Chapter 15: Family Vacation Part 2

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Paige's point of view:

It was mid-morning, and everyone was up and about. Breakfast had been served and everyone was lounging trying to figure out what to do for the day. It was between hanging out at the lake, or going into town and doing stuff there.
Juliet was reading on the couch, watching Matthew play on the carpet with his trains.
"I know" everyone looked at Helen. "Let's just split up and do what we want to do and not flight. We're only here for a week, and there's so much to do". Everyone agrees and moved about.
"Alrighty, so raise your hand if you want to go to the lake" Juliet, Matthew ( with his moms help), Daniel, and myself all raised our hands.
"Okay, so that means myself, Sam, and Lucas want to go into town. Let's hit the ground running people" and with that Helen clapped her hands and walked out of the room.
I rolled my eyes and followed behind my mom.

I had decided on wearing a light green bikini, with little beach ball imprints on it as well as dark green swim trunks. The twins and mom had already left and Juliet was putting sunscreen on herself and Matthew.
"Need any help" she jumped
"Yes please, could you do my back?" I smiled and grabbed the sunblock. Juliet wore a dark red two piece, which was both sexy and conservative at the same time. It held her perfect breasts in place, while showing her tan stomach and strong arms. Matthew, on the other hand, wore a "Cars" swim trunks and a dark blue swim shirt. He already had is ducky blow ups on his arms and was playing with the sunscreen on his legs.
"How's a going back there Paige"
I apparently zoned out, since Juliet's back was white with sunscreen and my hand was still resting on her waist.
"Oh, um, good thanks. Sorry, got distracted" I mumbled. I was still standing behind her, and took the opportunity to lean towards her right ear.
"By the way Jules, you look absolutely beautiful."
She turned around and smiled, saying a quick thanks while trying to hide her blush. I still saw it though and it made her look even cuter.
Our moment was interrupted when dad came done the hall, his loud footsteps echoing through the living tool and connected kitchen.
"Who's ready" he exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air and a big smile on his face. He was a child at heart.
"Ready dad". I looked at Juliet who nodded and went to get Matthew. We all grabbed a towel, sunscreen, and a few water bottles before walking down the gravel path to the lake. Luckily, it was a private lake, and not very big, so we usually either had it to ourselves or with a few other people. Today, there was a young family a few hundred feet away from where we usually went. A dad, mom, and two little girls, no older than 5 were all splashing and enjoying themselves in the water.
It was indeed a beautiful day; clear skies, sunny, and a light breeze which cooled you down from the sun. The water was a royal color blue, and not choppy looking.
"Well ladies, I'm going to set up shop right here so you can leave your stuff nearby. It's a beautiful day, enjoy the water" Juliet smiled and started to walk to a nearby chair, setting her things down. I went to the one next to her, leaving the one in the middle for Matthew.
I decided to strip down to my bikini, leaving my sunglasses on and my hair in a messy bun.
"It looks like Matthew wants to go to the water. If your not ready, could I take him down"
"Of course,"
I walked over to grab Matthew's hand, he was jumping up and down while running.
"Careful buddy, don't run" I had to stop him before he slipped on the sand and pebbles. He obeyed and soon we made it to the shore. I was still holding his hand as he bent down and sat in the water, making a splash against my ankles. He giggled and and kicked his feet, getting me wetter.
He looked so carefree so instead of bursting his bubble, I crouched down to his level and started lightly splashing him below his shoulders. He wasn't playing as nice, trying to get me as wet as possible.
"Okay, okay, Matthew you win stop splashing me" I held his arms down. " stand up and I'll take you into the deeper water".
He obeyed and took a few moments to stand like an older man would, but he was cuter. I reached down to pick him up, making sure he had his swim floaters on his arms.
The water was a cool and crisp temperature, not to cold, and not to hot. I continued going farther into the water until it went up to my waist, and the bottom of Matthew's feet underwater.
"You like that bud"
"Ya ya" he flailed his arms around.
"You want to go a little deeper? I'll still hold onto you and be right here"
He nodded so I began to bend my knees until I was kneeling on the sand at the bottom of the lake, the water up to mid waist. I held Matthew, who had both legs underwater, but not looking distressed.
"Hey you two, look over here" I looked up when a flash suddenly went of, temporarily blinding me. When I could see again, Juliet was giggling at the shore and holding her phone, having just taken a picture.
"I couldn't help myself, you two look so cute and comfortable together".
"No problem. You should come in the water with us, it feels amazing".
She held up a finger and walked back to her chair. I couldn't help but watch when she slowly removed her sun dress over her bikini, the exposed flesh shining in the sun. She shook her head, and tucked her hair behind one of her ears, while taking the pony tail holder off her wrist to tie her hair up.
I was awestruck at how beautiful she looked doing such an ordinary action. She must've felt much staring, since she looked up and we made  eye contact, giving me a light smile and a wink.
After spraying on sunscreen, she approached the water and made her way over to us. Matthew started speaking incoherently, while I just smiled and watched the mother and son interact.
I hadn't even noticed that Juliet had brought a small beach all into the water, until I felt it against my face. She was trying not to smile or laugh, but the face she made instead made her look constipated.
"Hey, I saw that"
She was holding Matthew and lifted him up in front of her as a shield.
"You wouldn't hit Matthew"
"No, I wouldn't. But I most definitely would hit you" I winked at her afterwards and lunges at her side, clinging onto her suit and taking Matthew into my arms. He was giggling carefree, while his mother was pouting.
"You got me wet Paige"
"It probably wasn't the first time, and most defiantly won't be the last either." She blushed and looked anywhere but me. While she was distracted, I took the beach ball and threw it at her, hitting her square in the face, causing her to fall back into the water.
"Oh gosh, I'm sorry, here" I outstretched my hand to help her out, Matthew on my hip.
"Not so fast, haha". I couldn't catch myself before falling into the water.
While the water felt nice on my body, i shot up out of the water when I remembered Matthew. After wiping my eyes, I saw Juliet laughing and holding a giggling Matthew.
"That was sneaky Jules, I'll give you that one". I got a grin in response and I had suddenly forgiven her.

After playing in the water for awhile, we all went back up to the house. It was late afternoon at the time, and Matthew was at the brink of sleep. I walked next to Juliet as she held Matthew, dad had returned to the house awhile ago for a nap himself. It was the perfect time to talk; a secluded and intimate area where no other life was seen.
"Hey Jules,"? She looked over and we made eye contact.
"I've been coming here with my family for years, and two years ago I found a special place with a waterfall and an abandoned rope swing. Would you like to go on a mini date with me? I'm sure my parents would love to watch Matthew for a couple of hours?"
Without having to say anything, her face lit up and a slight blush streaked across her face.
"I'd love to Paige, that sounds amazing", she leaned in and lightly kissed my cheek, her plump lips sending shivers across my body. At this point we had stopped walking and we're enjoying each other's company.
"A-awesome, we'll leave early morning then". Damn it, why did I stutter.

"Sounds great, I'm looking forward to it". Juliet exclaimed, still blushing.
I reached up and stroked Matthew's head that was leaning on his mother's shoulder, his wet hair matted to his head. Juliet continued to walk again, and I followed, excited about what tomorrow would bring.

And that's another chapter, thanks so much for reading! See you next time.

- Jane

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