Chapter 7: Babysitting

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Paige Simms point of view:

I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face. I couldn't wait to see Juliet, and even little Matthew again. But sadly, it was a Monday and I had 3 classes today.
Struggling out of bed, I stretched before opening my blinds. I looked at the Banks' house for a few moments, hoping to see a glimpse of either person I wanted to see. Alas, I had been staring for 10 minutes and I had a to leave shortly.
Erin had asked for me to pick her up, since we had the same class time.

I got dressed into jeans and a red shirt, with converse and earrings. There was nobody to impress at university so dressing simple was the best way to go.
My silver car pulled out of the driveway, and headed down the road to Erin's house. Erin lived closer to university than I did, so it was easy to pick her up. She had a big, three story house. She was the oldest of 5 children, yet she defiantly wasn't the most mature.
"Heya Bitch". Erin had been saying that every morning when I picked her up since sophomore year.
"Hey Erin, happy Monday"
I got a huff in return and headed down the road. Our first class was the history of law, my favorite class. We learned about the lawsuits and trials that happened in history and how the system has evolved. It was fascinating to me, and it made me love law even more. Erin was majoring in communications, since she couldn't agree with her parents on her major. She wanted to study art, but her dad wanted her to study economics. But that's a whole other story so I'll just leave that be.

Erin I broke off and headed our respective ways. My class was and hour and a half, Erin's was 2 hours. We always got coffee afterwards before our afternoon classes.

As soon as I entered my lecture hall, the smell of oak and tobacco smoke filled my nose. My teacher was a 56 year old man, who was very educated, but not a very good person. His name was Mr. Adams. Minutes after I sat down, he started talking and class had begun.

The sun was bright in the sky when I exited the building. It was going to be a beautiful day, despite the chilling winds. The campus was filled with other students and it gave the real feel of being in university. I had about 20 minutes until Erin's class ended, so I decided to go to a bench in the quad. I had brought my lecture notes for my next class, so I reviewed them and took annotations.
I didn't even hear Erin approach me, until she shouted in my left ear and laughed after I jumped.
"Haha, got you. You are so jumpy". She couldn't stop laughing while I just glared at her.
"Whatever, let's just get coffee before I decide to ditch you". She frowned in response and ran to catch up to me.
The coffee shop was two blocks away from the quad, so we could walk. On the way we talked about class. The trees were full and swaying in the wind, birds chirping, and business men hurrying to get to there destination. I loved Florida, and never wanted to leave.

Erin was talking about her new crush, a guy named Seth in her class. I wasn't really listening, just occasionally nodding my head and making little sounds to let her know I was somewhat paying attention. It wasn't that I didn't care, it was more that she has had so many crushes that I lost interest after the first dozen. She was not crazy, and thought that I was too so she'd try to set me up with guys. Jokes on her I'm gay. Especially for Juliet Banks.

The coffee shop was busy so we took our drinks to go. The guy at the counter was flirting with Erin, but I could see right through him. He has long blonde curly hair, brown eyes, and a thick southern accent. He reminded me of Ryan, except for the accent.
She shamelessly flirted back, despite her telling me about her crush just minutes prior.

I had only 20 minutes before my next class, so I said goodbye to Erin and headed back towards campus. As I was about to enter my next lecture, my phone rang. It was an unknown number, so ignored and silenced my phone.

That class was 2 hours, so it was mid afternoon before it got out. I saw that I had a voicemail from the mysterious number, so I sat down and listened.
"Hello Paige, this is Juliet Banks from across the street. You didn't get my call earlier, so I hope you can hear this. Ryan's work has an event tonight and we were wondering if you could babysit Matthew? Your mom recommended you and I know how well you get along with Matt. If you could come over at 6, I'll train you a bit before we have to leave. You'll only need to stay until around 10 or 11 and we'd pay you of course. Please either call or text back at this number if you could. I'm sorry for the late notice."

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