me and her feet slapping the ground behind me. 

"F off Erin we saw each other yesterday" I shouted, getting closer to the table

"But you're my best friend moron" she yelled back. 

I made it to the table and saw she was still a bit behind me. Juliet and mom were laughing in the background but I was just annoyed. 

"You're officially a mama to three kids. That's celebratory hoe"

I whipped around. "No cursing in front of the kids doof" she raised her hands in surrender and sat on the bench, catching her breath. 

I still had my suit on underneath my shorts, so I stripped down and joined Juliet and Ben in the water. Mom had Jamie, who was lathered up in sunscreen and hardly any skin was exposed. Both twins had  on hats, full body suits, little sunglasses, and socks on their feet. Juliet was taking no chances on them getting burnt. Luckily Matthew was at an age where he could swim by himself with limited supervision. We had signed him up for swim lessons next week at the local pool, which he was excited about. I remember the first time I swam, I was not a happy camper. 

The rest of the afternoon was spent swimming, eating dad's delicious BBQ, and basking in the happiness of the family and friends around me. Everyone was sitting down; Juliet, Jamie, mom, and Ben to my left, and then Dad, Sam, Lucas and Erin to my left. It was all of my favorite people together at once, and now like Erin had mentioned, I was a mother of three. Next step would be marrying the woman of my dreams. 

Hello everyone, super sorry about the slow updates. Please comment and vote on this chapter, and I'll see you guys next time!

- Jane

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