Chapter 41: Ultrasound and Underwear

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Juliet's point of view:

Today was my ultrasound appointment for the new baby. I couldn't wait to hear its little heartbeat and see the beginning of what he/she would look like.
Currently we were having family snuggle time, in our pjs. The twins were the most dressed up in there onesies while Paige had on boxers and a sports bra, Matthew had on his Perry the platypus underwear, and I had on my underwear and a tank top. To be fair it was a hot day.
The appointment was at 10:30 and it was a Thursday, so we had some more time to snuggle before we had to spring into action. Helen and Daniel was coming to get the kids at 10 and they'd stay there for the duration of the appointment.
Everything was going great in family snuggle time, Paige was spooning me while I was spooning Matthew and then then Jamie was snuggled into Matthew while Ben was between Paige and I. It was a good thing that Paige was on the end because we had pizza and that makes her fart a lot. I wish I was joking but she didn't even give us any warning and literally let out a solid 5 second fart, laughing throughout. Matthew and I groaned, while the twins didn't know what was going on. I scooted back into Paige to hopefully scorn her but instead I was my with a massive member against my butt.
"Paige, go into the bathroom and get that down. I don't want that of the kiddos seeing it" she looked down and het face whitened a bit.
"Crap, sorry honey"
She scooted away from me and got out of bed. It was a good thing that everyone was facing the other way since she had a massive tent in her boxers. It was making me horny.
"Babe I can feel your eyes on me and it's not helping my situation" I looked up and saw Paige playfully glaring at me, arms crossed.
"I can't help it, you look amazing" I looked her up and down, my eyes lingering on her bulge. She shook her head and proceeded to go into the bathroom.

A few minutes later it was time to get ready to go, so I shooed the kids and set Matthew to watch the twins during their tummy time while I showered. When I entered the bathroom Paige was signing in the shower, to radioactive by imagine dragons. I laughed quietly since she hadn't noticed me and stripped, joining her. She jumped her I wrapped my arms around her from behind, turning around so that are fronts were facing.
"Hi" she said, ticking my hair behind my ear.
"Hello beautiful"
After that we actually showered with no funny business. We then got dressed, me in a light blue tank top and shorts and Paige In basketball shorts and a muscle tee, looking delicious.

Helen arrived 10 minutes later to watch the kids, and then Paige and I were off. The doctor was 15 minutes away and we held hands on the way, chatting aimlessly.

Paige bring the gentlewomen that she was opened my car door for me and then we walked in hand and hand. We got a few stares when we entered, but we just ignored them and waited to be called by the doctor.
"Juliet Simms" a nurse called. I nodded and smiled at my new name, I was so happy.
The doctor came in moments later and I was instructed to lie on my back and fill up my shirt. Paige sat next to me, holding my hand. The gel was colder than I remembered but you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes. When the doctor put the baby scanner as Paige called it in my stomach, she moved it around until the light sound of a heartbeats could be heard. I started to tear up, it was so surreal that I was having another babysit my age. Paige squeezed my hand while the doctor explained what we were seeing and other basic information. She had I was 12 weeks along, and that in another month or two we could find out the sex. She also said that she only saw one baby, but couldn't be sure. I swear I'd hurt Paige if she impregnated me with twins again.
We said our goodbyes and made our way out of the office. Paige held the envelope with the pictures of the scan, while I looked like an idiot smiling widely.
While on the way back home, my gonna rang and it was Helen.
"Hey Helen how's it going"
"Hi Juliet, and pretty good. Was Matthew acting off this morning, health wise? Because he's throwing up and has a medium fever"
"No, well, he was pretty quiet during family snuggle time but I just thought that he was tired. Paige and I will be home in 5, thanks Helen"
"Your welcome. He's currently in his bed. See you soon"

"What's wrong honey" asked Paige.
"Matthew is sick apparently. He threw up and had a fever.
"Oh gosh, I'll get us home ASAP" her foot went on the gas and the car accelerated past the light and down the street.

As soon as she parked the car I was out and half running to the house. When I entered Helen was at the table, head in her hands. Ben was in one high chair and Jamie was in hers both eating happily.
"I'm so sorry Juliet, i don't now what happened. One second he was eating and the next he was throwing up everything all over the floor". I nodded and went to hug her, she seemed all distraught.
"It's okay, probably just a bug or something, I'll go check on him" Paige walked in a second later and heard a similar story from her mom while I went down the hallway. When I entered Matthew was in bed with a trash can next to him, in his buzz lighter pjs and laying on his back,
"Hey sweetheart" he looked up and gave me a weak smile.
"Mommy" he outstretched his arms. I gladly took him into a big hug, feeling the warmth radiate off of him.

After accessing the status on Matthew's current condition, he had a 102.7 fever and aaa throwing up only bile at this point. Paige undressed him and together they laid in their underwear while reading a story.

It was the late evening when I checked back in with the pair, to find them asleep snuggling. I took a picture since it was one of those priceless moments of a mother and son.

I decided to start dinner, which would be chicken noodle soup since it'd be light on Matthew's stomach. While cooking I felt two warm arms wrap around my waist and Paige's head on my shoulder, kissing my neck lightly.
"Hey babe, is that your famous chicken noodle soup"
I nodded. " indeed, figured it'd be easy on Matthew's stomach".
Paige pressed herself against me and without looking I could tell that she was just in her underwear.
"Baby put on some shorts, I don't want the kids to see your you know what".
"Why not, at some point they are going to know, especially since i'm so big" she smirked.
" believe mr I know how big you are missy. But the kids are too young to understand your condition and I don't want them seeing it".
"Didn't Matthew see Ryan's" I looked at her, appalled that she asked.
"Why would you ask that, it's not fair towards Matthew or Ryan. Yes Ryan had been naked when Matthew was around but I didn't want him to be. He's to young"
"But he has a penis baby so why not know that I have one as well. It's like learning something new".
"Fine, shoe Matthew your penis. Although technically your not supposed to have one so it'll just confuse him further knowing that you have boobs and a penis".
She looked at me hurt, then lightly shook her head before walking away. I knew I'd struck a nerve but I was stubborn and I wanted her to know how I felt.

Dinner was awkward to say the least. Paige wouldn't talk and Matthew was barely eating. The twins were happily eating, not understanding what was happening around them. After dinner Paige went to help Matthew and the twins while I cleaned up. A little apart time would be good.

It was 10 when I finally gave up, going out into the living room where Paige was reading.
"Baby" she looked back at me and smiled.
"You know one of the marriage laws, never go to bed angry. So, let's talk"
"Okay, I'll start". I nodded in response.
" I understand your reasoning, but sooner or later Matthew is going to either see my member or the tent in my boxers. And when that day comes we can sit done the three of us a talk. I believe that he is old enough to understand his body in some capacity and that it'll be a learning lesson for him. Now you".
"I love your point about the learning lesson, I guess not on the same about him being old enough. His birthday is coming up in a couple months, maybe then. If he asks then we can talk to him. If not, we wait. Is that fair?"
"Yes honey, I hate arguing" she hugged me, pulling our bodies together.
"Me to" I replied, hugging her back. "Let's go to bed, together now" she nodded and we walked hand in hand to the bedroom.

Thank you for reading the chapter, please comment/vote and I'll see you next time.

- Jane

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